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Never skip breakfast! What's up, homies, and welcome back to another adventure in the world of X-Men: The Animated Series. This episode was a really great watch and showcases the gentleness, kindness, and ferocity of our boy Hank McCoy. I hope you've got a good snack in hand for this one.



rickie woodson

YASSS. i assume x-men 97 will replace this show but after that is done an x-men evolution reaction would be AMAHZING!

rickie woodson

fun fact: this is loosely based on the graphic novel of the same name. instead of this random human woman, it was dazzler.

Erik Ebert

I think you're burying the lede here. What I want to know is why Beast wears aftershave. What, exactly, does he shave?


Literally just watched this episode, with plans to then check if the reaction was out lol. I hope the MCU doesn't lose that feel that the Xmen are burdened with addressing these issues with the rest of mutantkind, and mutants in particular catch a lot of bigotry.

Marcus Walker

Nitro cold brew and tears. This was such a great episode.

John Kauffman

I think you should consider X-Men Evolution. It's a great show that doesn't get enough love.

Angelica H

This episode and the last one with Rogue really surprised me how they were able to keep my interest in the story. This episode made me more of a Beast fan. And I can totally see the similarity between this and Disney's Beauty and the Beast. I'm glad that I can appreciate the theme more so now than in my younger days.