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...there were two sexy game devs, working on their sexy games from day to day.
After their joyful first Patreon release, OniGiri, the programmer girl, began to squash and kill all the bugs that their funky sexy Patrons reported. She squashed and killed, left and right, top and bottom, until - after seven days - almost all the bugs were dead.
Meanwhile, Dezue, the artist guy, began to write the next storylines for their next releases. He wrote and wrote and wrote, seven days long. And after these seven days, to their surprise, they realized that he wrote even more than intended!
And there it was, a teeny tiny story about a pig boy named Pigglet.

'Hm', Dezue said, 'What do we do with that?'
'Hm', Oni Giri said. 'Why don't we make a teeny tiny game jam and make this game?'
'But... won't that take time away from our main game?', Dezue asked.
To which OniGiri answered,
'Well, look here. The answer is probably yes and no. I mean, it's clear that, were this game any bigger, we would have left it there and continued working on Quidget. But, it being tiny as it is, I can see several advantages in making it:
- First, it won't take too much time to make. I mean, it's just one room with a few puzzles. It'll take even less time if you find an artstyle that's fast for you to make, AND it will be something nice to play for our dear Patrons.
- Second, we're already working on Quidget for so long, maybe it's time for a tiny break in order to keep our eyes and thoughts fresh. Kinda like an anti-burnout thing, y'know?
- Third, we can test the waters for our Public Web Release with a smaller game, which I feel is a good thing. We've already run into some troubles with itch.io with the Patreon release, so I'd like to be prepared if we want to release it on other sites. After all, we want to give people a good time, not a reason to write bug reports, right?

And thus, hoping that it would be something their Patrons would like, it was decided that they'd try it out, take a few days off and make a little game jam. The End :)

I hope it's okay with you guys if we do this ^^°
Stay funky and let me know what your advice would be!





I can't wait! You guys are my fave developers. Hands down


Thanks a ton, mate! <3 You're too nice! We promise we'll make it a quick one. Quick and dirty XD

Jairo Palomares

You guys are amazing and super awesome. Good luck and do your best. No rush, we can wait too. And hey it okay if you guys need to take a break. Everyone need some time to relax and take a breather. So remember we your Patreons support you guys all the way and we love you guys for all the hard work and love you put into your game.


Thanks, man! That's really good to hear <3 I've already started on the background art and interface and it's really kinda nice to do something else for a little while. Also, I think you'll be pleased with how much lewd content we'll include from the get-go this time ;) Thanks for being so understanding! <3 We love you!