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Time for a brand new episode of Moon Knight! Queue up your Disney+ and join us for our watchalong of this new episode. Will Adam like it or have RBF the entire time? Only one way to find out.



This episode was emotional and creepy and I loved it.

Flat Satire

At the end of the video you say go to Patreon for the uncut reaction. But I'm watching on Patreon now. Was this uncut?


I was a little disappointed by the first three episodes but really enjoyed this one. Happy to see the show is finding its footing. Big jump in quality in my opinion. LOVE the ending.


Great episode and dug your reactions to the reveals! I am very into the horror/mummy aspects of MK in this series, so this episode was a stand out to be sure. Issac is so good in these roles, and the fun is only beginning, apparently! Looking forward to the series conclusion and your reactions/commentary on it all.

David Lonewolf Wright

They take this uncut version and then cut it for what is put up on Youtube. That way it is more seamless.

David Lonewolf Wright

After interacting with Khonshu, I wouldn't think they would be as freaked out by the nice hippo goddess... but then again the hippo is the most deadly animal in Africa (not including the mosquito).

Nurhadi Roshaimi

I'm loving how this MK series keeps unwrapping layers of its outer skin and keeps teasing with that 'Kinder Bueno' surprise that gets me on edge everytime.. I'm not gonna anticipate anything from now, let me float into next week and let ep 5.. "surprise" me 😌


Enjoyed this episode and perhaps it answered your question about Marc and Steven. They are separate souls in the afterlife scene. Hence the smack in the nose by Marc for the kiss! I wonder if the third sarcophagus was Jack or was it konshu?

Jake Samuels

This really felt like the episode I've been waiting for, it was everything I was hoping for before the season started. Like Hector said, the past three episodes have felt a lot like setup, but it all felt worth it for me when we got to the moment when Marc and Steven embraced at the end of the episode. I don't think that emotional weight of them finding each other would have landed quite as strongly if we hadn't already had two and a bit episodes of them struggling with each other and being at each other's throat(s).

Roman Penna

I was so surprised by this episode, but I agree with Hector. My fav episode, even though I really enjoyed the first three episodes.


The way Oscar Isaac manages to convey both Marc and Steven's reactions before they fall into the water with slight facial expression changes is wild. He is SO SO TALENTED