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What happens to the victim after? Dead? A kind of Zombie? a Thrall?


this has. . . quyite possibly opened a new set of unknown erotic ideas in me


the mortal dies, so the payment of the contract is delayed for years and decades


Is this a DIFFERENT type of contract then what Jonty signed? I mean it would not make much sense to contract an apprentice to eat their soul after...maybe this was some Contract to do something for the mortal? I notice that after eating the Soul the Demon did not physically change :) Also that Demon is NOT Jonty right? I was curious as to what it might have done to Jonty's body


This is a contract for a certain service for a mortal, the demon does not change immediately, it gains strength after dozens of absorbed souls (this is Lexus)


Sorry if I am being a pain...but CAN a demon absorb an "upper" Soul? or a Vampire soul? (Do they have one?) If the answer is yes...does the Upper..or Vampire die seeing as they are not mortals? Sorry again you have me interested.