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Heyho, you funky sexy players!

After quite a bit of hustle, we're so happy to bring you our first Patreon release since the IGMC2017!
Without further ado: Here is the current Patreon version of Quidget the Wonderwiener, version 1.69!

Check out the attachment! :)

This version features:
The all new Bolty storyline, including a funky lewd scene of Bolty's 'experiment' with Mr. Handy! FINALLY :D
Have fun!

Stay funky,

PS: Again, this is our first Patreon release, so buggy things are bound to happen, I guess.
Please let us know about everything we could improve, bugs, strange things or things that seem strange. No matter what, we want to hear it :) 



Jairo Palomares

Congratulation on your first release on Patreon!! :D First I want to say I love the music you guys put in and details like when you punch Electric Iro and he start to lose teeth and you can see them on the floor. That is brilliant, and the poster to Shady Corner, awesome! But not to step on any body's toes here. Have you thought of adding more mini games? I like the wire cutting mini game but I was wondering will there be more? Like maybe if you guys want ti. Maybe during like sexy scenes like ( Bolty and Mr. Handy) you can add a mini game. I know they a lot of games use like a climax meter during those scense but maybe you guys can come up with something new. But if it adds more work to your guys. Then forget it, I don't want to add more work for you. If you guys already have stuff plan out on how you want you game to go or be. Anyways I live what you add and then sexy scenes are amazing! ;) The dialogue is great and funny. I really enjoyed what you did and I can't wait to see what you guys come up with next :)


Hello Jairo! 😁 Thank you very much! It was a wild ride but if you liked it, it was definitely worth it. Great idea with the minigames and the ero meter, I'll definitely keep it in mind! It fits perfectly for the scene with Beatrize and her robot twin :D Right now, I'm also thinking about how there's different kinds of funky scenes, some might be more 'story-oriented', some might be more interactive and some might be more minigames-like. Thanks for the input, that was a good inspiration! Really glad you liked the current version! <3


Congrats on the first release! Just tried launching the game and i am getting an error "Failed to load: js/plugins/ZE - Key Mapper.js" I cannot progress any farther and must close the game. Let me know if there is any more info I can give you guys to help resolve this.


Thanks, Erik! And also thanks for reporting the error, we're on it! In the meantime, could you try to reload the page (Ctrl+F5) and let us know if this worked? Thanks <3


Congrats on the first release, keep up the good work guys! <3