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Paul was the literal definition of a nerd: unattractive, skinny, wearing glasses and little to no social life. He was also very short compared to other boys his age and his skin was very pale because of the many hours he used to spend indoors. But Paul’s advantage was that he was very good at science. He learned how to build various machines and robots by himself, mostly by watching lots of YouTube videos. You could say machine building was his passion, but this kind of passion didn’t make him very popular. One day after school, just as he was passing by a local gym, three very muscular guys noticed him and immediately started laughing. “Damn this guy’s ugly!” said one of them. “Not to mention skinny!” added another. “Check this out, little dimwit! This is the body of a real man!” the first one said as he hit a double biceps pose, visibly proud of his sculpted physique. “What a fucking loser, man! Wastin’ your life doin’ math and shit instead of building yo’ fucking body up!” said the third one before he started laughing too. Paul could barely contain his tears as continued on his way with his head buried in his hands. He knew those guys were assholes, but deep down he knew they were right. He would have loved to have a muscular body like the guys he saw in movies or TV shows, but the gym simply wasn’t a welcoming place for someone like him. The next day he decided to take a different path in order to avoid them.

And so he did. But it didn’t do him any good. While he was returning from school the following day, a car appeared beside him. Inside there were the three guys from the previous day. “What did I tell you, guys? Still ugly and still weak! Hey, see these guns, little one?” said one of them before he started flexing. He definitely had great arms and shoulder definition. His forearm alone was easily twice the size of Paul’s thigh. They all laughed and drove away while the one in the back threw an empty energy drink can at Paul, hitting him in the head and making his glasses fall on the pavement. After getting humiliated yet again, the boy got on his knees and started looking for his glasses. He could barely see anything without them. But this time something was different. He didn’t feel like crying. “That's enough!” he said to himself. “Those assholes will pay for this!” He then got up and rushed back home to start working on his revenge plan. And so he did. He spent about 3 months working on his greatest creation ever. During this time, the 3 meatheads continued pumping their muscles bigger and banging any weak-minded slut who would spread her legs for them. They all had girlfriends, but everybody knew they’d still fuck anyone at any time without a care in the world. They all loved bragging about how much pussy they get just by showing off their sculpted abs or large pecs.

One day after school, Paul went straight to the gym where he first met them. The three jocks were talking to each other, just like they always did after a workout. They mostly talked about what drugs they were taking or what dumb bitch sucked their cock in the car the night before, nothing out of the ordinary. Paul slipped a fake party invitation into one of their gym bags, using it as bait for the 3 roided up knuckleheads. Just as he predicted, none of them realized it was a fake and they all showed up at his house the following night. “Wait! Where’s the party, man? Where the fuck are all the bitches?” said one of them as he stared at the silent looking house. Paul then tossed a small knockout gas bomb at their feet and they all fell asleep before any one of them could make another sound. The hardest part of his plan followed: dragging all that weight a few dozen feet to the garage. It proved way more difficult than he initially thought, but he did manage to drag them all in. One hour later the gas was starting to wear off. “What the fuck? Where the fuck are we?” asked one of them as he regained consciousness. They were all tied up and laying on a large metal table, just like lab rats about to be dissected. They were all naked except for their underwear. Their bodies looked quite impressive in the bright light. Their many years of hard work and steroid use really paid off. “You are in my lab.” answered a voice that came from the corner of the room. After a few seconds, Paul made his way out of the dark. He was naked too, except for his underwear. His body was in great contrast with the 3 jocks: pale, skinny, no facial hair and a pretty insignificant bulge. “You have made fun of me for far too long. Now I will have my revenge!” he said, slamming his small fist against the metal table. “Hey!! It’s that fucking nerd!! Untied us right now, fucking skinny bitch! Else I’m gonna rip your fucking head off!” said one of them as he tried to force his way out of his confinement. But the ropes were simply too thick to rip so easily. “What are you going to do to us?” asked another with visible concern. “I will absorb all of your strength and add it to my own body!” answered Paul with an evil grin. “Well, your strength and everything else you value!” he then added. “Wait! Please, don't do this! We will do anything you want! I don’t want to lose my precious gains, man! Please!” one of them begged. “It's too late! Now you will pay for what you did to me!” said Paul as he went to the control terminal and started powering up the machine.

Paul then took a seat on a large metal chair. Lots of strange-looking tubes came out of its side and attached themselves to his body. Similar series of tubes rose from the back metal table and attached themselves to the 3 guys too. Then a robot voice could be heard saying: “Draining process initiated. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Draining process started!” The machine then started making a lot of noise. The process started with the jock on the left, the least muscular of the three. He could feel his body getting weaker and weaker as the tubes began draining his muscle mass. The size of the muscles he worked so hard for was slowly diminishing and he couldn’t do anything about it. After a short period of intense pain, Paul started feeling a pleasurable wave energy flowing into his frail body. His muscles were growing. “Yes! It’s working! I’m a genius!!” he said as he watched his body pack on pound after pound of hard beef. He could feel his chest becoming bigger and more defined, his biceps appearing under his skin and his legs slowly getting meatier and coming closer to each other. His abs started to show too, become more solid by the minute. His muscles were getting harder all over his body while the jock’s body was shrinking like a deflating balloon. He screamed and begged for Paul to stop but he wasn’t listening. He was feeling a lot of pleasure while his first victim felt weaker than ever. Thick veins appeared all over his body, fueling his growing muscles with powerful nutrients taken directly from his victims. When he had no more mass to give, Paul finally took a good look at his new body and grinned like a devil. He now had a muscular body and he loved it. He also took a look at his bulge and it was definitely bigger. Not only did he take the loser’s muscles, but he also took his cock and balls.

Now it was time for the second meal of the day. The guy in the middle looked at his withered buddy and tried to beg and ask for forgiveness. Just like before, Paul wasn’t listening. He was only interested in the sound of his muscles expanding. After a new jolt of intense pain, Paul felt a new and even more intense wave of energy flowing into his body. His muscles were growing again. Paul moaned as his muscles grew way bigger than he’s ever hoped for. He was quickly becoming as large as those bodybuilders he’s seen on TV. It was truly a marvelous feeling what he was experiencing. Slabs of manly beef were growing all over his once slender body. His muscles were feeding off those idiots’ bodies and pumping themselves bigger and harder with every second. His genitals became so huge that the slightest movement would definitely rip apart his underwear. His midsection was now proudly displaying a gorgeous 6-pack. His back was widening and packing on insane size, looking more like a brick wall with every passing second. His arms were now strong enough to lift hundreds of pounds while his legs were looking more and more like marble columns. When this one had no more muscles to give, Paul realized just how huge he’s become. He drained every bit of mass from 2 men and still had one more to go. He was as big as a heavyweight bodybuilder and had a cock that would rival a black pornstar. But he still wanted more.

Paul flexed his arms and kissed his biceps peaks, reveling in the wonderful sensations his new body were giving him. “Fuck yeah!! I love it!! You guys weren’t kidding before. This feels incredible!” he said as the machine started draining the final jock. This time though, he wasn’t just feeding his muscles, he was also growing in height. “I didn’t expect this. Oh well, I guess I could do with some more inches to compliment this godlike body!” he said as he got taller while the 3 men got shorter. His bones had a hard time adjusting to the massive change in muscle mass so they had to become longer and stronger as well. It was a painful process, but it was definitely worth it. His body was essentially getting remodeled to efficiently accommodate the massive bulk it was gaining. He also noticed that his voice had changed, becoming deeper and manlier. His pale skin became darker and healthier, almost as if Paul was gradually getting tanned. Thick hair grew on his face too, turning into a manly beard that complimented his now gorgeous face. His vision seemed to have been fixed too, his eyes now capable of seeing without glasses. His hair improved its quality and thickness, giving his head a look just as perfect as those celebrities from magazines. His entire body structure was changing little by little, becoming bigger and perfectly proportioned in every way. “Oh fuck yeah! Don't stop! I want more!! Give me all they got!" said Paul with his new manly voice, loving every single improvement he was receiving. While his physique was changing rapidly, his personality seemed to shift into supreme confidence as well. He was now admiring his new body without any resemblance of modesty. He was sure of it: no man could compete with his looks, brawn or brain now. His still growing cock gave him an even bigger boost of confidence. Not only was he handsome as fuck, he was also hung as a horse and his body seemed to have drained only the benefits of the many years of steroid use from the former jocks. His muscles were big and hard, but they were also healthy, no sign of acne or other side effects. The process seemed just about over when the third victim became a mere shell of the man he once was. Paul, on the other hand, looked like a fucking muscular god. His massive frame even bended the metal chair he was sitting on. He looked down at his perfect body and almost had an orgasm. Each of his individual muscles was huge and ripped, he was 6’9’’ tall, his skin looked like it received the best tan money could buy and his face could make movie stars cower in shame.

The last guy didn’t have any muscle left to give Paul, but he had something else: a big fucking cock. He could feel his veiny rod becoming a wonder of human anatomy in his overstretched undies. Paul’s cock was becoming a veritable totem of virility, a record breaking piece of manly meat. “Oh fuck!! Give me every inch these morons have! I want my cock to be the biggest!!” Paul said as his undies exploded, finally revealing his breathtaking manhood. His cock was still growing the process only made it harder with every second. It was 13 inches long and ridiculously thick. It had a nice curved shape and the veins on its surface were all as thick as pencils. Paul couldn’t help touching it. It felt like he just grabbed a the thicker part of a baseball bat. It was not only insanely hot and as hard as a steel pipe, it was the textbook definition of a monster cock. He had to give it a few strokes. The muscles on his ridiculously huge arm contracted as he shamelessly began jerking his monster cock. The last guy was slowly but surely losing all of his inches, giving them all to the undeniable alpha male Paul has become. It was only a matter of time until he got reduced to the laughable length of 1 inch, just like his buddies.

“Oh fuck! This big fucking cock feels so good! Let's see how much I can cum now!” Paul moaned as he pleasured the growing python between his muscle-packed legs. His balls became ludicrously big, now looking more like two apples stuffed into his scrotum than normal balls. Every little bit of testosterone the 3 guys had was now Paul’s. His vein-riddled nuts were now literal sperm factories. “I fucking love this!” said Paul with his manly voice, feeling a massive release coming. “Oh fuck!! I’m gonna cum!!” shouted Paul with extreme pleasure as he released a torrent of thick cum, covering the now frail bodies of his victims from feet to neck in his abundant seed. Not only that, he also covered half the draining machine in his thick jizz, as well as a good portion of the floor. His manly orgasm lasted about two full minutes, time in which Paul got to experience the full extent of his glorious body. One cumshot landed directly on one of the windows and was so powerful that the glass shattered instantly. After finally getting a much needed release, he finally found the time to measure himself. His cock now measured 16.5 inches in length. He was a 300+ lbs colossus of pure muscle. Ludicrous amounts of testosterone were running through his veins and the massive waves of cum he just shot didn’t soften his cock one bit.  The 3 guys were now skinny and weak and their cocks were laughably small, while also suffering from the many side effects of the steroids they took before. They became worse than Paul was at the beginning while he became a god among men.

“Look at my body! This is what a real man looks like!!” Paul shouted as he started flexing all of his beautiful muscles one by one, basking in the hardness and beauty of his marvelous physique. The three guys looked at him flex and pose, all of them on the verge of bursting into tears. There was no denying his body was magnificent. And every part of it was stolen from them. The size of his ripped muscles and his beautiful cock were breathtaking. Any man would be envious, especially someone who just lost all of his mass and cock size in order to fuel his growth. When you looked at Paul, you could only see the insane proportions of his body, the unbelievable handsomeness of his face, his perfect V-shape and his incredibly low body fat percentage. “Seems this big cock won’t go down just with a round of jerking off. I guess I gotta call your girlfriends to take care of it!” the muscled stud said with an evil grin as he looked at the 3 defeated men. They were so weak and pathetic it almost made him laugh. But he wasn’t done humiliating them just yet. So he searched the box in which he kept their belongings and picked up their phones. He then started texting all of their girlfriends. He was gonna make them watch as he fucks their brains out and fills their small wombs with his superior seed. His cock was throbbing just by thinking about it. He had to jerk off a couple more times until they arrived. Not that it mattered, as his monster cock wasn’t going down anytime soon.


I. Nobes

God damn! Love it when small guy gets revenge, stupid jocks. potential sequel of group sex and more drain? maybe nerd girl gets her turn?


A sequel will most likely happen next month. As for what happens, you gotta wait and see! :D