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Heyho, you funky sexy mischief makers!
I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas time <3

People often say that the end of the year is a time of contemplation. Well, this was certainly true for us!
We came to a lot of new conclusions and learned a ton while developing the jam version of Quidget the Wonderwiener. In the last days, we sat down and thought long and hard about how we want to continue development in light of these new learnings.

So, long story short, the gist of it is as follows:
Instead of trying to design, develop and playtest every single game mechanic in one huge techdemo, we will split it up into logical chapters and develop a series of prequels.

This has tremendous advantages for us AND for you:
- Less waiting, more playing! You will be able to enjoy complete, playable content in more frequent intervals
- More room for feedback loops and more frequent improvement cycles
- You will get to know Peninja's core crew and their backstories far better
- The gameplay systems will be more robust and better tested, hopefully leading to you having an even more awesome time playing

Take a look at our attached development outline and tell us what you think!
We split up all planned game mechanics into three categories: The basic gameplay elements, the RPG mechanics and the sexy stuff ;)
Everything technical like performance, deployment, polishing etc. isn't explicitly detailed, but will most likely be improved from game to game as well.

We're looking forward to hear what you think!
Stay funky,




Can't wait for whats in-store


I like the notion of all these little chunks giving us tastes of things to come AND serving as a good way to give feedback and suggestions


Looking forward to it


Thanks, very glad you like it! ♥ What you described was exactly what we are aiming for!


Thank you, glad to hear that! ♥ It will be far easier for us to bring the fun to you by taking it step by step! (ooh, baby! :D Great, now I have that old song stuck in my head, haha)


Hm.. I guess it's understandable that you want to finish small games at first. But personally I was just looking forward to Peninja since the battle system seems to be something new and in my taste.


Sounds good as long as the chapters aren't too short, if each chapter is only a little longer than a demo, ppl will never really get into it due to the waiting times between chapters :P Uprising from Kaliyo had the perfect length for a game that contains of several chapters :)


Thanks! ♥ And yes, I feel you... Our hopes are that, using the step by step solution, we'll get to the complete Ero Battle System even faster than before. It may sound counter-intuitive, so I'll try a longer explanation ;) In what was supposed to be the Peninja Techdemo (now "Peninja - The Awakening"), we planned to have only two battles: A tutorial battle and a battle against a group of Frigime soldiers (since all the design, development and balancing had to come first anyway and that took a good chunk of time before the battles themselves could even be designed). With the new solution, we can actually expand the story more and add more battles, because all the pre-production work will already be in place. Your feedback actually gave me an idea how we could implement the Ero Battle mechanics earlier (meaning, BattleHam could already give you a taste of it)... Give me a bit of time to process it, I'll update the plan if it's really something we could do! :)


Workin in chapters seems to be a good idea for me - I'm excited how it works out!


Thanks ♥ And you're right about the length, thanks for your advice! We hope to make each chapter longer than the last one. The plan here is to spend more and more time on content and lesser and lesser on the technical side of things. And thanks, I'll keep Uprising in mind as a good example! Gotta do some research, hehe ;)