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Alan couldn’t believe his eyes. Was this even real or was he dreaming? An absolute monster of a human being stood drenched in sweat before his eyes, at least six and a half feet tall, with insanely massive muscles bulging out of every inch of its body. Even though it was hard to say given the beast’s insane proportions, it must have weighed at least 400 lbs. He looked up and down the monster’s backside with a strange mix of shock and arousal. He had always enjoyed sculpted physiques, especially on girls, but this looked so extreme even the most hardcore bodybuilding enthusiasts would have a hard time finding it attractive. Was it a man or a woman? It was really hard to tell. Its hard glutes looked thicker than two car tires, twitching again and again as if they had a mind of their own. A cascade of bulging beef ran down the muscle being’s back like a river of raw power threatening to rip through the tight skin. Its lats flared out like huge meaty wings, making it seem, at least at first glance, wider than it was tall. Deep crevasses etched themselves in between the writhing muscle groups that made up the titanic backside of this monstrous being. A small tuft of black hair in a ponytail was the only thing Alan could see over the bulging traps mounted on its thick neck. Speaking of traps, they were so thick it seemed incredibly difficult for it to turn its head. He was breathing heavily, almost like he was having a heart attack. “Are you ok Alan?” a deep, yet feminine and very familiar voice reached out to him. The monster was doing curls as she said those words, her biceps so huge and bloated they could be seen even from her back. “I… I don’t know… Who… what are you?” she said shakily. He couldn’t see it, but the gargantuan woman smiled devilishly as he said those words. She ignored him for several more seconds until she finished her set.


The beast then dropped the ridiculously huge dumbbell to the ground, releasing an audible thud that shook the whole room at the moment of impact. She then slowly turned around, her huge muscles flexing with the smallest of movements and even her breath. Its heaving pectorals and gigantic arms were a sight to behold, wider than three times Alan’s entire torso. She looked down at him with a sense of superiority, like a musclebound elephant staring down at an ant. Her jaw was a little bit rough and easily stronger than his, but her face still radiated with beautiful feminine features. Then he recognized her deep hazel eyes and finally realized who this was. It was Maya, his former girlfriend, the very same one he left over half a year ago because her obsessive passion for bodybuilding was beginning to affect their relationship. She took a booming step closer to him, but in a calm and rather gentle way, even though someone of her mass would definitely not be light on their feet. “Maya? Is that really you? I don’t understand… What happened to you? Last time I saw you, you were… normal.” Alan said with utter shock in his voice. He couldn’t believe this monolithic creature was the same Maya he broke up with six months ago. Back then, she was very fit and even pretty muscular by most people’s standards, but now she looked like a science experiment. “Do you really want to know Alan? Do you really want to know how I did this?” she said as she raised her monstrous arms up and flexed them into a humongous double bicep pose, making each thick vein rise to the surface of her skin. Alan was left speechless at the sight of those massive mounds of female beef. She held the flex for several seconds and grunted as her biceps visibly grew the more she strained. “Like that baby? You like that big hard muscle? I fucking love it!” she said as she liked her bloated biceps lewdly. She eventually released the flex and grinned like an absolute madwoman, waiting for Alan to say something.


“I… I think it’s too much. Way too much!” he said with a dumbstruck expression. Maya licked her lips as she took a quick glance towards Alan’s crotch. His obvious erection was telling a completely different story than his mouth. He was definitely liking the view, even though he didn’t want to admit it. Thick veins rippled across Maya’s insane amount of girl beef as she prepared for the next flex. “Just how did you get so big?” he asked, still unable to fully comprehend her ludicrous size. “Two things, darling: hard work and huge amounts of steroids.” she responded casually, almost bored. For her, the answer to was obvious, but it didn’t fully portray the ridiculous effort it took to get so big. “Are you ready for a big one?” Maya asked as she took a step backwards and took a deep breath. “No. I really think you should st…” he didn’t manage to finish as a literal explosion of female muscle unfolded right before his eyes. Maya let out a loud grunt as she thrust her arms downward and performed a massive most muscular flex. Her thick meaty pecs and shoulders erupted in a symphony of muscular perfection, turning her tight gym bra into a thing of the past. “Oh yeah! Look at that!!” she roared as she squeezed more power into her flex, making Alan question if she was even human anymore. Her pecs and shoulders rippled and bloated inhumanly, and a road map of thick veins sprung out across the mountain range of her extreme bulk, down her monstrous arms, and all the way to her thick forearms. “I guess you won’t be seeing my tits anymore, those tits you liked so much before. But now I have something better: huge fucking pecs!” she said as she strained and pushed her chest muscles to their absolute limit. They swelled so much they partially obstructed her vision, her biceps pushing against them like meaty balloons fighting for space on her frame. Her nipples engorged and puffed out as she held the flex like she was on stage, her chest so big and wide that her nipples now pointed downwards. Her biceps were miles bigger than his head, and he could only imagine how much strength resided in those inhumanly large arms. Alan involuntarily erupted in his pants, the cum spot clearly visible through his jeans.


“Mmmm, you liked that a lot, I see!” she said with a naughty tone in her voice as she licked her lips. She then casually shoved a hand into her way too-tight panties and penetrated her cunt with two fingers. She gave her pussy a few strokes and then pulled out and presented her wet fingers to him. “Look how wet this massive body makes me! Lick it! Lick my pussy juice like a good boy!” she ordered. Alan complied, his brain still struggling to process the whole situation. His hand was nearly half the size of hers, and her fingers were almost twice the size of his. He put her fingers into his mouth and sucked them dry. Her pussy juice tasted like chemicals, most likely a mix of synthetic testosterone and growth hormone. “Good boy!” she said, patting him on the head like he was a puppy. She walked back over to her workout area and grabbed a protein shake from a nearby gym bag. As she began pouring the highly concentrated protein sludge down the hatch, each gulp caused her muscles to twitch and bulge and two massive veins on the sides of her neck stood out. With her free hand, she started doing biceps curls with a dumbbell that probably weighed more than Alan’s entire body. The room fell silent save for the gulping sounds and the clanging of steel. When she was done with her snack, she moved over to the squat rack. The bar bent across her thick bulging traps as she lifted it, the metal plates so huge and numerous it was a miracle that the bar could withstand their combined weight. Alan stared in amazement at Maya’s huge, extremely chiseled ass and thighs as they bulged and contorted with each rep. It wasn’t long before her panties exploded under the pressure of the mighty muscles being pumped bigger and bigger. Now she was completely naked, but still continued to perform rep after rep until she had serious trouble going back up on account of her muscles grinding against each other and restricting her movements. With a loud, animalistic grunt, Maya heaved the weights onto the reinforced titanium squat rack as the entire foundation of the building shook.


She turned her gargantuan frame around and approached Alan. Her legs put tree trunks to shame, so huge and bloated with beef that the simple act of walking was much more difficult than it should be. On the way, she grabbed a vial of roids from the same bag as before and presented it to him. “That was really fun. But now it’s time for my next dose. And I want you to help me with it.” the massive girl said as she stopped in front of him. She handed him the vial and he took it without even thinking. “This is a steroid cocktail made specifically for me. Before you ask, let me just say that you’d be surprised at what some eggheads are able to accomplish for the right price.” she said as she licked her lips and presented him with a big syringe. “Now be a good boy and fill me up, will you? You’ll get to see me grow bigger and sexier right before your eyes. You’d like that… wouldn’t you?” Maya batted her eyelashes, looking at him like he was a little kid. She turned again and presented her huge ass to him, slapping it playfully in order to tease him more. “O… ok, here goes.” Alan did as instructed and plunged the syringe deep into her right buttock. “Oh fuck, baby! I love this part!” she said with sexual excitement in her voice as she bit her upper lip with anticipation. As soon as the syringe was empty, she flared her lats and her body began to throb right in front of Alan’s eyes. The already huge slabs of beef mounted on her frame began to grow and new ones appeared seemingly out of nowhere as she felt her brain being filled with orgasmic bliss. Alan could hear the muscle fibers tearing and rebuilding themselves bigger as she bulged and thickened in every direction. Her traps swelled, her shoulders expanded with more hard meat and her arms and legs blew up with new size and definition. She turned and flexed each of her muscles one by one for him, showing off her ridiculously huge body that was still not far from being done growing. She bounced her pecs in a spectacle of sinew and bulk, emphasizing their ridiculous vascularity to Alan, wanting nothing more than to make him cum again with her lewd display. She tensed her arms and slowly raised them up to the lever of her ridiculously large chest as saliva started flowing out of her mouth. Her biceps swelled like mountains up on her arms, reaching new peaks of extreme. She then tried to reach down to feel her swelling quads and finger her leaking cunt, but the ludicrous size of her bloated abs prevented that, at least for the time being. “Feel my quads, Alan. Feel how fucking hard I am!” she commanded. Alan placed a hand on her beefy leg and felt every tendon quivering beneath his touch. He felt her muscle fibers slowly pushing his hand outward the more they grew. Huge veins poked up under his grip, looking like snakes hiding beneath her skin.


All of her muscles were screaming with brutal lust and she was wet beyond belief.  Almost out of sheer instinct, she grabbed Alan and lifted him up like he was a feather, bringing his crotch to her face. She effortlessly ripped his jeans and stared down his insane erection. “I need your cock, Alan! I need you to feed me your protein!” she moaned as she kissed the tip of her ex’s cock. Alan’s cock wasn’t anything particularly impressive, about 6 inches long with rather normal girth, but it didn’t matter. What mattered was the pure male protein found inside his balls, the same one she was gonna devour in order to fuel her muscles further. She was a beast of muscle and lust, something which turned Alan on immensely, even though he was also afraid of her. Before taking it into her mouth, Maya used her tongue to massage the leaking cockhead, bringing his arousal to completely new levels. "Fuck, you're so good with your tongue…" Alan said, his cock feeling like it was being handled by a professional hooker, not a gigantic muscle freak. With a loud moan, she opened her mouth and finally engulfed his cock with her lips and began sucking. Slowly at first, she went down the rigid shaft, the walls of her mouth heating up the throbbing cockhead of Alan’s member. She began to slurp down the rest of the cock, its tip pushing against the back wall of her mouth as she pleasured it like a pro. Alan was moaning wildly, his ex-girlfriend sucking so hard it felt like a vacuum cleaner. She was throwing her head back and forth, her face slowly turning red, determined to extract the precious cum out of those balls no matter what. And that’s exactly what she did. A minute or so later, the boy finally gave in to the immense pleasure and came. Maya kept on sucking as the warm cum started bursting out. She drank Alan’s cum like a precious protein shake, making sure not a single drop escaped her mouth. “Fuck! So delicious! That was exactly what I needed!” she said as she finally let the cock out of her mouth with a loud pop. She made sure to give the cock a few more licks and kisses, showing her gratitude for the meal. She then slowly let Alan down, her body still throbbing, although at a much slower pace.


She flexed for him again, this time looking even more ridiculously jacked than before, her body barely resembling its former self anymore. She looked more like a cartoonish version of a human anatomy model, so packed with muscle it was difficult to tell muscle groups apart anymore. “Maya… I…I really need to know. What’s the point of all this?” Alan finally asked the big question. “The point, darling, is to become as big as possible. I love muscles! I can’t have enough of them! Becoming a massive monster of mass and power is my dream. I’m not gonna stop until I reach my limit or die trying.” she said with a stoic expression, flexing her biceps and causing a new explosion of growth, making her arm look like something that didn’t even belong on a human being anymore. “I want you to stay with me and help me grow. I want you to feed me every day and help me with training and roiding. As you can see, it’s becoming increasingly hard for me to do it myself.” she said as grinned softly, her expression turning into what could only be described as ‘puppy eyes’. That’s when Alan realized that behind the hulking mass of steroid-stuffed female beef, there was still just a young girl with a rather unusual goal in life. Alan stood there, awestruck by Maya's words and the imposing sight of her transformed physique. Despite everything, he found himself drawn to her unwavering desire to grow. Also, he couldn’t deny the fact that he was curious to see how far she was going to go. "Maya," he began, his voice steady yet filled with uncertainty, "this is... a lot to take in. But if this is truly what you want, if this is your dream... then I want to be a part of it. I want to be here with you." Maya's eyes widened with happiness, a glimmer of hope lighting up her face. "You... you really mean it?" she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief. Alan nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Yes! I'll stay with you. I'll help you grow, I'll support you in your training, and... I'll be there for you in every way I can."A surge of gratitude washed over Maya as she reached out to envelop Alan in a tight embrace, squeezing him so hard she nearly broke his spine. "Thank you, Alan!" she said, feeling his cock stiffen again between her bloated abs.
