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As always this will be available to everyone from next Friday and feel free to share the image with other people as long as it is left in its original form and correctly attributed to me.

Higher definition version is attached to this post, at some point I am going to also go back and clean up some of the older posts, so expect a multiple image drop with the new, cleaner style in the future.

Other visual guides can be accessed quickly by the Visual tag at the very bottom of this post.




I may just be missing something, but the top right says excellent for PotSun and not recommended for PotStars; were you going for something there, or did you just mean it’s not recommended as a quarry? Is it even available as a quarry in Stars? Haven’t played in a while.


Yes, it's not a part of PotStars, but some people keep trying to force the DK as a quarry into Stars and the Sunstalker as a quarry into PotSun. The inverse text is on the Sunstalker visual guide for the same reason. It's both mechanically and thematically bad.