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Chapter 4: Demolition workout

**This story contains: huge muscles, muscle growth, huge cocks, cock growth, anal, excessive cum, hardcore sex, squirting, drugs, steroids and probably some other great stuff.

Tina and Zane made their way to the construction site just as the huge futa wanted the day before. Looking at them from a certain distance was definitely strange, judging from a normal person’s point of view. She was a massively muscular freak with a cock thicker than a man’s thigh hanging between her legs and flopping wildly as she walked. Massive veins filled with loads upon loads of dangerous muscle enhancing drugs covered her entire massive being, while at the same time she had the pretty face of a teenage girl, sporting beautiful blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. The contrast was stunning, to say the least. Alongside her was her older brother, looking like a nerdy sidekick in comparison. Every step Tina took made her muscles shake and bulge. To say she was imposing would be an massive understatement. She was a naked steroid freak on her way to give her muscles a good pump and her poor brother was there to assist her in doing so. Of course, not in a physical way, since he was a scrawny little bitch compared to her, but she wanted him by her side just in case. They approached the gate to the site and looked around for a bit, mainly wanting to see if the workers were on break like Zane predicted. It looked that way as no soul could be seen and the whole place seemed pretty quiet. The only problem was that the gate was locked with a large steel padlock. “It seems that they locked the place up before going to lunch. Shall we try again tomorrow? I’ll bring a bolt cutter from the basement.” said Zane to his musclebound sister. Tina looked at him like he was the dumbest guy in the world. She then grabbed the padlock and flexed her enormous arm, crushing the damn thing like it was made of paper. She then effortlessly pushed the heavy gate open with the same hulking arm that was now looking like it was about to explode with muscle mass. “You know me, little bro! I always find the simplest solutions to our problems. Come on!” she said as she stepped foot inside the site.

She looked around the place and the first thing that caught her attention was a pack of metal beams. “Oh yes, I’m really gonna have a proper workout here. Can’t wait to lift some really heavy shit!” She then picked up one of those beams and played with it a little. It was definitely heavier than her regular workout equipment, although not by much. But the whole pack would certainly do the trick. She looked around the place for something to tie them together with, but there was nothing strong enough to use so she had to improvise. She picked one of the beams and began bending it from both ends, essentially trying to tie the others together with this one. Her muscles bulged and her veins thickened as she contorted the heavy metal while her brother watched her with awe. Drool started coming out of his mouth as she witnessed his sister turning steel into her little bitch and giving it the shape she wanted. It took her only a couple of seconds to bend the steel into a perfect “O”, creating a heavy bundle of tightly squeezed together construction beams that she was about to use for her workout. “All right, now let’s see how this feels!” said Tina, visibly proud of her work. She wanted to do biceps curls first. She grabbed the metal structure with both hands and lifted it up like a barbell, making sure to use the proper form and to keep a tight grip. Zane watched with a raging boner poking through his pants as his sister started curling probably around 4000 lbs of cold steel. “Oh shit! It... feels so… fucking good to… give my babies a good… pump!” she said as her biceps bulged obscenely with each rep, becoming more extreme and more massive. Her cock came to life too, becoming hard as a rock before she reached the 10th rep. The thing she liked the most was that she was actually struggling. At the 20th rep she actually started sweating profusely. “FUCK… YEAH… GROW… BIGGER!!” Tina roared as she did 10 more reps before finally putting the steel bundle down. “LOOK AT THAT, LITTLE BRO!! LOOK AT MY FUCKING BICEPS!!” she said as she turned to her brother who was now ferociously jerking his cock. She did a massive double biceps pose, making her arms bulge with mind-numbing power. Her brother came instantly at the site of those gorgeously pumped monster biceps. “So 3 more sets, then we move to something else. Try to not pass out, will you?” she said with a smug. Tina then resumed he workout, pumping the metal pile as hard as she could, squeezing as many reps as her massive arms would allow. When she was done, she was completely covered in sweat and her cock made a large puddle of pre in front of her. Hers arms were shaking violently and her heart was beating twice as fast. But she wasn’t gonna stop there.

She ordered her brother to get on the crane and pick up a larger set of beams that she wanted to bench. Zane picked them up using the crane hook and moved them above Tina’s head, waiting for her signal to drop the massive weight. These steel beams were significantly longer and easily twice as heavy compared to the first ones. She grabbed a couple of cement bags and grouped them together, creating an improvised bench. She got on her back and looked with anticipation at the massive weight above her. “Oh yeah baby, gonna get a massive pump with this!!” she said as she stretched her still aching arms. “All right bro! Drop ‘em!” she shouted to Zane. With a press of a button, Zane released the heavy bundle on his hulking sister. She caught the massive weight and immediately began benching it. Her cock started spewing precum wildly as she did rep after rep with the insane 8000 lbs of steel. Her chest exploded forward and her arms started hurting badly, but she kept going until she reached a total of 50 reps. Tina’s beautiful face was red hot and she was breathing heavily from such herculean effort. There was no way she could tell her brother to use to crane to pick up the weight at this point. She planted her legs firmly into the ground and started contracting her entire body, struggling to keep the massive weight in place as she stood up. Slowly but steadily, she managed to get to her feet with the enormous mound of metal still in her hands. She roared like a caged animal as she flexed her entire being and threw the metal object 10 feet away, making it crash and produce a loud noise. Zane looked at his sister and couldn’t believe his eyes. She was so pumped she looked like she could explode at any moment. Her muscle mass was so bloated and her breathing so heavy she looked out of this world. “FUUUUUUUCK YEEEEEEAAHHH!!!” she roared again as he hit a most muscular pose, making her cock explode with enough cum to fill 2 bathtubs. She could feel her heart beating almost three times faster than normal. She decided to take a small break and rest for a bit, using the time to caress her new muscles. After all, there’s no point in having such a marvelous body if you won’t live to enjoy it.

After 10 minutes, Tina’s heart rate became normal again and her muscles cooled down a bit, just enough to let her proceed to her next exercise. She tied herself to a truck and started pulling the entire thing all over the construction site. When the feat became too easy, she tied a second truck and started pulling them both, making any strongman in the world look like a wimp when put next to her. When she was done, she grabbed one of the trucks and flipped it over again and again, making sure to give her entire body a good pump as well. She then did the same with the second truck, completely wrecking them both in the process. Her body was now aching all over and her muscles were so swollen it looked like the tiniest touch would make them pop. “Fuck yeah!! That’s a good fucking workout, bro! Come over here and check these muscles out!” she ordered her “little” brother who was now spent after he came so much while watching his sister obliterate the entire construction site. He put his hands on her humongous pecs and they felt like concrete. They didn’t even feel like parts of a human body anymore. It felt like he was touching a literal mountain. Her cock was throbbing hard as well. It dropped a couple of loads during the workout, but it wasn’t even close to being satisfied. Her balls were aching to cum some more. Just as Zane was preparing to take care of his sister’s erection, several voices could be heard approaching them. The construction workers were back from their break. “This is your lucky day, bro! I’m gonna go have fun with these guys instead!” she said with a lewd grin.

The workers couldn’t figure out what the hell happened there until they saw Tina approaching with heavy steps. “Hello there, boys!! I hope you don’t mind that I used your stuff without asking, but I really needed to get a good pump!” she said with a cute voice as she approached the 10 large men. “What the fuck is that? Is that a person?” said one of them. “Are you crazy? She’s fucking freak! She wrecked the whole damn place and now she’s coming for us!” said another worker. They continued arguing for a couple more seconds until they decided to kill the musclebound freak themselves. That’s exactly what Tina wanted to hear. They quickly picked up sledgehammers and shovels and whatever they could find and rushed towards the muscle behemoth with murderous intent. They immediately started hitting her all over, slamming their weapons and tools against her dense musculature. Tina didn’t even bother to flex her muscles in order to make them harder. She simply laughed and watched them pummel away at her magnificent body. Their hammers and shovels broke after a couple of hits but Tina’s body wasn’t even bruised. “I guess it’s my turn now!” she said with an evil grin. She picked up two of them and tossed them right into the deep hole they dug in close proximity. The two men were mostly intact, except they were pretty stunned from the impact and their ribs hurt like hell. She did the same with a few others, managing to get 6 out of the initial 10 men into the hole. The others ran away, realizing that they had no chance against her. The hole was too deep for them to be able to climb out and that’s precisely why she wanted them in there. She approached the hole and looked with twisted perversion at the poor murderous workers as they begged her to let them out. But she had other ideas. She started jerking her cock with both hands right in front of their scared faces, moaning louder and louder with each stroke. “Oh yeah, boys!! I’m gonna bury you in my sticky cum! I’m gonna cum so much I’ll fill that hole with you inside!” she said as she continued to jerk off, making her muscles bulge and throb harder each time. All of a sudden, she felt something in her massive lower back. It felt like someone just used a taser on her. She smiled and turned around. It was actually a woman. She was dressed in the same attire as the others, but she was clean and looked slightly more elegant. She was probably the head engineer of the construction site. “You came at the perfect time! I really needed a tight pussy to fuck right about now!” she said as she grabbed the woman and ripped her clothes apart, revealing her naked body. She wasn’t anything special, but now it wasn’t the time to be picky.

Tina impaled the woman on her titanic rod as she screamed at the top of her lungs while her eyes rolled in the back of her head and tears started coming out. She then began using the woman as a living fleshlight, moving her up and down her monstrous erection while the other workers watched helplessly. She fucked her without mercy, pushing more of her meat inside her cunt with each thrust, making sure she’ll never be able to stand on her own two feet again, let alone point a taser at anyone. “You have no idea how glad I am you decided to be a hero. I could have just dumped my load on your friends, but a woman’s hole is way better. Well, it’s not like I won’t have enough seed for all of you!!” she said as she continued to punish the engineer’s pussy. She pummeled the woman mercilessly with her cock while she slowly approached the hole. After a couple more thrusts she became nothing more than a living ragdoll, her arms and legs becoming numb and her expression losing any sign of intelligence. The workers cried and begged Tina for mercy. “Mercy? What do you mean? I’m not gonna kill you. I’m just gonna make sure you guys aren’t so rude next time!” It was obvious that the woman’s mind was completely shattered as a result of the brutal fucking Tina was inflicting upon her, but the muscular futa continued to fuck her without a care in the world. The woman came over 50 times and splashed Tina’s grotesquely pumped chest and abdomen with gallons upon gallons of juice. “OH FUCK YEAH!! HERE IT COMES!!” Tina shouted as she felt her bloated balls contracting. She then flexed every muscle in her body and started cumming hard. The woman’s belly bulged to massive proportions as Tina dumped load after load of her thick jizz straight into her guts. The powerful cumshots filled her up so much that she was only moments away from bursting. Tina simply removed her from her monstrous dick and threw her away like a used condom, leaving her a bloated mess in the dirt.

She then positioned her cock in the direction of the human-filled hole as it continued to erupt again and again, each time dumping a bigger load than the one before. Tina moaned as she came like a fire hose, filling the hole with her potent cum while the men inside screamed and begged her to stop. “FUUUUCK!! GONNA NEED MORE CUM!! BRO, GET OVER HERE AND SQUEEZE MY FUCKING BALLS!!” Zane rushed to his sister and got on his knees then began to massage her balls and squeeze them nice and hard, just like she wanted. “YES!! YES!!! FUUUUCK!! KEEP GOING!!” she said as she grabbed her cock with both hands again and started stroking it harder than ever. Her cumshots doubled in size as the hole got fuller and fuller until the thick cum reached the workers’ necks. “PLEASE STOP!! WE’RE GONNA DROWN!!” the workers screamed. But Tina wasn’t listening as she was too caught up in her orgasmic bliss. Zane worked her balls masterfully while she stroked her massive dick until every single drop of cum came out. She eventually stopped cumming and looked at her new friends who were now literally nose-deep in her cum. They barely had enough room left to breathe as more than 95% of their bodies were completely sunk in Tina’s dense seed. “Wow, you guys are lucky that your engineer lady took some of my load, otherwise you would have literally drowned in it. Oh well, it’s been fun! Come on, bro! Let’s go home! I’m gonna need a bigger dose of roids after such an intense workout!” she said as she started walking towards the exit. Zane made sure to tie a rope to a metal pole and throw it to the trapped workers, not wanting to have them on his conscience. He then rushed after his “big” sister like a puppy after its owner.


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