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Heyho, you funky sexy Steamer!

We're back! How have you been? :)
In the last few days, we've been gathering information about the big colossus that is Steam, watched almost every video available, read a metric ton of blog posts, articles and Discord chats and also were lucky enough to snag advice from other, more experienced adult devs.

Our current results?
Well, first of all there is A LOT more to think about compared to what we're used to with the portals we usually release on.

As an example, when we release something on itch.io, we always need to make one game icon that's displayed in the game list, in searches and so on.
Compare that to a Steam page where you'll need THREE of those that have to work in a plethora of different situations and you kinda have an idea how much more work goes into the Steam store page alone...

And I'm not even talking about wishlists (super important), visibility rounds (limited) or the time you have to wait after you press 'Release' until your game is really released (30 days)...

Add to that the general problem with visibility that exists for adult games and you have a melting pot of problems we'll have to take care of to make our first time on Steam an enjoyable one :D

Nevertheless, thanks to all the helpful devs who shared tons of information and Oni's ability to read through long ass contracts without falling asleep, we feel at least a bit prepared for what might come at us.
Now, it's time to finish Booty Cruise and just go for it!

Thanks for all of you who've been patient  with us - I'll catch up on all the mails and comments asap after I've caught some sleep.

Oh, btw, we also have a surprise 🍓🍓 Ludum Dare game jam release  🍓🍓 for you ;)

Can't do reasearch all the time without game deving here and there, can you?

Stay funky, you sexy thing, you!
Yours, Dez & Oni