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What's up, homies! Welcome back to the next episode of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. The show continues to deliver some of the finest quality of original series programming probably since Game of Thrones (I wouldn't know, we haven't seen much of the series). Join us for this watchalong of episode three as we journey to meet new characters and visit new locations.



Myles Away

Alright, that episode got me hooked. Also, I was very happy to learn the actor playing Galadriel is the star of Saint Maud one of my favourite horror films of the last few years.

Jorge Vergara

Hey Agustín! Is there a chance that halbrand is in fact Sauron? Cause he said to galadriel that he's been tried to bring peace more time that she can imagine and he says that he is the best blacksmith of the island...a reference to the rings maker.(I read it somewhere)


Thank you guys for being positive ..I love Lord of the Rings and Im only every going to go into this show happy that we get it and that we get to watch it with you. :)

Tim Arnold

This episode was great! Numenor looks amazing, and I'm loving the actor portraying Elendil, who is a REALLY BIG DEAL YOU GUYS!!! I couldn't believe Augustin wasn't freaking out more about him. I mean, he's only the guy from whom Aragorn is descended! I'm interested who Adar is, but while I initially assumed he's Sauron, after some consideration I think it's far too early for Sauron to appear in the series. I think just like Meteorite Jesus is not Gandalf, this Adar is also a misdirect and he's possibly someone who's trying to set himself up as Morgoth's successor. I think there's a really good chance the thing the orcs are looking for is that broken sword that kid has from episode 2, and anyone using that blade would wield some seriously dark magic.

Roman Penna

I am super enjoying this, and glad that they are addressing Numeror and the classism that was present in the original Lord of the Rings, and dealing with it in a great way. This series has so much love for the Lord of the Rings and I am here for it

Ryan Noakes

You guys really cracked us up jumping on Hector about sailing. Ha ha, love the friendly ribbing while geeking out together. And Agustine, Hector is right about don't feel pressure to know all the details right in the moment. Enjoy the show too. Also, as someone who only kind of started to read the Silmarilion (long story) yes we do appreciate you sharing your knowledge.


I am not sure which I look forward to the most - the episodes or syncing up and watching them with you guys! I learn and understand so much more. I have always loved tolkein and all the previous movies, but have never really dug into the lore. Im loving that Agustin has.


One thing I noticed but I'm not sure about because I missed her last name, but I think Nori's friend, Poppy, lost her whole family because she's always alone except when she's with Nori and when Sadoc was naming all those people that had the same last name (about 4 or 5 of them), they focused on Poppy and she was crying. She was also pulling her cart alone and dropped back to check on the Brandyfoots 'cause, sure Nori's her best friend, but also they're the closest thing to a family she has now, I think.


I think all three of you should watch this episode again on your own time alone. There was definitely some dialogue throughout the episode that you guys missed. I know that is the hard thing with reactions.

Robert von Heeren

Guys, I want a merch shirt with the writing "The thick plottens" on it immediamente! please