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Sorry to everyone for disappearing from the feed this week. It's been a bit rough dealing with a personal situation that's kept me away from my drawing and even my day job, and may take up more of my time in the near future until things are sorted. I don't like to step away from my patrons and commissioners for this many days, especially unannounced, so I'd like to formally apologize for delays on updates this week. If you reached out to me at any point this week and I have not responded I will be replying shortly.

I am back for time being and I will be hard at work catching up on stuff for all of you to enjoy. If you submitted your ideas for this month's polls after friday's deadline, it will still be considered. The polls are in the works and will be posted shortly, along recently completed artworks in the coming days.

Thank you SOO MUCH to all for your continued support, none of this is possible without you!



William Brewer

I hope everything is okay. Whatever is happening just know we're here for ya ❤️

Bal tha mele

I hope you’re doing all right, my friend ❤️