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Kickstarter Link here. 

Recently this boss battler launched; I've spent last week corresponding with the designer and ahead of my writing a piece on my thoughts about it based on that conversation, the kickstarter and playing the demo felt that at a minimum I should be highlighting it. The Kickstarter finishes on the 29th of June.

If you want to form your own opinions ahead of my writing (either this Friday or next Friday) You can check out a sample of how the exploration & boss battling portion of the game play out over here on tabletop simulator.  Briefly though I recommend that anyone who enjoys boss battlers should be considering backing for $1 so one can follow along with the updates and work out if this game is going to be the right fit for you and your gaming groups.

I'm not sponsored or involved with this project in any way, just what I've seen, read and played so far has made me interested enough to want to write about it.



Lot’s of stuff intrigue me but price is really high (even if vat is already accounted) and it seems a risky one to do. 130$, like ITO was, would be fine but we are talking 200$ at minimum. I know it’s a dog biting his own tail but with all the stuff it’s coming next year between KD:M, AT:O, KF and such, a 2025 delivery is really too much.