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This time you get a big amount of Story and lewds as an early Acess! Enjoy the first 6 parts at once!

And here the story: WRITTEN BY AURELION :)

There is a fresh smell of wood and flowers in the air. A cool breeze blows as a reminder that it is not yet time for the sun to rise and a new morning to come. Blaire stretched as she rose from the pillow that made up her bed. She swiftly folded the crimson blanket and stored it under the pillows.

The cool morning breeze tickled her coffee-coloured skin as the sun had not yet risen. A few birds bid her good morning with their song among the boughs of the tree opposite her tent. She was still a little sleepy and therefore felt the need to freshen up. With swift hands, she grabbed a towel which proudly bore the crest of her people in a crimson field. Three months ago her mistress, Lady Liadrin, ordered her to be part of an archaeological expedition to the Dragon Isles.

A joint effort between Horde and Alliance proposed by Queen Alexstrasza herself was to help uncover the lost knowledge of the past and restore the ancient homeland of Dragonkind to its former glory. As such, Blaire was tasked with the study of the Life Vaults. Or rather what was left of them. It is said that they once held sacred knowledge of Life that Eonar herself bestowed upon Alexstrasza. From what Blaire could tell it also held Alexstrasza's studies of said knowledge. At the end of her first week, she found a journal which was clearly authored by the Dragon Queen.

Never had Blaire encountered such beautiful handwriting. It could easily compete with the most sophisticated calligraphy of her people. Translation of the ancient tongue of the dragons proved to be exceptionally difficult even with the help provided by the Life-Binder. Therefore Blaire only managed to decipher a few sentences. But from what she could make out the journal captured the results of an investigation of the mating practices of the first mortal races of Azeroth. There were even some hand-drawn illustrations.

The precision and clarity of these were beyond impressive. They showed mating positions, detailed depictions of genitalia both male and female and even the progression of pregnancy. The thought of how exactly the Life-Binder conducted her in-depth research on the matter sent tingles down Blaire's spine. After three months in the middle of nowhere in the Isles, Blaire found herself to be a bit randy.

She was not the only Blood Knight in her party but as chance would have it all of her fellow researchers were female. She sure had her fun with them too once in a while but she found the profound lack of cock disturbing.

And her imagination running wild with Alexstrasza having her way with a bunch of people who were essentially savage trolls did not help to cool matters off. As if the simple thought of the Queen's visage was not enough already...

Trying to escape her perverted thoughts for a moment, Blaire shook her head. A cool bath in the river would certainly help, she thought. And perhaps she could rub one out while she was at it. She giggled. With her towel in hand, she stepped out of the tent, only to come to an abrupt halt. She squinted her eyes. Her head tilted to the side ever so slightly, indicating her confusion.

In front of her towered a Draenei. And a Lightforged no less. She was beautiful. In the darkness of the early morning and the camp only being barely lit by lanterns, she shimmered golden like the sun itself.

A gentle smile adorned her fair face. A depthless kindness was in her glowing eyes. She wore the gown of a priestess adorned with the finest gold. Blaire had heard many tales of these pure servants of the Light. She had desired to meet one ever since. This desire was only reinforced when she heard of other blessings these noble beings held.

A tingle spread between Blaire's legs. And an idea swiftly followed. She tried not to show it but in her mind, a mischievous smile spread on her lips.

"Eh, good morning?", Blaire said reluctantly.

"Bal'a dash, belore'dorei. I do wonder what you mean, dear child. Do you mean to simply wish me a good morning or do you mean to say it is a good morning whether I want it or not? Or given how you look at me perhaps you wish to say it is a good morning for me not to be modest? Or maybe it is that you feel good about not being modest on this particular morning? Or are you simply stating this is a morning to be good on?"

The Draenei's voice was clear and full. Musical even to Blaire's ears. And it held a slight tone of amusement. Probably purposefully so.

~What the fel is she on about?~, Blaire thought, ~She is hot as hell though. This will be fun...~.

"All at once... I guess?", Blaire's eyes narrowed even further, "Whatever the case, you have to come with me at once!"

The Lightforged raised her eyebrow curiously.

"You heard me. This is a camp of the Sin'dorei and therefore the Horde. Despite our ceasefire, the Alliance has no place here. I'm afraid I have to place you under arrest for spying. You will follow me into my tent for questioning."

The Draenei had to fight an outburst of laughter but complied without issue.

"My apologies, kind lady. I did not mean to intrude. But you must know that I am not part of the Alliance."

Blaire snorted. She too had trouble containing her laughter. "Yeah, right. And the next thing you're trying to tell me is that you don't have hooves?"

"I see...", the Lightforged stated plainly, "Then I will endeavour to prove my innocence to you, my kind lady." A playful smile spread on her lips.

A moment later both had retreated into Blaire's tent. The Blood Knight presented herself proudly in front of her prisoner. "Undress!"

The Draenei touched her cheek in a gesture of confusion. "Whyever would you want me to do that? I do not understand, my kind lady." She looked so innocent and lost that Blaire almost felt bad for her indecent thought. Almost. For there was a faint trace of a smile on the Draenei's lips that belied her coy demeanour.

"Do as I say! You are my prisoner now. There are rules to this, you know? Now undress. Slowly! And you better be thorough! Who knows what kind of weapons you might hide under that dress?", Blaire commandingly pointed to the ground in front of her. "Oh, and state your name!"

The Draenei chuckled. "As you wish, my kind lady. My name is Naienna. I am pleased to make your acquaintance." She blinked a couple of times as if to reinforce her innocence.

~Naienna? What a beautiful name. Fitting for such a fair being...~, Blaire let her thoughts wander for a moment. But she caught herself a moment later and snapped back into a serious demeanour.

"I see you're not taking this seriously. I might have to punish you if you don't comply."

Naienna's smile grew into a wide grin.

"I will do as you ask, my kind lady. Please do not punish me."

With that, she began to undress slowly. Sensually, layer after layer of cloth fell to the ground. It was mesmerising. Almost like a dance to an exotic melody Blaire had never heard before in her life. Naienna bent forward. Letting her fingers glide over her silken skin. The dim light of the tent complemented the golden hue of her Lightforged form. The kind depthless golden orbs of her eyes held firmly on Blaire's. A smile so seductive and sweet as honey threatened to rob Blaire of her senses. She drank in every detail of the Draenei before her. Breasts full and round. Alabaster skin adorned with gold like milk and honey coming together in a symphony of alluring sweetness. Such beauty was in front of her that Blaire was certain a goddess of fertility had finally answered her prayers. And speaking of fertility...

As Blaire's eyes wandered down the sculpted body, her gaze stuck to the horsecock and the massive set of balls between the mighty legs of the Draenei. Even in its flaccid state, the cock was already bigger than that of all the males Blaire had ever encountered. Her head went dizzy when she thought about how much potent semen was stored in those massive breeding factories. They were at least as big as large grapefruit if not larger.

Blaire could not hold herself back any longer. She rested herself against the small cupboard behind her and began rubbing herself like no tomorrow. Her folds were already dripping wet. A trickle of her nectar was running down her muscular leg.

She bit her lip trying to keep some form of composure but the sensual movement of the Lightforged goddess before her made that next to impossible. Gentle moans started to escape her lips. Her heart pounded in her chest. The heat in the tent became almost unbearable.

What made matters worse was the strong musk coming from Naienna. It smelled so delightfully spicy and yet sweet. It was feminine but with an earthy masculine undertone. It took all of Blaire's focus not to jump forward and bury her face in the huge balls dangling in front of her. She wanted to lick them. Taste them. Learn if they tasted as wonderful as they smelled.

Blaire raised her hand to play with her breasts. She felt the heat building in her crotch unlike any she had ever felt before. Her body tensed. She was just so damned horny. It all went way too fast and she cursed herself because she wanted to enjoy the moment longer. But there was no holding back now. As her body twitched with orgasmic bliss she sighed breathlessly

"Oh Light... cumming...ahhh!"

Like the wind, Naienna knelt in front of Blaire and offered her body fully to her Bloodelf captor. Blaire's mouth went wide as her body was hit with an incredibly strong orgasm.

Her hands rubbed like mad as a stream of her nectar burst forth from her moist swollen pussy. With each orgasmic convulsion, a new stream of nectar gushed forth.

As it hit Naienna square in the face her cock grew to full mast and even started to drip pre. The massive member was not yet noticed by Blaire as her mind was occupied with cumming her brains out at the moment.

Blaire's nectar was still pleasantly warm as it ran down Naienna's face. Its slightly bitter smell reminded her of gently roasted coffee. She licked it up with gusto, very much with the intent to sweeten Blaire's orgasm with the perverted display.

After what felt like an eternity to Blaire, she came down from her high. She was out of breath and sweat pearled on her dark skin, shimmering like stars in Naienna's golden Light.

She let herself sink on the pillow below. "Light above, I needed that!", she sighed. Her proud and dominant demeanour was all but forgotten in the wake of her monumental release.

Naienna simply smiled. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, my kind lady. And even though you have arrested me it would be polite to introduce yourself if you expect answers."

She gave Blaire a wink.

"What? Oh, right. Your name was Naienna, yes? I am Blaire. Blaire Illaria Dawnstar. By the grace of the Light, I stand in service of Quel'thalas as a Blood Knight under our noble Lady Liadrin. Now state your business here?" Blaire failed spectacularly at keeping her voice and demeanour professional.

Her eyes were still fixed on the massive member throbbing barely a meter away from her face. Naienna laughed heartily. Her voice filled with glee like a wellspring of joy.

"A fellow follower of the Light I see. Blessings be upon you, my kind lady Blaire. I am on my way to the Ruby Life Pools to visit a beloved friend of mine. I just stumbled on your camp and thought it would be proper etiquette to greet fellow travellers."

Blaire smiled. Somehow there was something very likeable about this Draenei. She didn't feel like keeping their play up for longer as she was now way more interested in listening to the Draenei.

"I've always wanted to meet one of your kind. When I received my gift from the Naaru I always felt like I ascended to a chosen servant of the Light. But never as pure as your sacred people. I knew that you must be magnificent but I never dared to dream that you would be so... blessed." Again Blaire's eyes were glued to the dripping shaft.

Naienna didn't speak. In an instant, all light around them dimmed. The mighty Lightforged rose to her full height. Her Light swelled brightly as a star among fields of night. Runes of power swirled around her feet.

Blaire simply watched in awe. She could feel Naienna's presence. A Light bright and pure. It felt like it warmed her very soul like the sun would her skin on a clear summer day.

"Then it is my hope that I fulfil your expectations, sister."

Her voice was warm, filled with love and yet it was like a terrifying power was hidden in the depths of her emotion.

"Yes! You're more magnificent than I ever imagined. In more ways than one... I would be honoured to receive your blessing, my lady", Blaire said happily. The musk coming from Naienna's huge balls called to Blaire like a sweet siren song. She wanted nothing more than to get in there and earn her blessing.

"I will gladly sate your desire, my sister. For I sense you are in dire need..."

A knowing grin spread on Naienna's lips as the light returned to normal. It took but a moment for Blaire to bury her face in Naienna's crotch. She cupped the grapefruit-sized cumtanks and began kissing and licking them as if her life depended on it. With every flick of her tongue, she grew more greedy. She could feel the heat emanating from within. Feel the heaviness. She could have sworn she even felt her blessed seed churning. Swimming with an eagerness to breed.

The thought of it drove her mad. And then there was the taste. It was spicy but also slightly sweet. Like a treat made from spearmint. Blaire savoured the flavour, greedily seeking more with her eager tongue.

"Oh, your tongue feels wonderful, dear.", Naienna moaned. More and more pre-cum dripped from the tip of her horse-shaped member. She placed a hand on Blaire's head and pushed her deeper into her balls. Blaire in turn intensified her worshipping.

A satisfied moan escaped Naienna. Blaire could feel the mighty member twitching and throbbing wildly on her head. Suddenly, a strange feeling wandered along Blaire's forehead. An audible churning followed as the heavy balls in her face contracted.

Naienna's urethra pulsed heavily as a mighty load erupted from the tip of her cock. Blaire could hear it splatter on the cupboard behind her. Several hot drips of cum landed on her back. The burning hot nut batter flowed down her spine. The sensation gave her goosebumps and made her even wetter than before.

The overwhelming musk spread into her nostrils and filled her lungs. Blaire felt dizzy. The taste in her mouth was addicting. She couldn't stop licking.

Pulse after pulse pressed on her forehead. ~How much does she cum?~, Blaire wondered in her thoughts. Despite the massive orgasm unloading behind her the mighty balls didn't get any smaller or lighter. It took almost a minute for the Draenei's climax to subside.



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