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Happy New Year all. 

I am still on break at the time that this post drops but I wanted to update you all about the plans for the next year. 


First up the YouTube Channel. It has become very clear to me that I cannot manage between 5000 to 10000 words a week, which is what the YT + Patreon weekly post amounts to when I include note taking and so forth. In order to do that I would have to scale back on the amount I play KDM, which means I'd end up having less to write about in the first place. Not ideal.

As such I'm not going to commit to releasing a video every single Wednesday anymore. I'll still upload at the same time (Wednesday 19:00 CET) but I am only going to put them out when I have the time to fit them in. Prepping/note taking, recording & editing a video tends to take up between 1 to 3 days of time.

However, you guys will now get an early release of the video if you're at the "A Pillar of the Patreon" tier or higher. Typically this will appear as soon as the video has been fully processed on YT. I've chosen this because it roughly matches the Membership tier reward for YT. For everyone else the videos will be available normally on the channel, I'm not gating any content for YT with member specific videos at this time no matter how much YT keeps trying to get me to do that.

As for the actual content itself, I am going to be completing the "& You" series first, with the Plumery coming first, followed by the Skyreef Sanctuary (Sunstalker). I still also have the Lion God, Slenderman, Lion Knight and Dung Beetle Knight Gear/Settlement locations/Innovations to go through. I'll also get around to the Green Knight, but that one needs all the component expansions to be reviewed first (Spidicules, Flower Knight, Manhunter, Lion Knight, Dung Beetle Knight, Gorm).

The other series that will appear on the channel will focus around the Showdown fights and a more limited/finite series on constructing hunt parties, survivor archetypes and similar. I'll also put out some more "Under 1 minute" reviews as and when I get the scripts finished. This is at least until the GCE arrives on the KDM Simulator, I'll have to adjust plans when that happens.

Channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/@FenBossBattlers


Here is where I'll continue my exploration of the Gambler's Chest Expansion, I am still repeatedly playing through the early to mid game content (my paints arrived so I'll be able to get to the Gambler soon) while also playing a campaign with my partner because they always get me to look at the game from a different perspective.

I'll be moving through the Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 and Other Philosophies in the coming weeks. I think the Philosophy system is really engaging and I love exploring it. Especially because during this early period I know I'll form opinions that I'll later revise and that's super interesting to me.

Also I have a few new releases from Black Friday and Christmas sales the store to look at (quick aside, if you can afford it, the Winter Solstice Lucy (here) is one of the most meaningful and useful pattern cards. It's one of my top priority White Box purchases. Others include: Ringtail Vixen (normal version, not seasonal variations), Allison the Twilight Knight, Before the Wall, Till Death Do Us Part, Holiday White Speaker Nico and the generic White Speaker. (Note some of the game content cards from these boxes come in the 1.6 Legendary Card Pack, so check that out first). 

I will also on occasion be writing about other Boss Battlers as that has always been a large part of the remit. We've got so many now and they offer such a wide range of different styles and spaces, from card based ones playable in under an hour all the way up to the epics like Oathsworn and Aeon Trespass Odyssey. The GCE and KDM remains my main focus for a lot of this year's content; especially with the promise of the Black Knight arriving (and finally banishing the Hand's showdown to the same void the King's Man lives in) alongside the Frogdog. 

The Last Standee & Potential Untitled Solo Podcast
Finally Podcasts, The Last Standee will return from the usual holiday hiatus and that's a place where I'll be talking about other games. Other games is where I find the energy to recharge for more KDM and it's also helped me learn a lot about KDM itself because of parallel systems or analogue gaming mechanics.

Recording for TLS however isn't something that always lines up well for me, so I am also tentatively looking into recording a solo podcast on YouTube (on a separate channel to the Boss Battling one) I don't know if I'll go ahead with this, but I have already started a 10x10 challenge (play 10 games 10 times each) and that's going to result in a lot of games I'll want to talk about. That's simply a "watch this space" situation and even if it does go ahead it'll be erratic with when I record them. When they do come out, they'll get the same early release deal that the Boss Battling videos are getting going ahead.

That's it, I'll catch you all this Friday (5th of January) with more reviews, critiques and gushing about all the superb elements included in the GCE!



i’m really loving your philosophies series! i’ve hardly had the chance to play the Gambler’s Chest so i’m living it vicariously through your articles 🖤


Thanks for all the great content! Hope you had an excellent holiday!