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What's up, homies! Join us for our reaction to X-Men: The Animated Series 5x04: Stormfront (Part 2).



rickie woodson

As a romantic gentleman who loves love: storm wasnt dumb. Love at first sight/over a short period time is a thing. Just requires an open and unbruised heart. As far as not ending things right away as signs of evilness appeared: The heart wants what the heart wants, even that which is worse for it. Real love is forever, not until you find out things about your lover that you dont like. She realized who he really was and gave him multiple chances out of love to change his ways and be a better man. But like most people: he doesn't want to better himself. So she had to make the hard decision of choosing herself over him. The first person you must love and owe loyalty to is yourself

Gurinderpal Johal

Kinda bummed out when Hector asked what next to watch and Avengers Earths Mightest Heroes wasn’t mentioned, one day it will be!


No, Storm is very dumb here, you should spend a year or 2 at least with a person before thinking of marriage, see if you belong togheter, if you actually can live togheter, you don't meet a person today and marry them tommorow.