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I've written about the Dung Beetle Knight in detail now, however the Visual Guide was released before. So lwe'll be moving along to covering the Gold Smoke Knight, because it's an interesting case to try and understand, especially with its switch from being a non-hostile, even helpful side character into the new big bad once the watcher dies. A real case of 'Always a Bigger Fish'.

Here are all of the Dung Beetle visual guides in this post and you can also find their original supporting articles at this tag: Dung Beetle Knight. As a reminder, you can navigate all of the articles in this patreon using that tag. The more times the tag is listed as being used, the more useful it is. I do occasionally go back through the articles and clean up the lesser used tags by replacing them with the more commonly used one, but it's an exceptionally time intensive and laborious task, so I just do it here and there where possible. It exists because they're from a time where this patreon wasn't my main job, it was just a hobby that brought a little extra money in on the side. So back then I wasn't paying attention to a proper index or contents system. Eventually the Tags should be tided up completely to a bunch of clear categories, as we widen out to include other boss battling games, there will likely be more turning up, but at the moment I try to avoid creating new tags if I can use old ones.

Onto the various guides.

The Overall Visual Guide

The Calcification Cycle

The Calcification Tier Process

I'm going to give you the updated Early Game Guide a bit later today as that one is no longer valid and I'll do a second version that includes the three early game expansions (Flower Knight, Gorm, Spidicules). That may come out next week, it depends how much extra work it represents over the first one. I'll let you know when the updated Early Game Guide post comes out later today.

As always, full, large versions of the images are available in the attachments, you can see all visual guides by clicking the "Visual" tag at the bottom of this post and visual guides can always be shared with anyone, I don't lock them behind a paywall (same deal with all completed custom monsters).



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