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Chapter 3: Biker trouble

**This story contains: huge muscles, muscle growth, huge cocks, cock growth, anal, excessive cum, hardcore sex, squirting, drugs, steroids and probably some other great stuff.

Kim checked the time on her phone as she walked towards her home after another successful orgy where she impregnated 50 middle-aged women and about 25 youngsters who wanted their virginity taken by the most potent fuck-fiend that ever lived. It only took her a little over 3 hours to turn the nicely furnished penthouse apartment into a scene that closely resembled a battlefield. Women piled on top of each other with rivers of cum spewing out of every hole represented 90% of her the environment when she was done fucking. The other 10% were simply walls, paintings, tables, beds and other pieces of furniture completely covered in her dense cum. It’s a good thing they paid her before the fun began since none of them were conscious or able to move when she was finished. And the paycheck was pretty generous too. “Can’t really understand why some girls value their virginity so much. I mean, yeah, it’s kinda fun forcing open some young pussy that’s never been used, but still. Oh well, they’re still fresh meat for me to fuck and breed so who cares?” Kim thought to herself as she crossed the street. It was 2:30 AM. The night was colder than usual, but her body was still packed with enough heat to keep her warm a little while longer. “Lots of fucking means lots of cardio. Man I’m starving! I’m gonna order one of those gigantic pizzas and a few extra large protein shakes when I get home.” she said to herself as she approached the street where her apartment was. She was only a few hundred yards away from home when she heard a muffled scream coming from a nearby back alley. “What the fuck?” Kim thought as she got closer to check it out.

The alley was being lit by a single light source which hanged high, allowing most of what was happening to be visible from a distance. Kim looked with genuine curiosity at what appeared to be a biker gang beating and humiliating someone. As she got closer, she noticed that the victim was a futanari. Compared to her, this one was laughably small. Muscles barely larger than the average female and a cock that couldn’t have been bigger than 8 inches hard. There were about 6 or 7 bikers, one of which was a woman. The futa was on her knees and completely naked, begging the much larger men to leave her alone. “Fucking freak, that’s what you get for trying to fuck our women.” one of them said as he kicked her in the jaw, knocking her head against the dirt. “Why the fuck would a girl want to have a dick? I mean, we got plenty of dicks for any chick who wants some fun.” said another as he grabbed his crotch and started laughing. “Believe me, these freaks are always so sex-crazed, they’ll believe everything you say to them. It’s been a piece of cake bringing her here. Didn’t even break a sweat!” said the girl, visibly proud of herself. “You did great, Cass. Now we’re gonna do our duty to the world and get rid of one of the freaks by taking away its most prized possession: these disgusting unnatural balls.” said the largest man who appeared to be their leader. He then pulled out a large knife and started walking towards the helpless futa. “Motherfucker! He’s really gonna cut off her balls. I gotta fucking stop him!” Kim said to herself as she got closer, stomping hard and loud as she did so. “Say goodbye to your freak balls, bitch! Now you’ll be a girl again, just like you were meant from the very beginning!” the leader grinned like a maniac as he brought the knife next to the victim’s balls. “Hey fucker!! I got balls way bigger than her! Wanna take mine instead?” Kim said as she stepped into the light, revealing her monstrous figure in all of its glory. Her muscles were bigger than 3 of the biggest men there put together and the massive bulge in her pants was simply ridiculous. Her package probably had more inches in both length and girth than all of them combined. Large veins ran all over her body, still pumped with plenty of blood from the previous fuck-fest. Her huge nipples were shamelessly poking through her bra while it struggled to keep her massive boobs in check. If that girl was a freak to them then Kim was the goddess of all freaks. Her biceps alone were bigger than any man’s head, probably even 2 of them put together. Her back was so massive not a single ray of dim light managed to reach behind it. She stomped so hard when she made her entrance that she cracked the concrete below while her legs pumped themselves bigger from the sheer intensity.

“Well, what do we have here?” said the leader with genuine excitement and curiosity. He let the small futa go in an instant and turned his full attention to the hugely muscular breeder. That one was just a small fish to him. Kim was a fucking whale. He took a few steps towards the musclebound breeder and licked the knife like a suicidal maniac. “You wanna show us those big fat balls you’re so proud of, freak? Now I’m really curious.” he said with an evil grin. Kim removed her way too tight pants, revealing her glorious piece of cockmeat and her massive pair of vein-riddled balls. “Big enough for you?” she said with supreme confidence. “Now come and get them!” she added with authority as she clenched her fists. The leader looked at his goons and snapped his fingers, ordering them to attack the huge futa that dared interfere with their fun. One of the bikers grabbed a steel pipe and tried to strike Kim. The Perfect Breeder easily stopped the blow with one hand and used the other to punch the man square in the jaw, slamming his head against the nearby wall and knocking him out cold. Another biker pulled out a pocket knife and tried to stab her in the abdomen, but was quickly met with a bone-shattering kick to the face. Kim was no master of hand to hand combat, but her body was incredibly powerful and her muscles weren’t just for show. One good hit from her and you’re not getting back up. Two of the larger goons tried to overpower her by grabbing her massive arms and trying to force her to her knees. “You really thought that would work?” Kim said with a smile as she broke out of their weak clutch and slammed their heads together. Rivers of blood came out of their mouths and noses as they both fell to the ground, probably more dead than alive. The leader was visibly sweating as he shouted to the last man he had: “Fucking shoot her!” The man pulled out a gun and started firing. It wasn’t hard to hit a being the size of Kim and she knew that. She grabbed one of the unconscious goons and used him as a human shield. 3 bullets were fired and all of them hit the biker instead of Kim. Realizing he just shot his buddy, the biker looked at the leader with both guilt and concern. That’s when the massive futa hurled the bloody body of the biker at the gunman, knocking him out too. Only the leader and the biker girl remained.

“Fine!! I’ll fucking do it myself!” the leader yelled as he rushed towards Kim with his military knife ready. The biker girl was in shock, just as the victim. They both watched with awe as the Perfect Breeder fought the biker leader without any hesitation or concern for her own well-being. He managed to cut her in a couple of places. Blood was slowly but surely oozing out of her wounds, but she wasn’t gonna give up at this point. “FUCKING DIE, FREAK!!” the biker yelled as he jumped high, hoping to stab her in the heart as he came down. But the giant futa wasn’t gonna die here, especially by the hand of such a low-level punk. She stopped his hands with her own as the knife came inches away from her heart. She then headbutted him with insane force, making him drop the knife. She then squeezed his hands with incredible force, crushing all of his fingers in the blink of an eye. The man screamed and cried like a little girl as Kim brought him to his knees. She then locked his neck between her huge biceps and monstrous shoulder, flexing the hard mounds of beef she possessed and making them swell larger. The leader tried to speak but simply couldn’t. His airflow was being cut by Kim’s powerful muscles as she squeezed her huge arm harder and harder by the second. “Guess you weren’t man enough to take my balls. And you guys want women to throw themselves at your feet. What a fucking joke!” Kim said as she squeezed harder, doubling the size of her arm and shoulder and breaking the neck of the biker leader. Her body was so full of adrenaline that every slab of muscle was pumped beyond belief. The veins of her arms looked like they were about to burst through her skin. Kim then looked at the biker girl, her hulking frame towering over her like an elephant standing next to an ant. “If I heard correctly, you’re the one that started this party up.” Kim said as her cock began to harden. “Please! Please!! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to! Please don’t kill me!” begged the biker girl with tears in her eyes. “Oh I’m not gonna kill you. Instead, I’m gonna fuck you so hard you wished you were dead!” Kim grinned as she slowly stroked her fully erect cock with intoxicating arousal. The monster was already leaking a ludicrous amount of precum on the cold concrete. The biker girl was scared shitless and Kim loved the helpless look in her eyes. She grabbed her and ripped off all of her clothes, revealing her nicely toned and curvy body. Kim then turned her around and pushed her against the nearby brick wall, making her assume the doggy position.

“Wait! Stop! Don’t…” Cass screamed in pain as Kim penetrated her with incredible force. She clenched her teeth as she felt her cock stretch out the girl’s tight vagina, forcing it to mold around every single one of her huge shaft’s veins and striations. Because of the breeder’s massive girth no hole felt large enough to take it all on the first try. This biker whore was no exception. The walls of her vagina were constricting around Kim’s cock so much that even the smallest thrust forward or backward could be felt in every inch of her throbbing piece of hard meat. A single deep thrust was enough to give the biker girl 3 simultaneous orgasms, making her sweet pussy release an abundant wave of juice in the process. “OH FUCK YEAH! It feels like your pussy is trying to strangle my dick, girl!” moaned Kim, tightly gripping Cass’ plump buttocks with both hands. “IT’S TOO BIG! PULL IT OUT, PLEASE!” cried Cass as she felt her entire being getting impaled by the giant meatpole of the Perfect Breeder. Kim smirked and unsheathed her cock slowly. It was covered in a thick glaze of the girl’s juices, making it shine beautifully under the light of the full moon. The small futa still couldn’t believe how utterly massive Kim was. Her cock became rock hard too as she witnessed the superior futa’s domination of the biker bitch that got her in this situation in the first place. Thrusting back into Cass with even greater force, Kim was eventually pushed over the edge, causing her to release an echoing moan as her cock erupted inside the woman’s guts. Cass screamed like a banshee as she felt her womb bloat up with copious amounts of the muscular breeder’s warm seed, filling her like a balloon.

“Damn! Your pussy is perfect for milking my monster cock!!” said Kim as she continued to pump cum into the girl’s already full hole. When Kim’s orgasm finally died down, the girl’s belly was large enough to get her pregnant with at least 4 alpha babies. But the horny breeder was just getting started. Her balls churned, her cock throbbed and her entire muscle-packed body begged to release more potent cum. “Hope you’re ready to be a mommy! Well, you’re probably gonna be bedridden for life after you give birth to the 20 or so babies I’m gonna put inside you!!” Kim bragged as she smiled confidently, playfully slapping the side of Cass’ huge belly. The small futa was now stroking her cock ferociously. Kim’s power and confidence have made her horny as hell. The way she talked, the way she looked, the sheer enormity of her being, all of these were simply too much for her average girl-cock to handle. Kim moaned as she pressed Cass further against the wall with her massively muscular frame, preparing to fuck her again. “No… please… I can’t take any more… I feel like I’m gonna explode!” the girl begged. But her cries and begs fell on deaf ears as Kim forced her gargantuan cock back into her overstretched pussy. Her dick was even more sensitive after ejaculating a couple of times. Every orgasm she experienced just made her erection harder and her balls heavier with fresh gallons of cum. She pounded Cass’ thick booty like a jackhammer, completely ignoring her pleas for mercy. With each powerful thrust, Cass’ body became less of a functioning human body and more of a cocksleeve made for Kim’s ruthless dong. While the brutal pounding hurt every inch of her being, Cass couldn’t deny the dozens of times she came, splashing her juices everywhere and rolling her eyes inside her head from the sheer pleasure she received alongside the ungodly pain.

“SO FUCKING GOOD!! YOU WERE MADE TO BE A COCKSLEEVE!!” moaned the breeder as she strengthened her already very intense thrusts. The pleasure of fucking and constantly ejaculating inside the biker girl’s pussy was so intoxicating that she decided to enjoy it to its full potential. She closed her eyes and let her hips move on their own as her cock relentlessly forced itself in and out of Cass’ love tunnel. It wasn’t long until she felt her balls tightening and her cock shaking violently again. Her strongest orgasm yet was preparing to come out of her hyper-fertile sperm factories. “I’M GONNA CUM!! I’M GONNA CUM AGAIN!! FUCKING TAKE IT!!” shouted Kim with immense joy. She fucked Cass as hard and as fast as she could, feeling her cock burning and throbbing with uncontrollable lust. Then, with a single, triumphant thrust, she went balls-deep inside the girl and blew her most massive load ever inside Cass’ wrecked cunt. Her massive feet cracked the concrete below as her huge nuts released gigantic shot after gigantic shot directly into Ashlyn’s womb. The girl’s huge belly swelled even larger as she was filled with gallons upon gallons of hot cum. Her belly was getting ludicrously larger by the second and cum even started coming out of her mouth. Her eyes were pure white and mind was completely broken. But Kim wasn’t done punishing her. “Don’t think we’re done! You still got one more hole that needs filling!” Kim grunted as she pulled her cock out of Cass’ ruined womanhood.

Flexing her biceps, pecs and glutes all at the same time, The Perfect Breeder pushed her cock into the girl’s ass and started pounding away. Cass’ body was completely immobile at this point, except for the occasional spasm she received each time she had 5 or 6 orgasms at the same time as a result of her asshole being ripped apart by the massive futa cock. The smaller futa came at least 10 times during Kim’s supreme display of virility and her cock simply couldn’t take any more. Her cock was simply not going back up, but that wasn’t the case for Kim’s monster rod. The former victim watched as the Perfect Breeder utterly destroyed the girl’s asshole and then came inside her ass just as much as she did her pussy. Kim let go of the girl’s motionless body and dumped another few loads of jizz on her face for good measure. To say the biker girl’s body was ruined forever would be an understatement. Her belly was a giant balloon, so overstretched she would have no possibility of recovering her flat tummy no matter how many surgeries she had. She had enough seed inside her guts to give birth to 20 to 25 strong and healthy babies. Knowing Kim’s previous records, it was a probably gonna be the bigger number. The biker whore was definitely Kim’s greatest achievement in terms of babies for a single woman. “So, damsel in distress, shall we go to my apartment so you can take care of this raging erection of mine? Oh and the wounds too. Don’t wanna bleed out here like a moron.” Kim said as she looked at the other futa. She still couldn’t believe that Kim was still rock-hard after cumming so much. But she wanted nothing more that to return the favor after Kim saved her. “I would like nothing more!” she said with a wide grin as she got to her feet. The futas then left together, discussing how much fun they were gonna have on the way home.



Incredible story once again. Kim's next sexual feat should be impregnating an entire competion of female bodybuilders and all of the female audience members.


what if Kim did NNN