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**This story may contain: huge muscles, muscle growth, huge cocks, cock growth, anal, excessive cum, hardcore sex, squirting, drugs, steroids and probably some other great stuff.

Peyton crashed through the wall of her home without any effort whatsoever. Breaking apart a couple of insignificant bricks and resistance beams was no match for the hulking behemoth of a woman she was now. “Hah! FUCKING WEAK!” she said as she basked in the glory of her mountainous physique. The hole in the wall was massive, but her body was almost intact, apart for a few cuts and bruises. She started walking towards the street, hell-bent on finding some poor fucker that she was gonna force to inject her with more delicious roids. Every step she took created a small shockwave around her. Her massive veins bulged and throbbed like metal pipes transporting boiling water. She could hear her own heart beating faster by the minute, doing everything in its power to sustain such a monstrous amount of steroid-fueled bulk. “GONNA... GET… BIGGER!!” she grunted as she walked, cracking the ground with each step she took. Her pussy was leaking constantly at this point, leaving a trail of roided up pussy juice behind her. It was no easy feat carrying around 850 lbs of muscle mass. Her quads were constantly grinding against each other, her arms pushed viciously against her hulking lats and massive back muscles and her chest obstructed a good chuck of her vision. Even though it was pretty uncomfortable being this huge, Peyton loved everything about her body. Not only that, but she wanted to take it even further. As soon as she got close the sidewalk, she noticed a fire hydrant a few meters away. That thing had always been there, but she’s never noticed it before. “SO… HORNY!! I… NEED… COCK!!” Peyton said between heavy breaths, feeling her mind slowly being altered by the insane amount of roids running through her system. Even though she wanted to grow bigger, her horniness convinced her that she needed to tend to her womanly needs first. She placed her soaking pussy on top of the hydrant as she got into position for fucking the biggest dildo of her entire life. The most challenging thing she had to do was separate her humongous legs in order to mount the metal dildo. “FUUUUUCKK!! FEELS… SO… GOOOOD!!!” the muscle freak moaned as she lowered herself on the improvised metal cock. Her body started shaking badly as the metal object penetrated her womanhood. Fucking a dumbbell was one thing, but a fire hydrant was an entirely different beast. She maintained the squatting position as she moved her hips up and down again and again, deeply enjoying the sexual stimulation the unforgiving steel was inflicting upon her body. She completely forgot that she was completely naked outside in the middle of the day. Not that she cared about any of that at this point. All she cared about was pleasuring hungry cunt and growing bigger, in that order. Naturally, a few people noticed her fucking the fire hydrant and it didn’t take long for a crowd to form near her. Everyone was either filming her, taking photos or simply wondering what the hell was the matter with her and how did she get so big.

Peyton rode the hydrant for what seemed like an eternity. It felt so good being stretched out by a huge steel cock while everyone watched. Her new body would never be satisfied with regular cocks or even the big black dildos you see in porn. “I’M… GONNA… FUCKING… CUUUUUM!!” Peyton groaned like a werewolf as she felt a massive orgasm building up inside her. The crowd watched with awe as the monstrous woman’s body started flexing and contracting violently while her legs planted themselves deeper into the hard concrete. “FUUUUUUUUUCKK!!!” the colossal woman screamed as she came harder than ever before. Her pussy started squirting so much she splashed everyone in the crowd with her juices. Her body shook as she enjoyed the powerful orgasm, her veins looking like they could pop at any moment. The last few seconds were so intense that her pussy muscles contracted so hard she ripped the hydrant out of the ground, leaving massive water geyser in its place. The people couldn’t believe what they’ve just witnessed. That woman pulled a fucking fire hydrant out of the ground using her pussy muscles and she didn’t even flinch while doing it. Some of them were really starting to fear her at that point. Peyton enjoyed the rest of her orgasm and then pushed the hydrant out of her pussy like a broken toy. In essence, that’s what it was for her: a broken toy that she used to make herself cum, nothing more. “Now then, who wants to help me grow bigger?” the giant woman said blissfully, still recovering from the glorious orgasm she’s just experienced. The people didn’t know how to respond and just stood there, watching her like she was a nothing more than a circus freak. But Peyton wasn’t a patient woman. “FINE!! I’LL PICK ONE!” she yelled as she lunged herself towards the crowd. The people panicked and they all started running away. But Peyton managed to grab one of them, a guy in his 30’s with glasses that looked like a total pushover. She held him by the back of the neck like she was holding a puppy. “I guess you’ll have to do.” she said as she started walking towards the house with her new friend.

The man was so scared he couldn’t even speak. After witnessing the giant hole in the wall Peyton made, he actually pissed himself. “Pathetic… You’re lucky I need you. Otherwise…” Peyton said with disgust. She got back into the house and dropped the poor guy near the case of roids. Her massive shadow towered over him like that of a god appearing before his servants. Up close, he could see all the tiny details on the girl’s ungodly muscles. Her body was so bulky it was a miracle she was still alive. And yet, she still wanted more. “Grab a few of those and inject me! Come on, I don’t have all day!” Peyton said with authority. “But… you’re so big already… Isn’t that dangerous?” the guy struggled to say. “NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS!! YOU’LL DO AS I SAY OR I’LL CRUSH YOU!” Peyton roared, incredibly annoyed that this puny man was wasting her time. “Ok, ok. I’m… I’m sorry. I’ll do as you ask.” he said with extreme fear in his eyes as he grabbed one syringe from the case. Peyton flexed her right arm, making the massive blood-filled veins on her biceps and forearms rise to the very top and push violently against her skin. “DO IT!” the steroid-addicted woman commanded. The puny man plunged the syringe into the largest vein he could find and quickly dumped its contents into the woman’s bloodstream. “OH FUCK!! YES!! MORE!!” she said as she started salivating. The fearful servant complied and injected her with one more, this time into a smaller vein on her forearm. “AAAARRRGHHH!!! DON’T STOP!! ONE MORE… IN MY… FUCKING CLIT!! NOW!!!” Peyton barely managed to say between heavy breaths. Her pussy started leaking like a waterfall and her eyes rolled back inside her head. She could feel her heart beating twice as fast as before while her body started shaking so violently it looked like she was having a seizure. The servant picked up one more syringe and injected her clit too, just like she wanted. It was in that very moment that the transformation really took off. Mounds of hard beef started blowing up all over her already ridiculous body. Her muscles grew bigger and bigger while she had orgasm after orgasm just from experiencing the extreme sensations those experimental roids were giving her body. Her muscles became so bloated and ripped she looked like a pile of overfilled balloons. “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKK!! YEEEEEEEEESSS!!!! I’M… GONNA… BE… THE… BIGGEST!!!! I’M… FUCKING… CUUUUUUUMMMIIING!!!” Peyton roared as her entire body exploded with so much size that no one could say how much her internal organs were gonna last, especially her overworked heart. The guy who helped her ran away, leaving her alone in her home gym. Of course she didn’t notice, she was too busy enjoying the 10 orgasms per second her body was constantly giving her. She quickly surpassed the 1000 lbs mark, then 1100 and then 1200. Her muscles surged in every direction, fighting for space on her now 7’4’’ tall frame. Her pussy squirted non-stop, splashing everything in sight and covering the entire floor with its near limitless juice. The concentration of roids in her blood was so high that her pussy juice made the whole room smell like a pharmacy. After 10 minutes of intense growth and continuous mind-breaking orgasms, the transformation finally came to an end.

Peyton’s hulking body was beyond any description. Every slab of muscle was swollen and bulging to the absolute extreme, with thick veins popping out all over her massively overgrown body. Her gigantic muscles impeded her mobility to the point that she couldn’t touch her own waist because her lats were too wide. More than half her vision was completely blocked by her chest, which now looked like 2 enormous and insanely ripped barrels glued together. Her bulging pecs were thick enough to push into her chin even when she wasn’t flexing them. Her traps had bulged up way past the top of her head and now they kept her from turning it one side or the other. Her humongous legs were so packed with beef she couldn’t spread them apart anymore and walking was so hard and uncomfortable it would soon become near impossible. Peyton’s freakish biceps were so swollen and huge that she couldn’t bend her arms more than 2 or 3 degrees. She also couldn’t bring her arms in front of her because of how pumped her torso had become. Her former carefully built mid-section became a bloated mess with 12 overgrown abs, each one the size of her own head. Whenever she moved, her bulky muscles bumped into each other because of their extreme mass. “YES!! MY BODY IS SO HUGE I CAN HARDLY MOVE!! I NEED TO SHOW EVERYONE MY FUCKING EXTREME GAINS!! THEY NEED TO SEE THAT I’M THE MOST MUSCULAR BEING ON THIS FUCKING PLANET!!” Peyton thought, unable to speak because of the insanely thick bulk pushing against her mouth. She was absolutely addicted to the feeling of being so muscular, so freakishly huge, so incredibly hot. Her obsession with building muscle brought her here and she loved every moment of her incredible bodybuilding journey. She tried to curl her arm and flex it, but her massive forearm pressed against her freaky bicep so much that her arm almost didn’t move at all. She started pushing herself harder and harder just to be able to flex her gigantic biceps, making even more unnaturally huge veins appear all over the insane mound of pulsating, steroid-filled that was her arm. She struggled so much to simply flex one arm that her entire body got covered in sweat in mere seconds. She could hear her skin stretching as her monstrous bicep surged with extreme mass, making her so proud she could actually cry. “MY MUSCLES ARE SO FUCKING HUGE!! I LOVE IT!!” she thought, watching the enormous pile of hard flesh shaking violently as she pushed her body further in order to obtain a simple flex.

That’s when she felt it. Her heart was at its limit. She was moments away from a massive heart attack. “OH SHIT!! NO!! NOT NOW!! NOT WHEN I FINALLY GOT MY DREAM PHYSIQUE!! I GOTTA TO GET OUT AND SHOW THEM MY BEAUTIFUL BODY!! IF I DIE, THEY MUST KNOW THAT I’M THE MOST MUSCULAR FREAK IN THE WORLD!!” Peyton said to herself as she struggled to reach the exit. Every step proved to be an extremely difficult challenge though. Her muscles were so heavy and uncomfortably huge that every small movement put even more pressure on her heart. And her poor heart wasn’t gonna last much longer in this state. “COME ONE!! JUST A FEW MORE STEPS!!” she grunted as she got closer to the hole in the wall. But her vision became so blurry she didn’t see clearly which way she was going. Not only that, but the hole was now too small to fit her even more extreme physique. Peyton’s body was shaking violently and her heart was now seconds away from completely shutting down. With the last bit of energy she possessed, Peyton burst through the wall, creating an even bigger hole than the one before and making half the roof of the house collapse in the process. She was finally out. In front of her house were police, paramedics, reporters and a giant crowd of normal people. There was no surprise she didn’t hear them as her ears were so deeply buried in her back muscles she could barely hear anything at all. This was her moment, probably the last chance she was gonna get to show everyone who she really was. With nothing but sheer willpower, she flexed her entire body as hard as she could, performing what should have been a most muscular pose accompanied by a primal roar. The pose could barely be called a “pose” as her bulky muscles were so ridiculously huge they didn’t move all that much, but nobody could deny she put everything she had in that last try. Everyone looked at her like she was the most disgustingly muscular freak that ever lived, which is exactly what she wanted. The very next moment she collapsed like a sack of bricks, creating a powerful shockwave as she hit the ground. With her muscles still shaking from the monstrous flex and her cunt still leaking like a waterfall, her heart finally stopped. “Fucking… worth… it!” she said to herself as her mind started fading away.


sven mueller

A dream come thrue.