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What's up, homies! The Bad Batch continues to impress with its slightly more mature storytelling this season while maintaining all the fun, spectacle, and adventure of the previous season. It's been a thrill for us to jump back into this story.

Join us next Wednesday for the next episode!




The cool looking effective droids are Commando Droids. They were featured in Clone Wars often. In fact if you watch in chronological order the episode they debut in they are fighting Cody, Rex, and the domino squad. This episode was really good. Love the callback to Mina Bonteri who was Padme's friend on the separtist side of the clone wars. They tried to bring peace to the war even though it was illegal for the two sides to communicate.

Jon Allanson

A very enjoyable episode. Not only good dialogue, but also good storytelling through action. Well done.

Ronin Unchained

To me, this is one of the best Star Wars stories ever told and written! Shock mode was on me, the whole time! Dee Bradley Baker, Kevin Kiner bravo!!!

Prime Time

I thought the first 2 episodes were okay. Just good fun and good seeing our main characters again. This one was definitely more up my alley! Excited to see how the rest of the season unfolds. They also do a great job of putting in Clone Wars references without it being too overbearing on the story. The storyline of Mina Bonteri and Padme was really great in TCW. Mina's son Lux is also a love interest of sorts to Ahsoka and we haven't really heard or seen anything about their relationship during the order 66 era

Gurinderpal Johal

Seeing Commander Cody without his iconic yellow gear paint just shows you how much the Empire just sucks. The best part of the clones in Clone Wars was their ability to show off their uniqueness even though they all look identical.

Jay McFly

This was a great episode! I loved the scene towards the end where Cody watches the TK Troopers arrive while him and his clone squad have to leave. Will be interesting to see where Filoni takes Crosshair in this season. And what will happen to Cody.

Brandon Winslow

You guys were talking about how this season feels more mature, and overall I agree. But after recently rewatching S1 in preparation, I can say that the first season had a lot of dark moments spread throughout and, in particular, the final few episodes (esp the two-part finale of S1 were DARRRRK AF.