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What's up, homies! We're excited to dive back into tonight's The Last of Us. Brief reminder for anyone who might not know, we have NOT played the video game. Please do not spoil any potential moments that could come up in the next few episodes.



Michael Pallada

I never clicked so effing fast. Was waiting for this!

Myles Away

That old couple at the start is so good. They are so accurate. That chill and sarcastic interaction is so on point.

Michael Pallada

This episode was amazing, holy crap! And I know what's coming...

Tay Schumaker

To your discussion on the seasons, believe Mazin has said the plan is to do 2 seasons for Part 2 as the story is much larger. He also said he wouldn’t go past what the game did, so it wouldn’t move on until Part 3 comes out, if it does. Whether HBO will let that happen or throw a shit ton of money at it, who knows. Druckman hasn’t confirmed Part 3 is even in the works. Just that if they had an idea they liked they could continue. There is definitely some story threads at the end of 2 to be continued. Also there is a multiplayer game coming out telling other stories, so I could see them doing some sort of anthology season(s).

Ronin Unchained

I've been waiting for people who haven't played the game to watch this episode and see them melt Hahaha. Well done muchachos. As an older brother, Joel and Tommy's dynamics hits home for me. You have no idea how much stuff they lifted from the game(s). Gustavo Santoalla music is a FORCE to be reckon with. I think Steve Spielberg's WAR OF THE WORLDS is an under-rated movie. Love that river scene and Mr. Williams score for the film. Pedro and Bella knocking it out of the park, yet again. Gabriel was the MVP of this episode and he's honoring Jeffrey Pierce. I F&&&&&& Love this show.

Peter Evans

Wonderful to watch you three react to this episode. The old couple at the beginning I want more of their story! If you had seen "the good bye girl" then the resonance with abandonment and commitment was foreshadowing.

Felicia B

Another great reaction guys. It’s been so much fun watching with you and appreciating your perspectives -Graham Green has been my favourite cameo yet and seeing Natives bringing that humour was a delight -Elaine Miles (Graham’s wife in the show) had a part in Smoke Signals and it was so great seeing her. Bringing that Aunty energy! All that was missing was some bannock with the soup -Hector killed me with the diva cup sounds -That ending is rude AF and I don’t wike it!!

B. Joseph

Yea. Based on how long it takes to finish one of these seasons, we probably wont get season 2 till like beginning of 2025 then season 3 beginning of 2027. If the rumors are true and they are already working on TLoU part 3, it could come out around 2026-2027. So they could time it out so it all works based on release schedules.

Zack Miller

I love it, but I don't wike it! Joel showing vulnerability here was so powerful, thank you Papa Pedro!

Cassie Banks

Papa Pedro was SOOOOO good in this episode! I think this episode hit so much harder for me than the average person. These last couple of months have been a real eye opener for me. I'm 63 and I'm starting to experience some physical limitations that are age related and come from having a chronic illness for 26 years (CFS/Fibro). I've had too much trauma in my life as well so I identify the panic attacks that come with it. The realization that while you think if you just gave yourself a couple more weeks to heal everything will be back to normal, but your experience is that no matter how much you try to rest you're still damaged is a hell of a wake-up call. Having it start to dawn on you that all this recuperation time is building up a floodgate of tasks that need to be done just primes the panic attack pump and I feel like I should give Joel a big hug and let him know he's not alone. Unfortunately, he's a fictional character. LOL! I hope Pedro and Bella get Emmy nominations for their work. It's spectacular.

Matthew Cronin

What weird vibes do you mean?

Angelica H

This show keeps getting better and better. Seeing how Joel behaves with his brother as oppose to Ellie tells us more about him. Yet the time he's spending with Ellie is helping him cope with his past. I do love seeing there relationship growing stronger. Now I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop.


Dont watch the show and expect it to go based on shows you have seen before. I dont think they wanted to make the series predictable. There was no creepy or suspicious acts once they got into town. Assuming that town was bad is forgetting the mission. Joel getting Ellie to the Fireflies.

Roman Penna

Love this adaption so much. Can't wait to see Hector play this bit in the game, cause it's a lot more brutal then the show (surprisingly.) Love the scenes with Tommy and Joel, great chemistry and just amazing!


Man, I loved that final shot of Ellie and Joel riding the horse, bonding, with the sunset behind them. It has been great watching all 6 episodes with you guys! Shame they aren't doing a season two, but I think they ended it perfectly here. Glad it had a happy ending! See you for the Mandalorian watch along, peace homies

Victor Mosley

This. One of the main reasons this show (and the games) are so great is because it does its own thing. Very rarely does what you expect to happen, happen.

Myles Away

Adam had a keen eye. There were crew people in a shot by the bridge. You can see four people standing on the left side of the frame. Three in a group and one on their own.


Just waiting for the "HELL NO. HELLLLL NO" every episode 😂

Nurhadi Roshaimi

This weeks episode is brought to you by: “I don’t WIKE it” 😭

Peter Bode

Currently dying w/o my 1x7 fix.


You forgot the tags on this one


The scene in the bedroom with Ellie and Joel is one of the most emotional, key points in the game that fans love and endure. It's so painful but shows beneath how Ellie cares for Joel and him trying to push it away(but can't.) The actors nailed it