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I can't even READ Russian and I ask why is there never a plot like where JAKAN can treat CLEM the way that dragon just treated Vincent (is that his name?)


Well Lt me start with 2 thoughts #1. We have never seen (in your story) A demon actually claiming (eating? consuming? ) A soul to get stronger... THAT I am curious to see.... I am not sure WHO yet.... and I worry a little about attacking your most favorite characters... (So for example Maybe Lexus (in Jonty's body) Taking the Soul of Tornwing? Ogren? Or maybe Just some random Mortal?) What does it look like when the Demon actually TAKES the soul? #2, I am not talking a "1 off" little short story. You have spun a DELIGHTFUL tale with Jonty and Clem. I even wrote you a quite EXTENSIVE "Bad end" story you seemed to like (as did others AND you gave a hint like some of this might happen WITH Clem (and Jonty) in future stories) When we have had a vote I was (pleasantly) Surprised at how many WANTED to see Angelic Clem...(and Jonty) Defeated. So how much chance is there we get the same length epic story about Ringnlid or Jakan getting THEIR "happy ending" ? We have seen both Odia, and now Stephen Taken down and used (even if they ended up liking it) Why not Clem and Jonty? I'd discuss more but I don't want to go into epic sized reply myself :) By the way, in the above comic page, i LOVE the Arrogance and smugness on the Dragon's face..you are one of the FEW artsts who portray such emotions and I love it)


thank you for your ideas, I'm glad you like these emotions (i like them too :D), maybe in the future I will make a similar comic)