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**This story contains: huge cocks, cock growth, huge muscles, muscle growth, large insertions, excessive cum, cock vore, drugs, hardcore sex and probably some other great stuff.

Barry was the textbook definition of a pervert: little to no friends, lived in his mother’s basement, scrawny physique, masturbated 10 times a day, usually to hentai involving futas with giant cocks. With time, he grew so obsessed with futas that nothing else could get his cock hard. And while seeing them on a computer screen got the job done most of the time, he yearned for the real thing. So he asked his mother for some cash and went straight to the brothel. But this wasn’t an ordinary brothel. They actually prided themselves with the fact that they could provide “satisfying service” to anyone, no matter how strange or extreme their fetishes. “I want the most hung futa you’ve got! She needs to be really huge. If she’s got some muscle too, that would be even better!” he said to the girl at the front desk. “Of course, sir! We’re here to provide you with our very best. Take this key and go to room 19. She’ll be with you shortly.” said the girl while she typed the client’s order on the computer. Barry did as she asked. 10 minutes later, when the door opened, Barry’s jaw dropped. This girl was everything he could ask for and then some! She was massive in every way possible: 220 lbs of muscle mass mounted on a 6’10’’ frame, as well as the most incredibly smooth-looking ebony skin he’s ever seen. Her tits were big and round, probably double G’s, with delicious pointy nipples looking straight at her horny client. She didn’t bother putting anything on since she was gonna get undressed anyway. Even though she had an impressive figure, Barry’s eyes were instantly drawn to the huge cock shamelessly hanging between her muscular tights. That thing had to be over a foot long and thicker than both his arms put together. With a pair of veiny balls twice the size of her head to match, she was Barry’s lewd dream come true. She was gorgeous too, with juicy lips and bright brown eyes, as well as perfectly done nails on both her hands and feet. For some reason, she always wore neon-style colors like green and pink on her nails. This time she chose neon green, a stark contrast with her ebony skin, but an incredible combination nonetheless. Her giant cock was leaking precum continuously as she approached Barry. It looked like she had an endless supply of it and given the size of those big black nuts, that might have actually been true. Barry’s cock was so hard it quickly became more painful than pleasurable. “Hi! I’m Jade! I’m here to make sure you’re properly entertained tonight.” she said with a cheery vibe, although looking like she was purposefully omitting something. She got closer, shamelessly pushing her throbbing cock in the client’s face.

Barry was simply overwhelmed by the muscular futa’s presence. Her huge cock was now blocking his sight and her smell was making his mind go numb. She casually grabbed her cock and slammed it against his drooling mouth, like throwing a bone to a dog. “Go ahead! Play with it! I know you want to!” she ordered, still rather playful, but also signaling that she had complete authority over him. Her precum was dripping on his face as he finally got a taste of her. He put his mouth on her helmet and began to pleasure her slit with his tongue. While doing so, he used his hands to examine her giant member from head to base, eventually reaching all the way to her sensitive balls.  She moaned like a little whore while Barry ran his hands all over her monstrous shaft, continuing to lick and suck her cockhead like a good boy. He wanted to explore her body, to lick and kiss every part of her majestic being. But Jade wasn’t interested in such trivial matters. She was a girl that got things done her way. When she got used to the way he was sucking her cock, she pushed him back on the bed and mounted him, pinning him under the weight of her muscle-packed legs and her enormous genitals. He couldn’t believe what happened next. Her cock began growing bigger and fatter right before his eyes. “You gotta do better than that, little man! This cock demands proper stimulation to be satisfied. Licks and kisses aren’t gonna cut it!” she moaned as she gently stroked her cock, knowing full well what was coming next. The warmth of her cock and balls was intoxicating. Barry wrapped both hands around her leaking shaft and started using his entire upper body to jerk her off like he was possessed. The futa’s moans were adding to his excitement, making him madly in love with her. Her muscular body and huge tits were both incredible, but he loved her cock above all else. He wanted to make her cum all over him. He kept stroking her cock faster and faster until she couldn’t take it anymore. Now sporting 2 full feet of veiny cockmeat, Jade unloaded a few gallons of sticky cum all over the bed and her puny client. “FUCK!! That was good! Now drink it!” she ordered, still shaking after the intense orgasm. Barry was gonna do that even if she didn’t ask him to. Her cum was even tastier than her precum. He drank quite a good amount before he started licking her fat cockhead, digging inside her slit with his tongue for more delicious jizz. She giggled as she looked down at the puny pervert that was covered in her cum and still wanted more. "I've never meet someone as naughty as you! You really are a fucking hopeless pervert, aren’t you?" she said as she bit her lip with anticipation.

“You’re the most amazing woman… I mean futa I’ve ever seen!” he said with puppy eyes while still squeezing her cock for more cum. "You're so sweet! Wanna know a little secret? I haven’t always been like this.” she said as she flexed her right arm, making her biceps explode with power. Her muscles put Shanique Grant to shame and even made some male stars look like they were malnourished by comparison. Barry’s eyes were fixated on the bulging ball of muscle that was her hard bicep as she kissed it with those big gorgeous lips. He wanted to know how she got so big. “I got a special diet that helps me stay in shape. And it also gives my cock its much needed vigor. See, I’m not completely hard yet!” she said with an evil grin as she started stroking her cock again, this time even harder, putting every single muscle fiber on her huge arms to work. Barry watched with awe as the monstrous cock started growing again. Jade moaned as she increased the speed of her strokes, making new giant veins appear all over her cock and balls. Speaking of balls, they started to expand too, matching the speed at which the black phallus was growing. Barry started stroking Jade’s cock too, completely lost in the moment and not caring about anything else anymore. How is this possible? How can someone have a cock this huge? What was her secret diet? His brain didn’t even try to process any of those questions at this point. He wasn’t just in love with her, he was obsessed with her. It didn’t take long for the already massive black cock to reach its final form. In its fully erect state, Jade’s cock measure a whopping 3 feet in length and was as thick as Barry’s torso. Her balls were as big as overgrown pumpkins, constantly shaking and begging to release their humongous load. “God! Sure feels good to be fully hard! I gotta say, not many clients are able to get me this aroused!” she said, playfully slapping her mammoth cock.

Barry felt like he was in heaven. But the joy of having so much futa cockmeat resting on his body was quickly cut short. “Let me show you what my special diet consists of!” she said with a wide grin. Barry watched with shock as the black futa’s cockslit opened wide right in front him, making the powerful scent of cum already present increase tenfold.  "Enjoy the trip, baby!" she said as she moved her hips forward, making her cock swallow the guy’s head whole. He could hear her muffled moans as her cock started contracting harder and harder, trying to suck more of his body inside of her. The mix of cum and pre inside her urethra made for the most effective kind of lube, making her job that much easier. "You didn’t think I was about to tell you about some fucking vegetable or magic seed, didn’t you?" she said as she pushed her hips forward, her cock now completely engulfing his chest and shoulders. "OH FUCK!! I LOVE THIS FEELING! I LOVE DEVOURING FUCKING PERVERS LIKE YOU! AND THE BEST PART IS: YOU’RE THE ONES PAYING ME!!” Jade moaned as she enjoyed the way her cock was being stretched out in order to fit Barry’s body. She was desperately trying not to cum. She loved having her cock stuffed with a human being like this. She didn’t want to cum until the little guy was completely inside her balls. "Just a little more! Come on, baby! You’re gonna love it in my big naughty balls!" she said as she pulled her cock upwards with both hands, using the power of gravity to speed up the absorption. Barry didn’t put up much of a fight, mostly because he was so madly in love with her. Even though his instinct was telling him that he was in danger, he didn’t care. The way her urethra squeezed his body as it got closer to her balls made him want to masturbate too, even though he knew there was no way do it. He was ready to become food for her majestic body and humongous cock. The excitement was so powerful he actually came right there, inside her cock, without even touching his penis, proving that even in his final moments, he was nothing more than a dirty pervert obsessed with futas. There’s no need to describe how insignificant his load was compared to what was building up inside Jade’s massive testicles.

About a minute later, his feet completely sunk into her cock and his head finally entered her balls. She could hear the splashing sounds as her prey made contact with the sea of cum inside her growing black orbs. Her cock looked so stretched out one would say it was a miracle no muscle got damaged, but it was all business as usual for Jade. She didn’t get a body like this by devouring a few perverts, she got it by devouring hundreds of them. And it always felt better than the last time. As soon as Barry’s body was completely inside her balls she fell on the cum-soaked bed and put her smooth feet around the humongous length of her cock. Her balls were so bloated that her scrotum looked like it could rip at any moment. That’s how she liked it, her beautiful balls full to the brim with some poor fucker she was gonna turn into nutrients for her wonderful body. Her massive balls tightened and her cum production went into overdrive. Not only did poor Barry start losing his grip on reality after he lost access to oxygen, he could feel himself getting lighter. He didn’t know how, but he was slowly disintegrating, slowly becoming one with the futa’s cum. It felt sensational for Jade. It felt so good she had no choice but to start jerking off using her muscular legs. “FUCK YES!! YOU SERVED YOUR PURPOSE!! NOW GO AHEAD AND MELT INTO MY CUM!! YOU WEREN’T GOOD FOR MUCH ELSE ANYWAY!!” she said as moved her feet up and down her throbbing shaft. Nobody could give a footjob like Jade. She had lots of practice on that humongous black dong and it showed. Her movements were accurate and perfectly timed, touching all the right spots that made her massive cock receive maximum stimulation. Using her feet to stroke her cock meant that her hands were free, allowing her to play with her giant tits too. “Yes babies! You’re gonna grow real soon! You and the rest of me!” she moaned as she squeezed her big black mammaries, further adding to the insane excitement he was feeling. Stimulating both her tits and cock like this for about 10 minutes got her on the verge of a massive orgasm. During this time, Barry completely turned into cum, which made her balls so full they were practically begging for release.

“THIS IS IT!! I’M… FUUUUUUUCK… I’M CUMMIIIIIIING!!” she yelled as she couldn’t control herself anymore. Her cock finally erupted, releasing gallons of thick cum like a goddamn raging volcano. Huge ropes of steamy jizz hit the ceiling of the room and rained back down on top of her, turning everything in sight into a spectacular cum-filled mess. The orgasm was so intense it felt like it lasted an eternity, when in fact in lasted about 2 minutes. As you can imagine, it was more than enough to flood the whole room with so much cum you could use to fill 10 bathtubs. "Oh fuck, that was the most intense climax I've had this whole week! I can't wait to do it again! Maybe the next guy will be fatter though, this one was kinda skinny." she said as she stared at the mess she just made. Her muscles and tits gained a little size, but not as much as she would have liked. Good thing she had a few more “clients” that night. She pulled a box of wet tissues out of a nearby drawer and started wiping the sticky cum off her body. When she was done, she got up and looked down at her huge balls, which already started producing another batch of hot cum. "I know a small fraction of you is still in there. You see, I never manage to cum 100% of what my balls can produce. But that’s fine, because I get to keep with me a tiny bit of all the hopeless perverts that got me so big and hot. See, deep down, I actually love all of you!” she said, gently massaging her balls. Turning into cum and then being splattered all over the brothel’s walls wasn’t what Barry came there to do, but it was exactly what a dirty pervert like him deserved. And he wasn’t gonna be the last, either. Jade would make sure of that.
