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“Excuse me?”, a melodious voice asked. It vibrated with an ever-so-soft echo as if spoken in prayer within the serene walls of the Cathedral of Light.

Many peoples frequented the Goldshire Inn close to the southern Gate of the capital city Stormwind. Humans, elves, gnomes, draenei and some more special than others.

Among them was a certain Lightforged draenei.

“Hu? What? Can’t you see I‘m busy? I need to clean all these tables…”, a human with dark skin and red/brownish hair said while bending over and swiping a table with a black wipe. The human tried to look over her shoulder; and at that moment, she saw the beautiful and tall Lightforged draenei. She sighed.

~Another one of these….goats!?~, the human thought, remembering her dealings with another very special draenei called “Ishari”. A draenei who gave the human a lot of trouble in the last couple of days, weeks, months…or even more?

“My name is Naienna and I trust you are the diligent Lejana, are you not? You are indeed as beautiful as I have heard and… as grumpy.” Her voice was kind and the lighthearted laughter that followed it rang as clear and joyful as a warm spring rain falling into the tranquil ponds of Eversong Forrest. Lejana didn’t answer yet but her soured just a bit more given the draenei’s comment. “Please forgive my intrusion but you look exactly as she described you…”, Naienna said with a hint of a smile on her lips, one hand on a chair and the other in front of her.

“You know my name? Wait a second…! Did you say “SHE”? Who exactly…is this person who told you my name?”, Lejana slowly turned around.

Now she saw the Lightforged in her full glory. She was tall. Probably one or two heads taller than herself. Her eyes as well as her tattoos glowed like the midday sun. Lejana couldn’t help the sense of awe that snuck upon her. The glow in the draenei’s eyes was arresting and despite their brightness gazing into them was not at all unpleasant. It rather left her with a peculiar feeling of warmth. And what surprised Lejana were the many glowing freckles that surrounded the draenei’s eyes. It felt like gazing into the many stars of heaven’s field on a clear summer night.

“Hm? The person who told me your name? She is exceptional! A beautiful, strong draenei who is very dear to me…”, Naienna’s voice brightened as she explained. It seems like the Lightforged likes this person. But before she could finish, Lejana interrupted her.

“Hold on…Hold on…! I don’t want to hear everything about her and you…I simply asked for the name..!”, Lejana said,  she put one hand on her waistline, waiting for the answer.

“But of course. Forgive me. She calls herself Ishari. As I understand you probably know her all too well, yes?”, the Lightforged couldn’t hide a knowing grin.

Lejana’s right eye slowly contracted a little bit.

“I knew it! This…goat again! What did she say about me or…why are you here? I am really really really busy you know…?”, Lejana explained slowly. Somehow she knew there was something off…in this situation. Everything with the name “Ishari” was off, so Lejana thought. Yes, of course, she liked the draenei called “Ishari” but people do not need to know that directly, right?

Naienna laughed loud and long.

“This is the exact reaction she predicted you would have! She said that you are never actually as busy as you say you are even when insisting otherwise…and that you would be perfect to help me with a special kind of problem! Furthermore, she assured me that you are intimately familiar with these kinds of problems and you are an absolute expert at… easing them.”, Naienna answered with a kind, almost innocent smile. But Lejana noticed a strange glint in these vast golden eyes that didn’t leave her at ease - at all.

She raised her index finger, in front of her body, with the other hand resting on her side. And she said to Lejana as if she were a child as if it were a simple, obvious answer to her question.

Lejana tilted her head and raised one eyebrow: ”Is…that so? Pretty interesting that this goat knows exactly when I am busy and when not! What do you even mean by “helping with a little problem”?

Lejana looked between the draenei’s legs but right now there was no sign of…something like Ishari had there. Maybe this problem was something “normal”?

“Oh, I would very much like to show you but… perhaps not here. Could we go somewhere a little more private? That is, if you are willing to help me, of course.”, Naienna asked.

Lejana inhaled slowly. Something deep inside her, like always, wanted to help. Even while Lejana always tried to look like she was “hard to get”, she is a pretty nice and lovely woman.

“Hmpf…Fine, I can try to…help you. Maybe..uhm…we go down in the basement, there we should be alone I think?”

“Oh, what a splendid idea! May the Light bless your kind heart, oh sweet Desert Rose! Please, lead on! I shall follow you on your heels, my beautiful saviour!”, Naienna almost shouted. Her slight smile grew until it was so bright it illuminated the room with her cheerful spirit. Even her freckles seemed to glint in joyful exuberance.

So both of them went down into the basement, down there Naienna would reveal her “little problem” in the hope that Lejana would be so kind as to help relieve her of it.



“...by the holy…light…what the…actual…fuck…”



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