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Heyho, you funky sexy wonderwiener!

Thanks for playing Quidget 2.0! If you got stuck, here's the lube to your playthrough ;)

Quest One: Power the Lightning Oven
- Talk with Beatrize and get the quest to fetch some sticks and something to light them on fire with

 - Go to the working table with the stick-throwing machine and grab the Wooden Sticks and the shiny Blueellion Coin
- Talk to the Electric Igor and give him the coin. Don't bother with the magic word, he's an ass. Just punch him. You'll get a pretty pink Bunsen Burner

- Go to the Lightning Oven and put the sticks in. Use the Bunsen burner to light them on fire. Success!

Quest Two: Find the Orange Cable
- After the chat with Beatrize, you're tasked with finding an orange cable. Go to Bolty's room on the right
She's fine with you taking the cable out of Mr. Handy. Mr. Handy... not that much

- Grab the Drill Bit from Bolty's side table
- Grab Bolty's Keys from her labcoat on the wall
- Go to the kitchen and open Bolty's cupboard with her keys
- You can't use the mixer without a mixer bit. The drill bit will do just fine! Now you have a Plasma Powered Mixer Drill
- Go to Mr. Handy's mood tank, which you'll have to depressurize in order to calm down Mr. Handy. Use the mixer drill to do that. You'll get a Blooellion Disc during the process
- You can approach Mr. Handy now, but you can't open his lid yet
- Grab the Boneshaped Wrench from Bolty's side table and open the lid with it. You'll need something to cut the orange cable
- Go to the Electric Igor and give him the Blooellion disc, punch him and get a stylish Cablecutter Kunai - the Science Ninja tool to honorably cut cables!
-  Honorably cut the Orange cable and stick it into the cable connector next to Franco. Success!

Quest Three: We need a brain!
- For the last step, you'll need to find a Nitro Brain. Thankfully you have a Secret Brain Chamber you can open with a computer password
- Access your computer. You'll need a floppy disk with the OS to boot it up. Right now, Bolty has the only one you have in the lab (the other ones are full of naughty pictures... I wonder who did that?)
- Talk to Bolty. She'll give you the disk after you helped her with her 'experiment' - the woman machine interaction!

- Look at the Romantico poster to find out what you have to do for a romantic dinner

Romantico, step 1: The light situation
- Open the lid of the big lamp with your boneshaped wrench
- Cut the cables inside with your cablecutter kunai and get the White Cables. The unromantic light is off!
- Go to Bolty's round table and put your Bunsen burner on it. A candle!

Romantico, step 2: Spaghetti Bolognese and the Three Flowers
- Put the white cables on the plate on Bolty's table. Spaghetti! (kinda)
- Go to the Nitrowave in the kitchen and take the warm Dog Food out of it
- Pour the dog food onto the white cables, I mean on the paghetti. Spaghetti Bolognese! (also, kinda)
- Gather three reddish Exploded TNT Sticks in Bolty's workshop( Right side of the couch, left side of the couch, behind the debris on the left side of the room)
- Put all exploded sticks on the drinking straws in Bolty's cocktail. Flowers!

Romantico, step 3: Romantic Music and a well-dressed Mr. Gentlehandy
- Get the Unpunched Romantic Punch Card from the Terry's Tunes poster. It's unpunched, so you can't use it yet
- Go to the Electric Igor and stick it between his punched-out teeth. You now have a working Romantic Punch Card
- Stick the punch card into the ghetto blaster. Romantic tunes, baby!
- Grab the Black Rubber Tube just below the ghetto blaster
- Go to Mr. Handy and pull the black tube over his robotic arm. What a nice dresser!

Success! Now, all that's left is to help Bolty finishing... her experiment ;)

Sadly, you get a pirated disk... Fortunately, the original is still in the Science Girls Dorm!

The Original Disk
- Get the Dorm Key from Bolty and open the door to the dorm (in the kitchen)
- Go to the lowest room, this is where the girls sleep
- Try to take out the disk from the Terminal. It doesn't work! You'll have to help configuring Robolty and Cybeatrize.
- Get the Oil from Bianka's dominatrix outfit and put it into the Terminal
- Get the Gyrating Jairo brain massage stick and put it into the Terminal as well
- Get the Hot Buns Double Pack from the kitchen and use it to 'repair' Cybeatrize

Success! Now, it's time to for your nimble paws to code your way into the hearts of the two android girls :) Enjoy!
If you have the  ❤️ SEXtended Editions ❤️ - thanks for your support! Enjoy twice as much lewdness ;)

Have a sexy day and thanks for playing, mate! <3
And don't forget to look for the secrets ;)
Stay funky,




I love you guys!!


Awww We love you, man! :) TeamTailnut + HawkZombie = love! Btw, I kept your old name in the credits (since the FLN are very dear to our hearts :) If you want that changed, hit me up!


I can't seem to find the secrets/bonus things walkthrough...


Oops! Ialready made it a while ago, but I forgot to post it - thanks for reminding me! Here you go, mate: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/21900529">https://www.patreon.com/posts/21900529</a> More secrets to come! Stay funky, Dez


Heyho, John! Thanks for your interest in our good boy :) Quidget is currently on hold while we work on Pigglet in Mrs. Big Bad Werewolf in the new engine, and will resume development after Pigglet is finished. Stay funky and a Happy New Year, Dez