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What's up, homies! It's time for the penultimate episode of Willow. It's crazy to think that we've made it this far already, but we're excited to see how these two parallel storylines finally converge.



Jon Forsythe

Week after week Agustin with the blanket wrapped around himself kept tricking me that his house no longer had heat. Then I remember you guys binged those 7 episodes probably in one day & it just happened to be a super cold day in LA. I'm enjoying this series. The dreamlike quality of this episode was neat to see. A pretty fragmented story structure in the episode for a thematic Shattered Sea. With particularly epic cinematography in this episode. Looking forward to whatever this final showdown will be.

Nurhadi Roshaimi

There's two things I love abt this episode: ✨️Magic✨️ and Kenneth.. Favourite episode of this series🥰

Jon Allanson

This was another very enjoyable episode to watch. The story is pulling in some great fantasy tropes (like the waystation that tries to trap travelers, losing time traveling in circles without realizing it, etc.) but implementing them in fresh ways that make sense for the story they are telling. I really liked the magic, and the training montages. I am very excited to see what happens next for all these characters.

Casey Williams

Great penultimate ep! I think in one of the earlier episodes they say she was using something to dye her hair blonde, so it may just be slowly returning to her natural red to show the passage of time (like with the tony's facial hair)


Oh my god you are right about the hair dying. I think it was in a flashback to when she was a toddler and Willow was visiting. She said someone dyed her hair. That's probably something that was done to keep her identity secret and Elora just kept doing it as she got older out of habit.

Tay Schumaker

Her hair has been getting red as she uses magic since ep 4. After she saved Tony she had one streak of red and it became totally red after ep 6

Carolyn Brown

Julian Glover -- I didn't recognize him at first! Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, The Empire Strikes Back, and nine zillion other parts. (I remember him from Blake's 7, way back in the 70s.)

Ryan Noakes

Augustin you are spot on; this is how you revisit a franchise 30 years later. This doesn't feel like a blatant nostalgia-fueled cash grab, but rather someone was looking at the world of Willow and was inspired for how to do more storytelling in that world and then took the time to tell a good story. Guys, as always, this has been super fun to watch along with you. Hope you enjoyed rewatching the eps as they were released on D+ after your early access (you lucky SOBs).