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Heyho, you funky sexy Tailnut!

Finally!!!!! (!)
We're very happy to say that the whole Steam research thing is over so far. We've figured out how to set up all the things, have a bit of knowledge about the publishing process and our pages and assets have been accepted as well.

Phew! :D

With all our love, we want to give you a big FAT steamy
⭐️❤️⭐️❤️⭐️❤️ THANK YOU  ❤️⭐️❤️⭐️❤️⭐️  

Thank you for going this way with us, thank you for all your feedback and, last but not least, thank you for your patience.

I have to admit things like 'publishing on Steam' are quite hard for us. Maybe it would be better if at least one of us had some sort of business or publishing background or something, but well... It is what it is, I guess.
We know it's been a bit chaotic lately and we really do appreciate your patience with us. I can't stress enough how lucky we feel to have you.

Also, we're very happy to get back on track with our main games :)
Let's get back into the usual groove and stay funky together!

A thousand steamy kisses from
your Dez and your Oni




Excellent news, you guys. Hope it wasn't TOO stressful lol


Thanks, my man! I'm definitely glad it's 'over' for now haha :) Stay funkyyyy! Dez


you guys got a steam account? I really want to play your games but patreon its hard to pay in my country. In steam i could easily buy and play your games.