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Next Deep Dive Monster

  • Flower Knight 16
  • Dragon King 26
  • Sunstalker 21
  • Dung Beetle Knight 62
  • 2021-06-14
  • 125 votes
{'title': 'Next Deep Dive Monster', 'choices': [{'text': 'Flower Knight', 'votes': 16}, {'text': 'Dragon King', 'votes': 26}, {'text': 'Sunstalker', 'votes': 21}, {'text': 'Dung Beetle Knight', 'votes': 62}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 6, 14, 7, 13, 23, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 125}


So, at the end of this week I'm going to catch a load more of the endeavors I have not covered as to date in the Endeavoring for Success series - this will give me time to prepare my notes ready for the next deep dive into a monster + visual guide of said monster.

I'm going to leave it to you guys to decide which one of the following I'll focus on next! You have four options and there is plenty more to come after this.

To see all visual guides released so far, click on the tag at the bottom of this post.

I will also be releasing a review of Wild Assent this week, it has turned out to be a really fun CABB (Complex AI Boss Battler) and with the second edition kickstarter landing within 16 days, I wanted to ensure you guys have all the information to make your decision on if you should back or not. I consider it an absolute diamond in the rough.

You should follow the gamefound launch page without hesitation right now though; when the game launches if you back you'll get an extra mini at no cost as long as you are already following. So go do that, the link is here.

I am also working on a review of Space Kraken, but I am not sure if I can have it out in time before the end of the Kickstarter. I can give it my recommendation, especially because you can back for electronic copies only which are a REALLY good price, it's innovative

Here is the Space Kraken Kickstarter.

Here are some reviews from others so you can have an informed decision.

It is one of the most innovative "dungeon crawl" games I have seen in a long time and the system behind it is incredible. Also Space Krakens.



I have only fought the DBK twice and I would love to see an optimization of it like only you can do fen! However it doesn't matter the monster, these deep dives which breakdown established and highly likely lore, hunt, showdown and the special mechanics of their experience are my favorites of your articles.