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Hello dear friends!

I'm sure you already know the bulk of what you're getting here, but incase you missed something or aren't sure how to access it, I wanted to take a few moments to create a sort of resource page that you can come back to and reference when needed 🥰 I'll keep this post pinned so that it's easy to come back to as well!


ALL PATREON TIERS have access to the PATREON EXCLUSIVE DISCORD SERVER! If your Discord account is linked to Patreon, you're probably already in the server, but if not, just DM me your Discord name and I'll send you an invite 🤗


Let's be honest, that's why we're all here, right? Well, I made this super cool MASTERLIST that will let you filter by PATREON TIER! You can also filter by date, length and all kinds of stuff too: https://airtable.com/shrOPvjJGVdHmuqfB/tbla1teJVVeBHyqCA/viwP6czzbEkCVOuPC

Here are my PERSONAL FAVORITES at the moment if you wanna check 'em out:
DECKHAND - Abducted by Aliens for Research
CABIN CUTIE - Shut Up and Let Me Hypnotize You
BO'SUN BEAUTY (SFW) - Let's Talk Shipwrights!


Honestly, I think a lot of people forget this, but I also pay for a VIZ SUBSCRIPTION for ALL PATRONS 😅 So if you wanna use it, it works online and through the Viz/Shonen Jump phone/tablet app(s)! Definitely take advantage of it if you're into manga:
USERNAME - butterscotchpirate
PASSWORD - thePurpleHide!

Finally, I genuinely just wanna thank you guys for being here man. I could not be more thankful to have you supporting me like this, and I just want you to know how grateful and appreciative I am. Thank you so fucking much! Thank you for enjoying my content, and thank you for making it so that I can grow as a creator and improve in the craft that I love 💕




I have no idea how to get into the discord or how to do in patreon lol

Butterscotch Pirate

If you hover over my picture with your cursor, an option to message me will pop up! Message me your discord name and I'll reply with an invite to the server 🤗


Does messaging only work for PC or laptop ? I only have my phone


Thank you for all of your hard work! We appreciate you and your content 💜


oontz oontz oontz oontz, now I am reminded of the award-worthy SFX masterpiece that was the alien abduction audio <3