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Heyho, everybody!

So, Patreon seems to have moved their payment to the UK, resulting in troubles with payment processing for almost all Patreons, including ours.
Damnit Patreon, you had one job!
We apologize for all the trouble.

Make sure (if you intend to keep supporting us, of course  ❤️ ) to check your payment informations once again so that the payment can go through successfully.
Sometimes just hitting "Retry" seems to do the trick!

>>>EDIT: Apparently, what also works, is
moving all your pledges to a new payment method and then moving them all back to your old/preferred one. Nice!

If not, you can try these steps:

1) Probably the easiest solution, contact your bank to let them know the Patreon charges aren't fraudulent; this should be a one time thing.

2) Update your credit card to a different card

3) Use PayPal if you aren't already


Once you've done any of those, just re-pledge at the same amount this month (if the pledge goes through successfully, you won't be double charged, don't worry, and if you are somehow, contact me and I'll refund you). 

Again, sorry about all this, and thank you for your continuous support! We're looking forward to releasing the new version this month!

Stay funky,
Dez & Oni




Bei mir ist alles noch wie vorher und klappt alles 👍mich werdet ihr nicht mehr los