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Heyho, you funky sexy people! Hope you're well!
Just a quick heads-up: From this month on, the 'charge up front' feature will be enabled on our Patreon.

What changes does this bring for you?
Actually... none :D Everything stays the same for you, your generous pledges will still be processed at the beginning of the month.

This feature is for new Patrons only and should protect us from bots and other fraudulent users.

In other news, we're busy with writing, polishing and painting all the little assets that make a game vivid, but are not really interesting to show by themselves (like open/closed cupboards, used items etc.).
I promise to animate the winner pose this weekend, though ;)

See you later, stay funky!



I would be happy to pay upfront!...if I wasn't already lol


Haha, thanks <3 Good you're ...upfront about it haha... I'll see myself out...