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Commission for Trophywivesclub on DA.

An underachieving and married young man is transformed by a mysterious pink potion in the perfect, voluptuous, and MARRIED housewife for her former father-in-law now husband.




Stacy stood in the dimly lit kitchen, the potion glowing eerily in the glass she held. The house was silent, save for the soft hum of the refrigerator and the occasional creak of the old floorboards. David sat at the kitchen table, oblivious as always, scrolling aimlessly through his phone. "David," Stacy called, her voice sugar-coated with a sweetness that felt almost unnatural. "I made you a special drink." David looked up, barely interested, and raised an eyebrow. "What is it?" "Just something to help you relax. You've seemed so stressed lately," she lied smoothly, knowing full well that David never paid enough attention to his own feelings to dispute her claim. "Sure, whatever," he muttered, taking the glass from her hand without a second thought. He downed the contents in one go, grimacing slightly at the taste. "That's gross. What is this stuff?" Stacy watched with a mix of anticipation and satisfaction as David's expression shifted from mild annoyance to confusion. He doubled over, clutching his stomach. "What the hell, Stacy? What did you do?" "It's a little something to help with your...laziness," she said, her voice taking on a harder edge. "You've been nothing but a burden, David. It's time for a change." David's body convulsed, and he fell off the chair, writhing on the floor. Stacy watched dispassionately as his limbs elongated and his muscles softened. His chest heaved, and with each breath, his torso began to swell, his waist cinching in to form an exaggerated hourglass shape. Long, blonde hair sprouted from his scalp, cascading down in waves. His face contorted, features softening and becoming undeniably feminine. *Image & Dialogue* The walk to the dining room felt like a death march for Dianne. The heels clicked on the hardwood floor, echoing loudly in the silent house. As they approached the room, the sounds of laughter and conversation grew louder. Stacy pushed Dianne through the door, where a roomful of familiar faces turned to stare. "Everyone," Stacy announced, her voice carrying over the crowd, "meet Dianne." Gasps and murmurs filled the room as Dianne stood there, trembling. Jake, Stacy's father, approached with a bemused smile. "Well, well, Stacy. You certainly know how to surprise a man." Stacy smiled back, her grip on Dianne's arm tightening. "Dad, this is your new wife." Jake looked Dianne up and down, his smile widening. "She's perfect." As the room erupted into applause and cheers, Dianne felt her world collapse. Stacy released her arm, stepping back to join David's friend Greg, who stood watching with a smug grin. "Here's to new beginnings," Stacy said, raising a glass in a toast. "And to the end of laziness." Dianne stood frozen, her life irrevocably changed, as the partygoers toasted to her new future.

Kendall Moore

Your work has helped me a lot. Thank you.