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If not death penalty, then exile from Eden is more than appropriate. Very realistic that Shad would become a Fallen


He was born as Mortal. He can't become a Fallen, just mortal again.


I'm 100% sure Lifi won't. Maybe a minor slap on the wrist, but definitely not contract termination. As for Iris... tough question. She DID stab Clem, but she also admitted that now, sooo... I think if the judge (or whoever is in control of the contracts) feels like it, she might still remain an angel. Shad is done. Contract terminated, period. Nothing will save him now


The big deal is that it seems Shad's actions is gonna do collateral damage, his higher will have it bad as well, he was his responsibility after all, and it seems he will had it worse than Shad...


Hmm the talk about punishment above makes me think... would getting your wings clipped be a sentence of some kind? Just curious


It would be applicable to Shad for sure. Eye for an eye (or wing for a wing in this case)


You know what, perhaps the most destructive thing that Jonty could possibly do at this point, would be to sympathetically forgive the three of them for what happened. I say this for a few reasons; first off, it's sort of who Jonty is at heart, a genuinely kind person, who even forgives his birth mother for the years of violently abusing him before he ran away and was adopted by Lukinda. Second, it would force Iris and Shad (Lifi was proved to have been coerced to comply with them under threats of harm, so she is 100% exempted) to prove whether or not they feel any remorse for what had occurred and are willing to apologize for attempting to murder an innocent person. (Which Shad is clearly going to turn down, but Iris looks to be having second thoughts). And third, if either of the two of them does refuse to apologize for their actions, it will only end up further damaging not just their own public images, but also that of all the other angel contractors who joined for the same kind of reasons as the two of them did (hatred and revenge) as a whole... but this is just my own opinion on the subject. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Damian Sinclaire Morningstar

Wonder if they will make an example out of him to show everyone how serious it is. Might have to rework the terns of contract to. Any action that results from personal feelings and not of the writen rules will have their contract terminated with immediate by the contractor angel. Failire to do so and without proper reason will have said angel strip of his/her stats, imprisionment, wings clip, either one, a mix or all of the above


Really deep, really sophisticated and actually makes sense... Kudos to you sir