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So it's going to be a little while before I have another finished model to show because I've been working on this guy.

It's proving to be a heck of a task, a lot harder and longer than the previous time I painted the Dragon King (for TWIST) which was a simpler colour scheme with less depth and variation in color.

I've attached a bunch of WIPs to this so you can see various stages of the piece.  I'm rather happy with the wing texture which looks very much like raw flesh. But it needs another wash of a lighter flesh tone to mute the veins.  However, I still have to paint the other side of the wing and the left wing before I get onto doing that.

I will also then be adding some brown/red to the wingtips and top edges of the membranes, that'll take a while because I plan to build it up in small layers

The colour scheme is somewhat based on the artwork, but with a lot of liberties taken because the sketch of the DK is very light and free in design.

There will be at least one or two more posts on this one as it's going to take a couple of weeks to get it finished. Building and painting the base alone is probably a week's work.

The pictures are not small, so if you're on a phone be aware of that. :)



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