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What's up, homies! I'm not even going to bother wasting any time here. Queue up your Disney+ and join us for this spicy episode of Andor.

Stay tuned for our reaction to the finale of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law.



Jon Forsythe

I love this show. The writing is so good. The dialogue is top notch. The visuals and music are great. This episode was so well done. I had to pause the video halfway through because the tension was making my stomach hurt. I had to eat a bowl of cereal to calm my stomach! This show is what I wanted with Rogue One. I know a lot of people love it, but I thought it was so-so; good but it could have been great. It wanted to be a Star Wars Dirty Dozen but the execution of it was fumbled a bit in my opinion. I almost want Tony Gilroy to re-do RO after this series is over.

Jay McFly

It was established in the last episode that Vel and Cinta are together. There were two short scenes were it was implied. Also Agustin asked if we'd ever seen people entering a Tie Fighter: When Poe and Finn escaped the First Order in Force Awakens, we got a brief sequence of them entering one in that scene.


I appreciate you guys appreciating us

Ryan Noakes

Really appreciating how you're including the first few seconds of the episode after the logo to really help us make sure we're fully in sync with you guys. It's been very helpful. Thank you for that.


Cassian's cut, that he was promised by Luthen, was 200,000 credits. So, I assume that's all he took. Oh, and he did buy that ship off the doctor for 30,000, which he said was twice what it was worth.


I think they reference the herders being Mongolians, especially with the hats. Not Russians.

Roman Penna

Cintra and Val were the only ones who made it out (and Andor - who apparently has honor among thieves.) This was an amazing episode though. Oh my gosh! Also Skeen says in Episode 4 about Cintra to Andor "Don't think about it, she's already sharing a bed." And then camera pans to Val. It's subtle though.

Chris Williamson

This series is really making me think deeply about the ideas of Empire that in my opinion haven't really been explored to this level in Star Wars. Yes, Clone Wars and Rebels have hinted at these themes, but Andor is taking this to a whole other level. The Empire has always been a placeholder for fascism or even a parallel to modern empire that was very present when George Lucas was developing Star Wars in the 70s. This is putting the ideas of Empire from the 18th and 19th centuries into Star Wars. You can see elements of how Europeans treated indigenous populations in Africa, the Americas, and Asia in how they treat the places they are occupying. We see "Company Rule" with the Pre-Mor forces going to hell so now it goes to direct rule, much like what happened in India in the 1800s with the British. The complete distain for the Aldhani, the blatant xenophobia and hate towards their culture and people, just reeks of European colonizing around the world during that period. I think we are going to see the boot of the Empire continuing to come down on the people of the galaxy as the season continues and into the next season before there is a complete breaking point that leads directly into Rogue One. Nemik (RIP) plays the role of the ideologue of revolution perfectly. The idea of a manifesto and developing the philosophy of the rebellion is never something I thought I would see, but I am all here for it. He reminds me of a young Che Guevara, someone with a keen intellect that becomes engulfed in revolutionary ideology. This series has some serious depth in its conversations about empire, and not just "The Galactic Empire", and I feel we are only going to get more and more in future episodes. I feel we are going to see some horrific things happening at the hands of the Empire, and not because of the Sith influence. The ideas of power and how it corrupts, the ideas of "us" vs "them" are some of the very dark places history has gone down in the past 250 years and this series looks to be putting that into our faces. I think some people are struggling with that because it is forcing some introspection of how the US has been a part of this history as well. Our entire history is one of colonization and a post-genocide society in regards to indigenous peoples. I think Star Wars is strongest when it is real in that sense. Not everyone wants to accept that history. I know that quite well being a history teacher who teaches indigenous history in a school that uses an indigenous mascot. But "everyone has their own rebellion", right?

Clever girl

I can't even put into words how I feel about this series. The real-world reflections we find in it really hit home for someone with indigenous friends and family members. I love Star Wars, but I have never been more engaged in a series than with this one

Whitney Wallace

I was way behind on starting this series. But I just binged the second half tonight. My mind is blown! I’m going back through and re-watching along with your uncut reactions. I love it so much!