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It was clear that now her lower body would be the next part of this little service the human tried to give. Pussy or ass, that was the only question.

Both would be a challenge no matter what.

“Now stand up sweety!”, Naienna said while she gave the human a big smile. Lejana inhaled and exhaled slowly but she followed the order.

“...and now? What do you want me to…hey…!”, Lejana was a bit confused because Naienna turned her around to face away from her. The Lightforged already pushed her cock between Lejana’s legs. It was obvious now that this thing would pierce deep inside. Pussy or ass doesn’t matter…

“I’ve waited so long for this…”, Naienna whispered in a soft voice. The horsecock smacked a couple of times against Lejana’s belly. The human looked down, just a bit worried.

“You really…can’t wait any longer…right? Even after you… basically came enough to impregnate each and every woman in Stormwind twice over by now?”, Lejana chuckled just a tiny little bit.

Naienna laughed at that while she placed her cock against Lejanas tiny pussy. “Don’t let Ishari hear that, sweety. You might give her ideas!” She let her hands glide over Lejana’s hips.

“It has been quite some time, you know? I’m very happy to have you right now…any longer without a proper release would be…so painful!”, her voice became but a whisper, “I need you to please me one of my own kind. Your little womb and cervix aren’t designed for that, I know, but I’ll help and you won’t get pregnant I promise, don’t worry.” Lejana gasped as comprehension kicked. “Wha…?”, but Naienna interrupted her. “Hush now my sweet little rose and get ready…I’m pushing in… now…”.

With that, she slowly, ever so slowly pushed inside. Of course, Naienna’s member was way too big to simply glide inside. She rubbed her pre-dripping cock over Lejana’s puffy swollen labia. The warm and tickling sensation her pre left was familiar to Lejana by now.

It took a couple of tries and quite a bit of time until Lejana’s pussy opened just enough so the cockhead could squeeze inside. Lejana felt like her pussy would rip apart just right now but nothing happened, the only thing she felt was a big, heavy stretch and unexpected pleasure.

Naienna used both her hands to hold the human on her waist, taking all the time needed to make more progress.

Slowly but steadily, Naienna would cram more inches inside. Making her way through pulsing wet folds. Meanwhile Lejana exhaled loud and hard.

“F…fuck…! Slow…down…hnnhgh…..you are so big…!”

Naienna did slow down, but just for a couple of seconds to prepare herself. Lejana felt her cock pulse hard a couple of times. The same tingly warm sensation on her outer lips spread inside of her. She was sure the draenei didn’t cum yet, so it left her to conclude that it was pre that spread inside of her. Probably to lube her up properly.

Then she grabbed Lejana’s hands, both of them and pulled her closer, slowly lifting her and impaling her on this horsecock. “Ohhh…”, Lejana sighed. She began to feel lightheaded.

“Ahh…so tight!”, Naienna groaned, “So pretty and delicate… you're taking it so deep! I feel now why Ishari can’t keep her hands off you.”

Lejana looked forward, her mouth open in a soft shocked moan. She tried to say something but this goat knocked the wind out of her lungs with this move and she knew this was only the beginning. Only about half of the member was inside and she already felt so full.

And then he felt it, every bit of that huge cock inside her pulsing, how muscles tensed, how Naienna slowly pulled out a little bit.

She would fuck her now and Lejana was sure, Naienna would fuck her pretty hard if her throbbing cock was any indication.




I'm absolutely loving this little storyline, it's probably my favourite of yours. Will we be seeing any animations at any time soon too? They were amazing,.


I am happy to hear that! :) I have nothing in plan for animations right now, I am currently working pretty hard to start the next Comic without any pause between sets :3