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Chapter 7: More weights, more growth

**This story may contain: huge muscles, muscle growth, huge cocks, cock growth, anal, excessive cum, hardcore sex, squirting, drugs, steroids and probably some other great stuff.

Debra was ready for an intense workout. Before getting to the gym, she gulped down no less than 5 energy drinks. With a loud and powerful grunt, the massive woman drew the attention of all the people in the gym. Even if they tried to focus on their individual workouts, there was no ignoring the hulking behemoth of a woman who towered over everyone with her massive frame. Today was a special day. She felt like she needed to train way past her limits. The blood was boiling inside her thick veins. She was determined to get a massive pump and push her muscles to complete destruction in order to make them grow. The sight of Debra pumping out reps with the most ridiculously heavy dumbbells and barbells was shocking even to those who had known her for a long time. Not even Sarah had ever seen her like this. With a loud roid-fuelled roar, she began pushing two 450 lbs dumbbells upwards as her chest started contracting violently with each mind-breaking rep. Her pecs were absolutely burning under her bloated fake tits. Each of those cold pieces of raw steel was close to the weight of her entire body, which now stood at a staggering 518 lbs, yet she was still somehow able to move them. Sweat was raining down her majestically musclebound body, turning the floor around her into a literal pond. About twenty reps in, her pecs became so huge that her sports bra exploded like an overinflated balloon. Of course, such a minor inconvenience wasn’t gonna make her stop. "Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty…" Debra counted inside her head, clenching her as her chest felt like the muscle was gonna burst through her skin any moment now. Her muscles looked more like reinforced armor than human meat at this point, yet she continued to force more hardness into them, fully determined to get to 50 reps. "Forty-six, forty-seven, forty-eight..." She continued her brutal set, the dumbbells feeling twice as heavy to her fatigued muscles. Even her fingers were crying in pain, yet the muscle-obsessed woman refused to stop. After she reached rep number 50, Debra dropped the weights with a thundering thud, cracking the gym floor and creating a shockwave that rocked everyone. It was so powerful that some gym-goers lost their balance and fell on their asses. Debra got up and checked out her overly-pumped chest in the wall-sized mirror. Her pecs were red hot and so huge she could crush a human’s skull between them without any effort.

She then moved on, as her workout was far from over. She grabbed the overloaded barbell and began doing bicep curls with over 500 lbs of hard steel. Her biceps peaked into massive balls of hard muscle that throbbed from exhaustion, yet she kept on punishing them relentlessly. Every time she raised the bar they would swell further, looking for more space on her massive arms even though there was hardly any left. "Not big enough! I can do better!” Debra said to herself with sweat covering her entire forehead as the veins that riddled her biceps became thicker than ever before. She stopped for a moment took a deep breath then began pumping out reps like a literal machine. She felt like her arms were about to fall off, yet she continued to push through the pain like a mad woman. Her roars and grunts were so primal it looked like she was possessed. Her entire upper body was so swollen from the extreme effort that it would be a miracle if she could fit through the door on the way out. The others watched with awe as Debra kept doing bicep curls until she eventually got to 100. A normal human being would have passed out a long time ago, but Debra simply dropped the barbell back to its place and began to flex in the mirror, reveling in the supreme pump she was experiencing. Her arms were out of this world, her biceps so huge and shredded it was an absolute miracle her skin was still able to contain them. Her veins looked like steel pipes with boiling water running through them. If she kept on going like this, her already gigantic boobs would have to get another fill-up to stay consistent with the rest of her.

Naturally, after she was done flexing, she continued to work out. She went for shoulder presses and then back rows. She kept on torturing her body for the next two hours in the most brutal ways possible, moving thousands upon thousands of pounds of weight and giving everyone a show they weren’t gonna forget soon. Some filmed her training, others jerked off to her body, but she didn’t care at all. She just kept going. At the end of it all, her body was far beyond exhaustion, her insane muscle mass pumped up to obscene levels. Everywhere she went there was now a massive puddle of sweat combined with pussy juice, as her arousal just kept spiking up with each new exercise she performed. She turned her head towards Sarah and asked her how much time had passed. The little girl raised five fingers, indicating that she had been training for five hours. “Damn! Time really flies when you’re building up your body to fucking perfection!” she said as she flexed her biceps and kissed its meaty peak. It took significantly more effort than normal though, as both her arms and shoulders were pumped to absurdity, restricting her movements to some extent. Her entire body was throbbing all over and fat veins pulsed up and down each slab of female beef with hypnotic intensity. She was absolutely in love with the look of her body when it was this pumped. It was practically begging her to feed it with more steroids in order to grow bigger and more shredded. But first, the massive woman had to take care of the most pressing matter: her rock-hard throbbing clit.

Judging by Sarah’s expression, she got so horny after watching Debra pump steel for 5 hours straight that her pussy was begging to be fucked. She needed her master’s meaty clit inside her. Debra effortlessly grabbed her small slave and ripped off her clothes, then positioned her small love-hole over her massive clit. The first two inches were quite the struggle for the blonde girl, the monstrously-sized clit-head mashing against her pussy for a little before finally breaking into it like a battering ram. It felt like Sarah was being remodeled from the inside as her small lips stretched wide, her inner walls shaking as they were brutally spread apart big the massive veiny appendage of Debra. Getting penetrated like this was pure pleasure created as a result of intense pain, the kind that reached all the way to the deepest parts of her brain. By the time 9 full inches disappeared into her guts, Sarah's pussy was holding so much meat her small tummy looked completely stuffed. Her orgasm rose, threatening to break her fragile mind as she closed her eyes, leaning back and, reveling in the deep penetration as dozens of people watched her like she was a circus attraction. Debra then squeezed her thick glutes and pushed the last inch inside the girl, completely burying her entire clit into the girl and making her entire body shake uncontrollably. Then the musclebound woman started moving the blonded up and down her massive womanhood like a ragdoll. Sweat flew off her bulging pecs with every deep thrust as Sarah's body was being hammered mercilessly in, Debra’s strong hands squeezing her tiny buttcheeks as she moved her like a living toy. A huge bulge kept appearing on the girl’s slim stomach as the massive woman pummeled her pussy with increasing brutality. Debra’s clit felt amazing wrapped around her slave’s tight body. Sarah's eyes were completely white, her mouth was wide open and saliva flowed outside uncontrollably like the little girl was completely brain-dead. But she was quite the opposite. She was cumming so much she was in a perpetual state of pure bliss, unable to think about anything else but Debra’s monstrous meatpole. The countless cuts and striations on Debra’s shoulders, arms, chest and legs flexed again and again, her muscles so beautifully sculpted and huge that Sarah was practically an ant next to her. The blonde cutie was nothing but a soft, limp sex object impaled on her master’s huge sexual organ. The inside of her guts felt so warm and pleasurable it made Debra’s own pussy squirt too, adding to the already ridiculous amount of cunt juice dripping down their combined bodies.

Debra felt that she was about to cum hard. An overwhelming pressure engulfed her, a radiant wave of exhilaration coursing through her bloated veins. Her muscles were so ridiculously pumped she looked godlike, and the lustful crowd adored her majestic figure. “OH FUCK!! I’M GONNA CUM!! FUCK YEEEEEAHH!!” the massive woman shouted as she buried her clit’s monstrous length into the little girl’s guts. The release was so sudden and explosive that it struck both of their overly-stimulated brains like a jolt of electricity. In less than 10 seconds, most of the nearby gym equipment and the floor were already coated with Debra’s sweet juices, gently mixed with a healthy dose of Sarah’s. Naturally, many if not all of the spectators came too, male and women, at the sight of the gym queen’s powerful orgasm. The air was thick with the scent of Debra’s intoxicating pheromones, a volatile combination of femininity and testosterone. A few minutes later, everyone stared in disbelief at the massive bodybuilder woman as she started pumping in and out of the mind-broken fleshy toy even though the orgasm was still going strong and the juices kept on flowing. Debra was a horny beast and her girl-cock wanted more. She kept ramming her massive clit in and out of Sarah without any mercy, wondering only if she was gonna survive her sexual onslaught this time. On top of it all, her already ridiculous clit experienced another surge of growth. Her meaty appendage broke every limit of logic or anatomy and reached 10 full inches in length. Her clit was now bigger than most male pornstars, with girth and vascularity to match. She wanted to keep going, to fuck anything that moved. Sadly for her, Sarah passed out completely, her body now nothing but a limp piece of meat in her strong hands. Debra pulled her clit out of Sarah and tossed her to the side like a used condom, then turned her attention to the crowd. “Are you fuckers ready to taste my superior clit?” she said with a thirst for domination in her beautiful eyes. What followed was the most intense orgy of all of their lives, with the godlike Debra right in the center of it, wrecking everyone with her majestic member.


sven mueller

Fantastic story and next please she is the best


This is the most fun character. Insane muscle obsession and psychotic sex drive. Hope for a follow up with her fucking the other gym patrons. How about her alternating between fucking and lifting in a single gym session.