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5:56 PM

This is Dr. Kelsey Green’s audio log. After many years of hard work and countless sleepless nights, I’ve finally done it! I am positive that this last trial will yield tangible results and that the serum will work as intended, if not better. Because the last dozen or so experiments have proved… well, lethal to the subjects, I have chosen to test the serum on myself. I am this confident that it will work this time. A few minutes from now, at 6 PM sharp, I will inject myself with the serum and then wait for the effects to manifest. I will try to document everything I see and feel in as much detail as possible. This is the day I’ve been waiting for. This is the day I finally unlock the full potential of my body. I do this for the future of mankind, so that the next generations can profit from my discoveries and live better lives. Also, I really want to show those academic assholes that I’ve been right all along! All right, just a few more minutes to go. God, I’m so excited!

6:00 PM

I injected the entire contents of the syringe into the largest vein I could find on my left forearm. It shouldn’t be long until the effects start to show. The process didn’t cause any significant pain, except when the last of the serum has entered my bloodstream. That was to be expected as the needle was larger than the ones I usually use for these trials. Still, I experienced very little discomfort.

6:02 PM

The veins on my forearm, especially those around the injection site are starting to engorge and darken. The skin seems to be turning lighter, creating a powerful contrast to the continuously shaking veins. Also, the arm feels very tense, as if I’m flexing all muscles at the same time.

6:05 PM

The muscles on my forearm are growing rapidly. The fibers are tightening and bulking up as the color of my arm is continuing to change. Even the palm of my hand seems slightly larger.

6:07 PM:

My sleeve is starting to rip as my arm grows bigger and more muscular by the second. The biceps and triceps continue to expand, my arm slowly becoming as large as the ones professional bodybuilders possess. New striations are constantly appearing as I feel the muscle fibers within tear and repair themselves at an astounding rate, becoming much bigger than I predicted. The process seems almost supernatural! I am not sure how much more will my arm grow. I’m starting to feel some pain as my bare arm becomes even more inhumanly large, constantly adding more slabs of hard muscle and improving the ones already present.

6:11 PM

The growth has started to shift towards my left shoulder. The rest of my shirt is literally being ripped apart by my growing deltoids as they become more massive by the second. It is as if they are trying to catch up to the growth on my massive arm. I can feel strange tingles going down my back as it too starts packing on more and more muscle mass.

6:15 AM

The growth is now spreading across my chest and further down my huge back. I can feel the muscles bulging all over as my lats are rapidly widening. They’ve grown so large they finally ripped apart my shirt for good. My bra can barely keep up with the tension as thick muscles overtake my entire torso. The extreme muscle hypertrophy I’m experiencing also comes with incredible pain all over the affected areas, but strangely, I don’t want it to stop. I can feel my breasts pushing against my huge pectorals as my chest becomes wider and fuller. It feels as if my breasts are becoming less and less of a feature on my hardening body. The fat they consist of is slowly being used as fuel to develop my giant pectorals further.

6:19 PM

My bra has just been ripped apart and my breasts are almost completely gone. They have been replaced by thick, striated pectorals that continue to throb and grow, slowly consuming every ounce of fat still left on my chest. I can feel the effects of the serum starting to take over my abdomen too. My unimpressive mid-section is becoming harder, turning into a 4-pack, perhaps even a 6-pack. I’m not quite sure because my huge pecs are obstructing my vision. But I am sure of one thing: my body is turning into a muscle-building machine right before my very eyes. The pain is increasing as now my other arm begins to grow as well.

6:25 PM

I was wrong about the previous assessment regarding my abdomen. The muscle development didn’t stop there, it was merely the beginning. I now have a full-blown 8-pack, with muscles so densely packed together that I feel like they could easily stop a bullet. I couldn’t help touching them now that the growth on my left arm slowed down. Even so, there’s still the possibility of my abdomen developing further into a 10-pack or even a 12-pack. My obliques are also incredibly well-defined, acting like a bulky frame for my insane mid-section. I can feel the serum making its way further down to my womanly parts. This sensation is a lot different than the one I felt before. It feels… good. Very good, actually. I can feel huge veins running all over my bulging neck and traps as they slowly make their way towards my head. I am really curious what will happen when the serum reaches my brain.

6:30 PM

I can feel incredible sexual stimulation all over my private area as the serum started affecting my lower body. My womanhood has started to leak an impressive amount of juice. My clit is also becoming larger and more sensitive, almost like a small penis. My quads are rapidly turning into tree trunks, swelling up furiously as they work towards matching the rest of my new monstrous physique. My glutes and calves are becoming tighter, adding more and more mass as they become as hard as granite.

6:36 PM

I took a look in the mirror and couldn’t help marvelling at my own immensity. I am becoming a freak, an inhumanly large and muscular being that barely resembles a human anymore, let alone a woman. But I can’t help loving what I’m seeing. I also… want it to continue. I find this massively muscular form so… arousing. My huge legs are starting to shake as they continue to expand, bulking up to extreme proportions, just like the rest of my enormous body. I can feel the dark throbbing veins spreading themselves all over my face now. I can even lick them now. They feel so… full of power. Just like my new body.

6:42 PM

I got so carried away with checking out my massive muscles that I forgot to mention that my hands and feet have also grown significantly. They have now become proportionate to the rest of my enormous limbs, which have become almost ridiculously packed with hard beef. My skin is almost completely pale, as if the sun barely touched it in the last year or so. In contrast, the massive veins that are now riddled all over my hulking frame are incredibly dark, but so insanely hot I can’t stop watching them throb. I can feel the superior hormones slowly changing my thoughts, to the point I now consider this monstrously huge body nearly perfect. I say “nearly” because it needs to be bigger. It needs… more mass. I… don’t know why I said that. It seems like the process is far from over. For some strange reason, the concept of turning into a mindless mass monster seems so… appealing to me. I need to grow more.

6:50 PM

Oh fuck... so huge… and still not done growing. I... I can't believe how massive… and how sexy I've become...but I can be... so much bigger... so much more than this. I think I weigh at least 500 lbs now. So little fat left on my body… I can see every single muscle so clearly. My muscles are so beautiful… so mesmerizing. I can be a truly marvelous muscle freak. I know I can. This is only the first... of many great things to come...

6: 57 PM

I can feel it tightening... my vagina is so wet... so wonderfully huge... My pussy is leaking so much… all over my lab… my pussy lips feel so… fat… sensitive… hot. I can’t stop playing with my fat clit. Now that I still can… I’m so fucking big… so much muscle mass… 600 lbs? Maybe 700? I don’t know. I am not done growing either... there is so much more...

7:02 PM

These pectoral muscles...so hard... so fucking hot… I can feel my nipples shamelessly pointing towards the ground. My pecs are so big… they forced my nipples downwards… I don’t mind. It’s easier to reach them that way. With my enormous arms… so packed with hard muscles… biceps so huge… much bigger than my head… God, I’m so fucking hot!

7:06 PM

Yes... fucking grow... never stop growing… Oh fuck!! I’m cumming again! So gooooood!! I love my body! I want it bigger. More muscles!! More size!!

7:10 PM

My muscles… so huge… they are furiously pressing against each other. It’s become very difficult to breathe... and think... and do everything else besides cumming. And still, they grow... so beautifully... I can barely bend my arms and legs anymore. But I don’t want them to stop growing… never…stop…

7:15 PM

My hips are becoming wider… I think my body is trying to make more room for my swelling muscles… My entire gorgeous frame continues to grow... the mirror can’t contain my body anymore… I can’t see all my beautiful muscles anymore… But I feel them all… growing… throbbing with power… making me cum my brains out… I am losing control of my own body… But I can’t help it... It feels so fucking good… So many vein-riddled muscles… pulsing like beating hearts… filling my vision from every angle. I must keep going... I must... grow... more...

7:21 PM

My mouth… I’m salivating all over my glorious body...my beautiful body… I can’t stop thinking about it… I’m in a continuous state of bliss… muscle-induced bliss… muscles… So fucking huge…

7:24 PM

Bigger... keep growing bigger... as big as you possibly can... I am cumming again and again… But this is nothing… compared to what I can feel building up… deep inside my muscle-packed pussy. I feel like I could fit a fire hydrant… deep in my cunt right now…

7:27 PM

I am growing… still growing… more ridiculously muscle-packed than human anatomy should allow... this is who I want to be… A fucking muscle freak… bigger than everyone else… I think I’m close… So much mass… So many orgasms… Oh fuck! Feels like… a monster about to break out of my cunt…

7:30 PM


7:40 PM

I came so hard… I thought I was gonna die… The transformation is finally over… There’s so much muscle… so much beautiful muscle mass… everywhere. My body is immobile… and my mind is so blurry. I feel... reborn. My experiment… I finally did it! The serum worked! I am a superior being… No, the perfect being… A being of pure muscle… A goddess among mortals… If only I could stand up… And take some more of that serum…



The format is good and the premise is good. I just think you went to quickly and there's not much else to go with this story