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Things get very diverse and tricky to provide guides for when we get into the late/end game and also when considering expansions. I am going to do a few visual guides to highlight special, unique, powerhouse builds that you can construct when you have mixed expansions, but for the most part I've found that making hunt party/build guides in a visual format requires more and more entries the further into the game you get. 

Nothing in the above guide is a concrete 'must have' in the way that there has been in the Early and Mid game guides. This is because by this stage you have the widest choice possible for gear cards and things can get pretty wild. 

Also, with just core game options, there are paradoxically some heavy restrictions on builds. The toughest tank level armor is Lantern Armor and that has an awkward layout (cross shape) with a need for support from a left and right facing red affinity (to cancel the movement loss from all that armor). You can rearrange things so that the build doesn't activate the body piece, which pushes you down to 8 armor points on all locations (including Beacon Shield) and that's still a good amount of armor. But it feels clunky when compared to the the elegance of Bone Club/Monster Tooth Necklace or Bone Club/Polishing Lantern combos. 

Even if you solve all of that, you still end up with a heavy armor set and you might want to avoid. Which means at that point you're probably building Phoenix Armor tanks. Which also work, but struggle with their own layout issues.

Same thing applies to just about every build you see above, they're more ideas/launching points rather than hard 'use this' builds - which is very different from the previous two visual guides. The early game in particular has a very fixed and well formed meta because it gets played more, there are less options and also there's more space for things to go wrong. The late game on the other hand is far wider and open - which is why I do not often write/create late game guides outside of build highlights.

My wrist is healed enough to allow for typing, so next week we'll get into some very crunchy topics on some board gaming theory and how they apply to Kingdom Death!




I like this builds, but I'm wondering how would I be able to damage GSK with this? The dps have the tomahawk and with 6 str it's almost imposible to hit the GSK, same with the bow user and trapper


Late game does not mean end game. I have not created a visual guide for the post Watcher portion of the game because these guides are intended to be objectively useful for any campaign that uses the core quarries & settlement locations. Oxidisation is the tool that End Game builds in Lantern will employ. Additionally, while it is not an End Game weapon you are not including the minimum +5 strength that Phoenix armor provides to the Tomahawk attacks.