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Hello everyone!

I hope everyone has had a good, productive June and is looking forward to at least a couple of well deserved weeks on holiday some time in the next two months.

For June's reviews we looked at Wild Assent here on the patreon. A game I recommend without hesitation, the first edition had a few rough points, but the game has been on the table more than Kingdom Death: Monster has managed over this year so far. It's that enjoyable, I absolutely love picking a new set of four seekers and trying out new combos over a hunt season. It is in that perfect spot between Townsfolk Tussle and the heavier CABB games which makes it in my opinion close to a must have.

The second edition is now live on Kickstarter and we are still in the 72 hour period for getting an extra miniature/monster for free. If you are at all interested, you absolutely should get a pledge slotted in so you can have this wonderful beauty at no extra cost if you do decide to confirm that pledge.

In respect to the other reviews, they are posted on BoardGameGeek - because I am not yet sure if you as a community want them cross posted here or not.

On Friday we are going to deep drill into the gear of the Dung Beetle Knight, and the following week we will deep dive into the showdown itself. You voted for that stinky bug, so you're getting it!


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