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Heyho, you funky sexy online dater!

I hope you're all as well as possible!
First, a quick update on what we're doing right now - episode 7 of LoLU will be released soon (the last episode that will be publicly available), and episode 8 is well underway, too.

One thing that's missing, though, is the design of the new girl - our hero's online date! That's where you come in!
Let me ask you a few questions about this new girl in the next days.

The first one:  What should her personality be like?

Choose the overall personality trait you like the most!
Combinations are possible, too - let's see what kind of girl you'd like to see :)

Happy voting and stay funky,


Jeffrey Canam [GrahfMetal]

Intelligent, let's get a nerdy Dungeon Master this time. Besides, they're always secretly the wildest in bed :D


Hahaha somebody speaks with experience ;) Yeah, I wouldn't mind a sexy nerdy Dungeon Master at all! Take care and stay funky, my man Jeffrey! Dez