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Heyho, you funky sexy brainbears! 

Hope you're all fine and sunny, wherever you are! We're kinda in a bit of post-release daze :D Nah, jk!
We're on it again, harder than ever!

With the support of all you wonderful Love Ninjas we've finally hit the goal where I can work steadily on our games!
It's only half the day for now, but I'll make those hours count, yeah!
Here's what we did in week 26 of 2018:

🎵 Quidget the Wonderwiener 2.0:

- We released that sexy genius doggo to the public and to you wonderful Patrons as  ❤️ SEXtended Edition ❤️ !
If you haven't played it yet, do it now! Have fun :)

- Work has also already started on the next release which will feature more 'Measure with Pleasure' and the first storyline with Robolty & Cybeatrize (I think it's safe to call her that seeing the results of the current poll, but there's still time to vote if you haven't yet!)

Stay funky, you Wonderwieners!
