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**This story contains: hyper muscle growth, hyper cock growth, excessive cum, hyper tits, hyper balls, planetary destruction and probably some other extreme stuff.

Lana returned home after another shitty day at the office, followed by another disappointing workout at the local gym. Once again, some of her good looking female colleagues made fun of her skinny body and her small tits. She ignored them, just like she always did, but every word hurt deep inside. It hurt because it was true, she really wasn’t much to look at in terms of curves. Tired of them constantly making fun of her, she decided to join a gym and begin working out. But that didn’t really change much. She didn’t know her way around the various machines and types of weights and the personal trainers were too busy with the big breasted bimbos who “needed their help”. She did what she could, but didn’t really manage to improve her body very much. If things weren’t bad enough, some girls in the locker room found out she had a dick and started gossiping. Eventually, the biggest bimbo of the gym confronted her in the shower, laughing in her face and calling her a “freak” and a “weirdo”. She left the gym crying and headed straight for home.

She thought that a long walk through the woods would help clear her head and make her forget about the awful day she just had. She headed for the backyard of her house and then jumped the fence into the woods. She started walking further and further into the woods, even though it was almost dawn and there wasn’t much light left for the day. But she didn’t care, she wanted to be alone. As she walked, she suddenly spotted a strange rock at the base of a large tree. It looked like a runestone from the videogames she used to play, but it had a large “M” carved on it and a couple of other strange symbols on the other side. She picked up the runestone and tried to analyze it. After a few seconds, all of the symbols lit up, making Lana panic and drop the rune. But there was something so hypnotic about it. She could feel it calling her name. She picked it up again, closed her eyes and kissed the glowing “M”. When she opened her eyes, the rune was gone. After only a few moments, she started breathing heavily and huge veins appeared all over her body. She could feel her clothes getting tighter with every passing second as her body grew bigger right before her eyes. Her muscles exploded with so much size that she became bigger that Ronnie Coleman ever was in only a couple of seconds. Her clothes shattered before her mighty muscular physique and her new pair of humongous breasts. Her dick grew too, reaching a whopping 3 feet in length and her balls became as big as medicine balls.

“My body!! What’s happening? It’s become so big and strong! And it keeps growing. But why? Ahh!! I don’t care!! It feels so good!! I feel so powerful and so hot!! I NEED MORE!! MOOORE!!” she said as she experienced incredible pleasure all over her body. It felt better as more and more muscles kept packing onto it. She has never been this horny. She started jerking her huge cock with both hands. Lana’s massive muscles kept piling on as she jerked herself off and her tits continued to grow bigger and rounder, almost competing with her giant balls for sheer size. The veins on her arms kept getting fatter as her arms exploded with additional size from the insane force of her stroking. Her massive legs were almost out of space between them as her balls kept on gaining size alongside her monolithic cock. She became so big that she looked like 50 of the biggest bodybuilders in the world squeezed together into a single being. She continued to grow and jerk off, moaning continuously and experiencing unspeakable pleasure.

“OH MY FUCKING GOD IT FEELS SO GOOD!! I’M GETTING SO BIG!! I LOVE MY NEW BODY!! I LOVE MY HUGE FUCKING COCK!! I WANT MORE SIZE!! MORE MUSCLES!! SHIT!! I’M GONNA CUM!! I’M GONNA BLOW A MASSIVE LOAD!! FUUUUUUCK!!!” She came with the power of a freight train, shooting massive loads of cum all over the forest, covering everything in sight in her thick creamy cum. Her orgasm triggered another growth spurt, making her ten times as big as before. Her muscles ballooned in every direction, making her massive frame tower all over the puny forest. Her body was a symphony of abs, biceps, triceps, delts, lats, traps and quads fighting for space and for dominance on her massively freakish physique. Her pecs were so big that they started to get in the way of her vision and her calves were as big as cars. She was taller than most buildings and wider than a couple of them put together. And she was nowhere near done growing.

She eyed up the closest mountain in sight and realized it was actually a volcano, indicated by the very tempting hole at the top. Lewd thoughts crossed her mind as her muscles and dick continued to grow. She made her way over to it, licking her lips with anticipation. It took a lot of effort to move her gigantic balls such a long distance. They were so big that they rubbed against her freakishly huge legs and pushed aside everything in their way. She seemed to be enjoying the hard walk as her balls kept pulsating and new ticker veins appeared all over them. She moaned the whole way, watching her inhumanly large muscles in motion made her horny as hell. Her body was a giant pack of overpumped veiny slabs of beef that sported two ridiculously large breasts and a monstrous dick. Her throbbing muscles continued to expand with every passing second, making her love her new body even more. The volcano was pretty big, almost as large as she was, but the hole at the top was laughably small compared to Lana’s ridiculously large cock. But she was not gonna to let such trivial matters stop her from achieving the ultimate pleasure.

The rock shattered as she rammed her mighty cock into the hole of the volcano with obscene force, obliterating the sides and sending that thick shaft plunging downwards. She was forced to squat over the top of the volcano to get it all the way in, bending her knees and thrusting with earth shattering force. Her giant nuts slammed against the side of the volcano as her muscles continued to swell and fight for space on her titanic frame. Right at the bottom she felt her cock reach the molten rock and lava. It felt heavenly. It felt better than any pussy imaginable. It felt like plunging your dick into a warm bath. The pops and cracks of rocks shifting and breaking around her fuckpole made for an experience unlike any other. She pushed harder, trying to shove all of her dick in. Her growing muscle mass kept pressing down on the top of the volcano. Her giant tits bounced with incredible strength, slowly flattening out the other side of the structure. The warmth of the lava made its way in every last vein of Lana’s body, feeding her muscles with new life and getting her closer to a massive orgasm.


All of her muscles contracted at the same time and she erupted inside the volcano. As soon as she blew her incredible load the earth began shaking uncontrollably. The volcano erupted violently with a mixture of lava and Lana’s thick seed. There was so much cum that it engulfed most of the lava, leaving only loads upon loads of hot cum splashing in every direction. But she kept going, pumping harder, feeling the volcano crumble under her weight as she slammed into it with meteoric force over and over. She must have dumped an entire ocean worth of seed. There was so much that the entire volcano crumbled and Lana’s cum reached a few miles in every direction. The entire area was covered in her delicious hot cum and the former volcano was merely a semen-soaked giant mess. It was truly an incredible sight, but not nearly as incredible as her godlike muscles and dick.

All that cumming only made Lana grow even more. She felt her body rising higher as her muscles swelled once again. The sheer weight of so much mass caused the ground below her to crack. Her muscles were so huge that she couldn’t even bend her limbs, let alone walk. She was so large that she could be seen from hundreds of miles away. Her head was now buried somewhere between her massive traps and her monstrous pecs. She wanted to speak, but there was no way to open her mouth with so much pec meat pressing against it. There was so much muscle mass that it became difficult to distinguish her body parts. She was now a monstrous behemoth packed with enormous immobile muscles and a cock as large as a continent. Her biceps were easily bigger than some countries and her back was wider than the Atlantic Ocean. And there was only one thing on her mind: “MORE!! I NEED MORE MASS!! I NEED TO BE BIGGER!! I NEED TO FUCK!!!”

But there was no hole big enough to fit her dick now, so she decided to make one herself. Her pupils dilated as she dropped herself forward and wrapped her arms around the ground, pressing her body against the dirt. It was impossible for her to get a good grip, but as she began to squeeze she could feel herself growing again. Slowly it became easier and easier to get a hold of the planet as her overbloated muscles overwhelmed it with their immensity. Her huge arms and legs sank into the earth as they grew alongside the rest of her freakishly huge body. The two giant globes that were now her biceps were now imprinting themselves on the planet’s surface. With one powerful move of her gigantic hips, she plunged her throbbing cock into the ground. And then she began to thrust, harder and harder each time, getting more and more of her meat inside the massive orifice she created. It felt even better than fucking the volcano. The ground struggled to resist her monstrous cock and she loved it. She loved that it pushed back against her continental dick, making it even more satisfying as she got deeper and deeper. Her balls were pulsing like crazy, signaling that they were full of cum yet again. With each thrust, her body continued to grow and add additional thousands of pounds of solid muscle on top of the existing ones. Her lats pushed against her arms and her abs pushed against her enormous tits. There was no more space on her frame, but her muscles wouldn’t stop growing. Her blood felt like kerosene, pumping her muscles bigger and more obscene, as well as adding additional size to her already ridiculous cock and balls. She continued to flex her titanic glutes and pound the planet with her cock, pummeling the surface with the enormous weight of her muscular body. She transformed the entire planet into her personal cock sleeve.

It was only a matter of time before Lana’s cock reached the earth’s core. With the bulk of her body pressed against the planet, she got balls deep inside the earth and began to fuck its very core. The earth shook uncontrollably as the massive being continued to pound away at the core. Lana felt her balls ache as they were full to the brim with sperm. Her planetary muscles flexed as if possessed while she penetrated the core deeper, feeling a massive orgasm coming. She only managed to get a few thrusts more before she came. She unloaded indescribable amounts of cum deep into the center of the earth. It was so much that the earth started breaking apart in order to create more space for Lana’s seed. Her sperm was so abundant that large erupting geysers formed at the surface, pumping enormous amounts of cum all over the shaking planet. There seemed to be no end to Lana’s orgasmic eruption. And the longer her orgasm, the more she grew. The entire globe shattered in her massive grip. Huge chunks of debris slammed against her tits and chest and abs, but she felt no pain. Her muscles were simply too dense and too big for her to feel any sort of pain. The entire earth had been blown up into millions of pieces thanks to Lana’s furious cumblast. And the massive orgasm only made her body explode with new power, gaining ten times its previous mass in only a few moments. She was a planetary blob of immobile muscle and cock and she loved it. And she still wanted more. She wanted to fuck something worthy of her new size of power. In the vastness of space there was only one thing that was bigger than her now: the sun. She could feel another growth spurt coming…


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