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Write in the comments what you would like to see. I'll draw the variant which will get the greatest number of likes :3

This drawing will be patron only! (content +18 only for $2 and $4)



Jonty making love to a bunch of angel girls in crotchless christmas outfits, bits and nips on display along with angel Clem using toys on a bound Odia.


Contraception lesson pt.2. Time for practice with real guys. Show what you have learned. https://www.patreon.com/posts/contraception-18-34418905

Matthew Warburton

How about an ASWAKE/DK crossover, with Clem and Indi & Digo. Perhaps this time, having Clem take part in their profession, compared to Indi & Digo taking part in Sophie & Rosie's.


More Piere Nsfw Pretty please <3 We need more of hot vamp daddy <3

Alex Wolf

Jonty is portrayed as a sweet, innocent boy while Clem is the seducer. What if Jonty suddenly spanked Clem?


Anything but with a Christmas theme and something super exciting)) You are the best!


Clem helping Jonty learn some summoning spells. But Jonty makes a mistake casting the spell and summons a tentacle monster. Which then has sex with both Clem and Jonty (18+)


Everyone at the Estate gathering together for Christmas, giving gifts to each other 🎄