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**This story contains: hyper muscle growth, hyper cock growth, excessive cum, hyper tits, hyper balls, planetary destruction and probably some other extreme stuff.

Lana snapped out of her infinite muscle growth trance and realized that she just destroyed her own planet by fucking it with her planetary cock. For a brief moment, she was sad. But then she realized that there was no reason to be sad about it. The earth served its purpose: it helped her grow to celestial proportions. The warmth of its core felt wonderful and it made her beautiful cock even bigger. It also made her muscles grow and grow until the earth became just a small obstacle in her quest for more mass. Now she was far bigger than her puny planet ever was. Her muscles were the ultimate power in the universe. But she still felt unsatisfied with her size. She wanted more. She wanted to fill every little bit of space in the entire universe with her hulking muscles. And her body was ready to help her fulfill her wish.

As she stood there, in the vastness of space, bathing in her own immensity, another growth spurt struck. This time, it was slower, calmer. It felt like her muscles were gradually adding more insane beef, keeping her in a constant state of extreme arousal. More and more mountainous veins kept on appearing on her skin as her muscle mass continued to grow. “I’M SO FUCKING BIG AND HOT!! I’M WAY BIGGER THAN THESE USELESS PLANETS!! LOOK AT THEM, FLOATING AROUND WITHOUT A PURPOSE. I’M GONNA GIVE THEM A PURPOSE!! I’M GONNA USE THEM TO FEED MY MASSIVE GROWTH!! THEY WILL HELP ME MAKE MY BEAUTIFUL MUSCLES BIGGER AND BIGGER!!” she thought to herself as the growth completely took over her mind once again. She then began flexing her mighty cock and using its gargantuan power to suck everything it pointed at. Her dick worked like a planetary vacuum, absorbing every little bit of mass it its path. She sucked the remnants of the previous planet Earth, as well as the moon in only a couple of seconds. She then proceeded to absorb all the smaller planets and their satellites. One by one, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Pluto were absorbed by Lana’s growing cock. All of them felt like nothing to her. They went down her monstrous cockslit without any trouble. They felt like olives being pushed down a water pipe.

As the first few planets were sucked into her, Lana’s muscles kept surging bigger and more obscene. She was so packed that her quads pushed against her biceps and forearms and her pecs fought with her traps and lats for dominance. There was only a very small window between her bulging muscularity that barely allowed her to see what was in front of her. Every planet that she absorbed went directly into her massive balls. Her balls kept throbbing as they transformed every little bit of energy the planets contained into more mass for Lana. They were then dissolved inside her balls and effectively transformed into cum. Nothing she sucked was wasted. Every single rock or star or planet was ultimately fed to Lana’s balls and transformed into more cum that enlarged her already grotesquely pumped balls. Lana was in state of continuous orgasmic bliss as she devoured everything the universe had to offer. She absorbed Neptune and Uranus next, adding them to her growing balls as well. “OH FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!! IT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOOOOOOD!!! DRAINING THESE PUNY PLANETS MAKES MY BEAUTIFUL BALLS SO FULL OF CUM!! I WANT THEM BIGGER!! I WANT MY BALLS TO BE SO FULL THEY BEGIN TO HURT!! I WANT TO CUM FROM HAVING MY BALLS SO FULL THEY’RE ABOUT TO BURST!!” Lana thought to herself as her insane body continued to suck everything in its path and grow even freakier. Her tits became so big and bloated that they began leaking oceans of milk all around her. This was the first time her tits sprayed milk and it felt delightful. She experienced continuous smaller orgasms as her tits continued to release gallons upon gallons of sweet milk. Her cock was now ready to devour Saturn and Jupiter. These 2 were the only planets left. She purposefully left them at the end.

Lana positioned her throbbing cock towards the doomed planets and began to suck them as well. But these ones were still bigger than the entrance to her cock. She finally found a little challenge in this pathetic universe. She increased the power of her absorption and struggled to devour Jupiter. It really put up a decent fight and she loved it. Even so, its fate was still the same. Little by little, the mighty planet got deeper and deeper into Lana’s dick. It actually stretched out her cock and she loved the roughness. But her growth never stopped and the poor planet had no chance of beating Lana’s mighty phallus. “FUUUUCK!! YES!! IT’S STRETCHING MY COCK OUT SO FUCKING GOOD!! IT MAY BE BIGGER THAN THE OTHERS, BUT IT’S STILL SMALL AND INSIGNIFICANT COMPARED TO ME!! YOU’RE GOING INSIDE MY BALLS!! YOU’RE GONNA FEED MY MUSCLES AND MY COCK!! YOU’RE GONNA MAKE ME BIGGER!!! MOOREEE!! STRETCH MY COCK AND MAKE ME CUM!!! FUUUCK!!”

Not long after, Jupiter was completely devoured by Lana’s cock and ended up just like the others. Only Saturn remained. Lana wanted to savor this one a little more. So she purposefully turned her titanic growth down and let her cock do all the work. Saturn slammed against her cockslit and began to stretch out her urethra even more than Jupiter. It felt incredible for Lana. All of her galactic muscles began pulsing and every single vein exploded with size as Lana’s dick wrestled with the largest planet in the solar system. It gave her thousands of extreme orgasms per minute. Slowly but surely, Saturn was sucked deeper and deeper into the mighty monster’s urethra. Her cock looked like a snake that swallowed a rabbit whole. But Saturn eventually had to conceive too. Lana’s dick was too much. Her will to grow was too powerful. Her lust for mass was infinite. She couldn’t be stopped. She was becoming a god. The enormous energy of all of the planets combined made Lana’s body grow a thousand times bigger and more stuffed with bloated muscles. She was quickly filling out all the space she had at her disposal. Her muscles kept bulging and packing on size and definition at an astounding rate. She was beyond colossal. She was beyond ridiculous. She was so massive that there aren’t any words that could describe her now. “THOSE WORTHLESS PLANETS REALLY HELPED ME GROW!! BUT I CAN’T STAND IT ANYMORE!! I NEED TO FUCK!!” She then turned her attention to the sun.

She wanted to apply the same treatment to the Sun as she did with the Earth. She increased the pace of her growth once again until she finally was able to penetrate the Sun. She didn’t want to waste any more time, she was horny as hell. She slammed her mighty being against the flaming sun and thrust her meaty spear in it with indescribable force. The sun’s warmth touched her hulking body as she struck the sun with her gigantic dick. It went in without a hitch. And it felt marvelous. The supreme hotness of the sun was beyond orgasmic. It was mind-breaking. Lana’s muscles continued to grow violently in every direction as her body began to fuck the sun. Her muscles kept on packing at least ten thousand times faster than before. She was drowning in a sea of muscle. She couldn’t even comprehend what was happening anymore. Every fiber in her body was on fire. Every single cell in her body was giving her thousands of orgasms every second. She was fucking the sun and growing bigger with every thrust. There was only a single thought left in her deeply corrupted mind: “MOOOOOOOOORRREEEEE!!!” The growth was so intense that her balls started producing cum even faster and her tits were lactating 1000 times more milk. She was a living breathing growing muscular orgasm machine. She was getting closer to godhood. She could feel it.

The brutal pounding of the hot sun continued for what felt like hours. But every moment felt like an eternity of continuous sexual pleasure for Lana. She could feel her body moving on its own, gaining more size and more power with every passing moment. She was in overdrive. She had no control over her massive body anymore. She just grew and came, over and over again. Her cock moved on its own while her muscles became almost as big as the sun. Her balls hurt so much they managed to break her frenzy of infinite lust. They were so bloated that they became as big as her biceps. She needed to cum. She used the last bit of sanity she had left to take control of her body and engulf the sun with her growing muscles and then buried her cock deep inside it. With one primal scream, she came. She erupted inside the scorching sun with the might of half the universe. She came so much and so hard the sun simply blew up after only a couple of seconds. Her potent cum was so abundant that the broken pieces of the sun were completely snuffed out by it. She came so much that the sun completely died out. But she wasn’t done. She came even after that, bathing all that remained of the universe in her seed. When her universe-wrecking orgasm finally ended, Lana’s body exploded with 10000 times more size. She was literally so massive that her muscles and cock and tits completely filled out the universe. There was nothing more she could consume, nothing she could devour to help her grow. That’s what she thought, until she sensed it: a massive black hole. The only thing left to overgrow.

She could feel her muscles twitching and her cock throbbing again. Her balls became half full again at the thought of fucking a black hole. She was so close to her goal. She couldn’t stop now. Her muscles contracted all at the same time and she grew again. She grew until she was the size of the black hole. She then impaled the most frightening phenomenon in the universe with her galaxy-defying cock. Then she began her long awaited final fuck. She rammed her cock inside the black hole again and again as it tried to suck all of her mass in. But it was futile. She was too big. She had too much mass even for a giant black hole. Lana was the definition of mass. Her muscles didn’t even budge, they just kept on growing. But the sucking felt incredible to her cock. She continued to grow even bigger as she fucked the massive black hole into submission. It wasn’t long until the black hole became nothing more than a celestial cock sleeve. It felt like a tiny pussy wrapped around Lana’s cock. But she didn’t stop. She continued to thrust until her cock outgrew the black hole and it shattered around her veiny rod. Millions of smaller black holes were born out of it. And all of them were insignificant compared to Lana. She flexed her cock and instantly absorbed them all. They went straight into her bloated balls and became part of her seed, just like every other bit of mater in the universe. Her balls were so bloated that the skin was close to bursting. She could feel it. This was it, her moment of ascension. There was nothing more to devour, nothing more to overgrow. Lana simply let herself go. She came. This was her final mortal orgasm. She emptied her balls into whatever space was left and grew again. She grew a million times bigger than before. Her never-ending muscles broke the limits of reality. There was no more space left. There was only Lana. She was now God. She took a few moments to reflect on it all: this wonderful godlike body was made possible by a little rune she found by accident. She could only smile and admire her infinite bulk for all eternity while she continued to grow. Even godhood proved to be not enough for her. She wanted way more...



Love it, would have loved a nod of something where after becoming God, Lana made the rune appear in the past for her to find

Nick563 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-21 20:40:51 I thought of the rune as an excuse for her to start growing, but I think this idea can also be used in future stories :D I've added a few lines to the ending, should be more satisfying now :>
2021-02-26 08:17:50 I thought of the rune as an excuse for her to start growing, but I think this idea can also be used in future stories :D I've added a few lines to the ending, should be more satisfying now :>

I thought of the rune as an excuse for her to start growing, but I think this idea can also be used in future stories :D I've added a few lines to the ending, should be more satisfying now :>