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The Gambler's Chest Expansion arrived yesterday afternoon, and it provided existential dread and horror before I even opened the box. Those of you who check the patron's discord will be already aware of this, but for everyone else, here's the photograph of the package.

It seems that my beast was from the group of packages that was assaulted during shipping and from external viewing the damaged was concerning.

All of this flap was loose, and inside I could see damage on the internal packaging box.

However, it turned out that it was just the miniature box which took the blow, which was fine as I planned to recycle that box anyway. The GCE itself was in perfect condition.

(I should have photographed the back of the mini box so you could see the damage, but I rushed to check the miniature sprues to ensure nothing was harmed and by some miracle the box had not suffered a critical wound, everything was fine. Except for Atnas who was clearly upset with me as when I took his sprue out of the miniature box he jabbed my thumb and drew blood. I can see I'm going to get along famously with that nemesis monster, what a fun introduction.

On Friday I'll be giving a "hot take" first impressions of the content and production quality (I do not hold the shipping damage against anyone so that will not be a part of the take, these things happen and there was no meaningful harm) and also laying out the plan for how I am going to write about the GCE content in the coming weeks. Before then I need to get the Croc, Smog Singers and Bone Eaters assembled, plus sleeve everything I can. Here's where I left things off last time.

Margot; Marquise De Cat and my Stunfisk supervised, as did Pamcha.

Dog Tax Photo. 

Finally here's my Crimson Crocodile who I finished assembling late last night, this is a rough low glue assembly because I am going to prime the model and when it's time to paint her I'll be pulling her back apart in a few places for sub-assembly painting (Specifically the inside of the mouth and underneath the fingers.

She's called Crunk.

Last of all; in case you missed it. I have a YouTube channel now! I post (hopefully) every Wednesday at 7pm CET. It is located at: https://www.youtube.com/@FenBossBattlers 

Those of you who have watched any of the videos and hopefully liked, commented and subscribed, thank you so much. It's been an unexpected amount of success already for such a niche video in a niche board game genre.



Love the photos of your game space! That little look into your spot creates a cool connection. Now I know what games I should be getting. 💖


Lots of setup, but it's a great box so far.