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**This story contains: huge cocks, cock growth, huge muscles, muscle growth, large insertions, excessive cum, cock vore, drugs, hardcore sex and probably some other great stuff.

Ally slowly walked in, leaving the door to crash against the wall. She then just sat there with a shocked expression on her pretty face. She looked at the giant throbbing dong with both her eyes and mouth wide open. She’s seen plenty of big dicks during high school, but this one was simply ridiculous. "What the fuck is this?" the big sister asked, still unable to process the sheer size of it. “I… took some pills for… you know… to make it bigger.” Liam responded, visibly struggling to find his words. He wasn’t expecting to meet his sister so soon and certainly not like this. She looked at him with lust in her eyes while also finding it difficult to handle the awkwardness of the situation. Her mind couldn’t process the fact that this huge monster of a cock was somehow attached to her baby brother.  It was so insanely thick and laced with cable-sized veins continuously pulsing with insane vitality it almost looked like it was alive. On top of that, the powerful smell of precum was simply intoxicating. Liam’s cock, once his greatest embarrassment, was now a supreme pillar of virility. She touched it gently, just to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. It twitched in response as she ran her long nails all over its meaty helmet. “Liam, I… I don’t know what to say… I mean, you’ve certainly grown a lot…” she said, barely able to let out coherent phrases. The intense smell of cock juice really seemed to mess with her head. Her eyes were glued to the leaking slit of Liam’s cock. “You seem to like it, sis. Ever seen one so big before?” Liam tried to joke, blushing like a teenage boy on his first date.

She then walked up to her baby brother, slowly getting rid of her clothes as she approached him. Liam got reminded yet again just how hot his sister truly was. She was a little over 5 feet tall, with long legs and a nicely toned butt. She had a flat stomach with her abs clearly visible as a result of her many years of work as a personal trainer. Her chest was pretty gifted too, sporting a pair of natural double D’s. Her boobs were perky and firm as a result of the numerous chest workouts she performed to keep them in the best shape possible. Just like Liam remembered, she still didn’t like to wear a bra. She put one leg over his cock like she was mounting a horse and then took a seat, placing her sweet pussy right on the largest vein on her brother’s dick. A shiver of pleasure traveled through the boy’s body as Ally removed the last piece of clothing she had on, her tank top. Her tits were finally within Liam grasp after so many years. Seeing the fit bombshell in all of her naked glory made his cock leak a small river. “I take it you like what you see!” she said with lewdness in her voice. The barrel-sized cock started twitching harder under her wet cunt as she put her hands on her brother’s neck. She then started feeling his muscles, starting with his large chest and round shoulders. “When did you start working out?” she moaned into his year as she squeezed his pecs with both hands. “Let’s just say jerking off has its benefits.” the hung stud said as he flexed his arms, moving his veiny biceps closer to Ally’s face. “You were always a master at jerking off. Glad to see if finally paid off.” she said as she licked his biceps. The teasing continued for some time while the monster cock continued throbbing and leaking like it was possessed. Ally loved the feeling of her brother’s manhood spasming wildly between her legs. She also found it incredibly hot to have her muscle-packed brother play with her big tits. She could see it in his eyes that he’s been waiting for this moment ever since he was 10. Her pussy was leaking abundantly too, covering a good portion of the enormous phallus with sweet pussy juice. “I want to play with it!” she eventually whispered into his year.

Ally dismounted and walked back to her brother’s cockhead like a cougar circling her prey. She couldn’t help but be impressed at the massive pond of pre it created all over the floor. “This cock is a fucking beast!” she said as she looked back at Liam. She then kneeled down and started licking the pre off the floor. She almost couldn’t believe how good it tasted. She wasn’t just drinking it, she was savoring it. Liam’s cock got harder by the second as he watched his dear sister turning into a hopeless slut right before his eyes. He even started gently stroking his cock in order to prepare it for what Ally had in store next. “YOU’RE SO HOT, SIS! I CAN’T HELP JERKING MY COCK WHILE WATCHING YOU EAT MY FUCKING PRE! DOES IT TASTE GOOD?” Liam said as he felt his cock getting even more ridiculously huge. “FUCK YEAH IT DOES! I LOVE IT! I LOVE GULPING DOWN GALLONS UPON GALLONS OF JUICE THAT CAME OUT OF YOUR MONSTER COCK!! JUST WATCHING YOU STROKE THAT HUGE PILLAR OF MEAT MAKES ME SO FUCKING HORNY! I WANT TO FEEL IT!” Ally then started jerking off the huge cockhead with her feet. Having Ally’s smooth feet on his cockhead made Liam experience mind-bending pleasure. She definitely knew what she was doing. Her footjob felt so good the monster dong started leaking like a broker pipe, covering the fit girl from head to toe in its manly liquid. “FUCK YEAH!! COVER ME WITH YOUR MANLY JUICE, LITTLE BRO!! SHOW ME WHAT THIS FUCKING BARREL-SIZED COCK CAN DO!!” she yelled as she doubled the speed of her strokes. Liam’s cock was shaking so badly he didn’t know how much he could keep this up. The pressure inside him was so high he was mere seconds away from cumming. “SIS, I’M GONNA CUM!! I’M GONNA FUCKING CUUUUUUM!!” Liam warned his sister at the last moment. Ally quickly rolled out of the way, just before the monster dong exploded with a torrent of hot cum. The cumblast was so powerful in completely broke through the door and the wall behind it, shattering them both to pieces. But that was only the beginning. The torrent of cum filled nearly the entire house, leaving only Liam’s room relatively safe from its white onslaught. Ally watched her brother cum like one would watch a volcano erupt: leaving nothing in its wake untouched. Such was the magnitude of Liam’s orgasm. Every muscle on his body was rock hard after he was done cumming. The sheer intensity locked his entire body in a flexed state for the entire duration of the orgasm. But this time he barely grew. It was clear that he needed more nutrients to feed his muscles and, more importantly, his cock.

Ally got on her knees and started licking off the sperm still present on the entrance to her brother’s huge urethra. It was fucking delicious. It tasted even better than vanilla pudding and Ally loved vanilla pudding. Her tongue circled the massive hole with lust-inducing precision, making sure to reach every single nerve ending as Liam moaned and grunted like a bull in heat. When she was done she got on her back, shamelessly bathing in the trail of cum her brother created previously and planted one foot inside the opening of his cock. Liam closed his eyes, taking a seat on his humongous balls like they were a soft pillow. He couldn’t see Ally all that well because of the vein-riddled canon that was now his manhood, but he surely could feel that girly foot stretching open his urethra. She teased him for a while him by slowly moving her foot inside his cock and scratching the walls with her nails. “You like that, little bro? Or should I call you ‘big bro’ now?” Ally asked with a lewd grin. “OH FUCK YEAH!! DON’T STOP!!” the boy grunted as he felt his cock being stimulated like never before. She then put her other foot up to the opening and gently pushed it in as well. Liam moaned like a wild animal as his big sister stretched his cockslit out using her gorgeous feet. Ally couldn’t believe how good it felt to be inside her brother’s ridiculously large cock. She moaned like a little bitch, moving her feet inside her brother’s dong like she’s had lots of years of practice. It strangely felt so natural to pleasure Liam’s massive meat pillar. She wanted to give him pleasure like he’s never felt before. It didn’t take long for the huge dick to start growing again, somehow accommodating to the bigger things it now needed to take inside. Ally’s nipples were rock hard and she just couldn’t help playing with them while her feet continued to stretch out Liam’s dick. She wanted to make out with her muscular brother while her feet were nicely stuck inside him, but there was just too much cockmeat between them. It wasn’t long until the massive rod gained another 6 inches in both length and girth, throbbing like a beating hard as it reached the new ridiculous size. “FUCK, ALLY!! YOU MAKE MY COCK FEEL SO FUCKING GOOD!! I WANT YOU SIS!! I FUCKING WANT YOU INSIDE MY COCK!!” Liam grunted as he felt Ally push her feet inside his cock up to her knees. She continued to play with her big titties as it became harder and harder to move her legs because of the tightness of Liam’s cock canal. She wanted to be a part of him too. It was then that the monster cock started contracting, little by little sucking the fit girl in. It felt better and better the more of her body he managed to swallow. She continued to fondle her boobs and even stuck 2 fingers inside her cunt as the monster dick almost completely engulfed her feet. ”OH MY FUCKING GOD I LOVE IT!! I LOVE BEING INSIDE YOUR COCK, BIG BRO!!” she screamed as she came, encouraging him to push past her hard ass and wide hips. Ally had a hard body and it certainly didn’t make it easy for Liam to swallow her up. The moment he reached her hips was easily the most difficult one. His urethra had to be stretched nearly twice its original size to accommodate the girl’s curves. He was on the verge of cumming again, but knew he couldn’t because Ally still had half way to go. He had to think fast and so he did. He punched his balls as hard as he could, sending a shockwave of pain throughout his entire body that would cancel out he overwhelming pleasure he was experiencing. His imminent orgasm disappeared, but this also accelerated the rate with which his sister was being pulled inside his cock. It took less than half a minute for her to be absorbed abs-deep. She was now in the perfect position to pleasure his cock with her tongue again. But she didn’t have much time as the absorption speed increased again. Ally’s body was now being massaged by the massive cock like a giant shaking vibrator. She came inside his shaft multiple times as the pulsing dick continued to pull her body in. She never stopped licking and biting Liam’s helmet until she could no longer reach it. She was neck-deep inside her brother’s cock when she said her final words: “I LOVE YOU, LIAM!! PLEASE USE MY BODY TO MAKE YOUR COCK EVEN FREAKIER!! NEVER STOP SWALLOWING HOPELESS WHORES LIKE ME INTO YOUR GIANT BALLS!” Liam then contracted his cock, sucking the head of his sister into his cock too. “I love you too, Ally!” he said calmly, waiting for her body to reach all the way into his balls. He patiently looked at the massive bulge that had formed all over his cock as his dear sister slowly got transported from his urethra to his balls. It truly was a marvelous sight and an incredible feeling.

She reached his balls a few minutes later, time in which Liam’s mind had been completely broken by the ungodly feeling of pleasure. His nutsack became bloated with the added mass of Ally. His balls were so huge it was a miracle they didn’t pop. But it was all worth it because Ally was gonna feed her brother’s growth with her muscular body. She pressed herself against the wall of his balls in an effort to give her brother a little bit more pleasure before she inevitably turned into cum. She pushed her tits against the wall and moved them up and down like a devoted slut, caressing Liam’s immensity even in her last moments. She also continued to finger herself as her mind started fading away. She was being completely engulfed by the ludicrous amount of semen surrounding her. She came again and again, spicing up her brother’s seed with her own sweet cunt juice. She then cried out in ecstasy as she melted away into the most potent load of cum her brother had ever produced. It didn't take long for her to be completely turned into cum. Liam knew that when his balls stopped moving, his sister was no more. She was now part of him and she was gonna make him bigger. He felt the pressure starting to build as his balls hardened and the veins on their surface almost tripled in size. This orgasm was gonna make all the previous ones look like child’s play. “FUCK YEAH, SIS!! LET’S SEE WHAT YOU GOT!!” Liam said as he felt his cock erupting. This time it wasn’t just powerful, it was utterly destructive. His blasts were so strong they completely destroyed the side of the house, making the walls crumble to dust. Liam screamed and moaned as his cock continued to spew hundreds of gallons of jizz everywhere. The cumblasts pushed the mighty cock back and pointed it to the ceiling, completely obliterating it, as well as the roof above. It was so much cum that the house got filled to the brim in less than 20 seconds. The windows broke and the thick jizz burst out, covering the surrounding area with Liam’s man juice too. During this time the muscular stud grew. His body packed on every pound of muscle his sister had, turning  him into an even bigger hunk. He couldn’t stop flexing his jacked body as his cock became bigger and freakier, adding so much mass it became way bigger than the rest of his body. He was finally done cumming about 10 minutes later. It was impossible to measure how much cum he produced. His cock doubled in girth and eventually stopped growing at around 6.5 feet. He was now 270 lbs pound of solid muscle and his balls became so big his feet could no longer reach the floor. Moments later, he crashed face first on his massive cock, exhausted after cumming so much. He planted a kiss on it and whispered “Thank you, sis!” before instantly falling asleep.


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