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We wanted to give all of our patrons an update on a change we are making to the way pledges are processed on our Patreon, and how it affects you. Previously, people were able to pledge at any point throughout the month, access all of our extra content, and not get charged until the beginning of the following month.

Example: If you joined on January 15th, you weren't charged until February 1st.

Additionally, patrons were also able to cancel their pledges prior to February 1st to avoid being charged. This gave people up to two weeks free access to all of our extra content. Since starting our Patreon, we've noticed that handfuls of people have been doing this to access our uncut reactions in the short term, and then cancel their pledges within 3-5 days, and before the 1st of the new month.

While we understand some may be unable to make a monthly commitment to support our Patreon (which is totally fine), we find this to be a little unfair for everyone else who is making a monthly commitment to support, engage and be a part of this community.

Moving forward, all NEW patrons will be charged up front. If someone joins the Sidekick tier on February 15th, they will be charged $5 on the same day. From March 1st and onward, they'll be charged $5 on the 1st of every month.

For everyone who is already a patron, nothing changes for you. You will continue to be charged on the 1st of every month.

If you change your pledge from the $5 tier to the $10 tier, you'll be charged the difference the same day, and then on the 1st every month after that.

This also means that if you join our Patreon on February 28th, you will get charged on February 28th AND on March 1st. So, we really need to make sure we're encouraging people to join the Patreon within the first 14 days of every month, or at least make them aware of how they'll be charged so close to the beginning and end of each month.

If you decide to cancel your pledge, do so before the 1st of the next month to make sure you don't get charged again. If you downgrade from a higher tier, that will go into effect the following month.

We hope everything we mentioned here is as clear as possible, and as concise as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to leave a comment below and we will answer everything to the best of our knowledge. Thank you all for all the support. We really hope we can continue to grow this amazing community and expand what we're doing here, on YouTube and all over the internet.