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We're continuing our journey through X-Men: The Animated Series season two! Also, in case you missed it, it was announced that Marvel Studios will be bringing X-Men '97 to San Diego Comic-Con on Friday, July 21. Expect to see the first trailer pop up.


rickie woodson

The voice actor for shadow king also does the voice for helspont in wildcats and onslaught in one of those marvel games

Prime Time

I wanted to watch this show for so long but really just couldn't get into it by myself. So glad you guys are covering it, makes it so much more bearable

Marcus Walker

Ya'll this series is so cool. I'm loving watching this as an adult. Honestly hoping that X-Men '97 keeps the aesthetic, story-building, and vibe elements.

Jake Samuels

Pretty sure this was the first episode of the series that I ever saw when I was a kid, and it solidified Storm as my favourite character at the time. The scene of Storm telling Rogue the Shadow King will destroy her and then the Shadow King taking back over left a huge impression in my mind.


I need a lore drop on Shadow King... Also, if Rogue absorbed cosmic Marvel powers, does that mean she can fly in space?


My tv didn’t get Fox as a kid, so whatever X-Men reruns aired on in the 90’s was the only way I saw it, and the only thing I remember was the Phoenix Saga. My memory is so bad. :’(

David Lonewolf Wright

And after the tumble down the waterfall, Charles loses the use of his legs... again.

Felicia B

What are you talking about Agustin? We always have the Nasty Boys with you guys around 😉

Angel Xoakim Flores

Literally falling over a cliff haha I mean technically waterfall but still

Roman Penna

The Shadowking is terrifying And surely no more cliffhangers, they're running out of cliffs!